2024 CAP Grant Awards announced.
$575,000 distributed!
We are thrilled to announce that $575,000 has been distributed in 2024 through CAP's five grant programs!

88 awards will fund over 800 artists whose projects reach into all Tompkins County communities and reach thousands of community members.

"The arts are essential to our wellbeing - as individuals and as a community.  We are thrilled to be able to channel these resources to support and uplift the many cultural offerings in our communities."
Megan Barber, CAP Executive Director
Above Images: top l to r: Isaac Sharp, Guitar Upstate rural concerts; Nicole Costa,CAP ArtSpace exhibit; GIAC Jumpers; yen ospina Women's Opportunity Center mural.Bottom row l to r: Dryden Intergenerational Band and Chorus; Lifelong's Senior Theatre Troupe; Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers; student at Ann Reichlin's Caroline Elementary School residency.
March Featured Grantee
Brooktondale Community Center
(written by I.C. Intern, Michael Sayre)
Brooktondale Community Center received our GAP grant for a year of music, dance and arts for the Brooktondale community.

In 1954, a local youth group known as the Skip and Joe Club originated within the Brooktondale community. But it wouldn’t be until 1964 that the club would find permanent residence in a community-funded building, which came to be called the Brooktondale Community Center (BCC). Now, with a focus on children, families, art, and the Brooktondale community at large, the BCC holds numerous events in loving support of its hamlet namesake.
Save the Dates!
Spring Writes Literary Festival

May 2-5 Live in Downtown Ithaca
May 11-18 Zoom
June - August Workshops

A brand new Spring Writes Literary Festival website is in the works!

40 events, over 100 writers!

We'll send an eblast as soon as the new SpringWrites.org goes live, (hopefully by April 1st)

Reading, Panels, Workshops, Performances and Nightly Happenings!

Thursday evening, May 2 - Sunday afternoon, May 5:
Twenty three (!) live literary themed events in multiple downtown Ithaca locations.
May 11 to 18: Ten evening Zoom events
June to August: Nine live & one Zoom literary workshops.

CAP ArtSpace
Location, Hours & All 2024 Exhibits

Up through March 30 

Lauren Reid."Shifting Perspectives: A Palette of Transformation"

See the exhibit online in 3D!

"Exploring who I am as I take on new journeys and appreciating every bit of growth. Shifting Perspectives: A Palette of Transformation is more than a new path; it's a celebration of the beauty found within moving forward."
April Exhibit

Greater Ithaca Activities Center
Youth Exhibit 

Gallery Night: Friday, April 5
5:00 - 8:00pm

A wonderful showcase of art created by the Greater Ithaca Activity Center’s after school youth program participants. Paint, colored pencils, paint markers, graphite pencils, spray paint watercolor, collage and more!

Save the Date.
Visit Artists on April 13
on the Greater Ithaca Art
On Saturday, April 13, from 12pm to 5pm, a bunch of artists are open to visitors.

The list of who is open will be on our Greater Ithaca Art Trail website by April 1st.

Gather your friends and family, hit the road, and seek out great artists. You'll gave wonderful conversations. see some amazing art and maybe find something you'd love to purchase!

Apply to Join the Art Trail!
Would you like to be on the Greater Ithaca Art Trail. The next season starts in July and applications are due in April.

Note: Artist member requirements have changed in recent years (so if you think you don't qualify, keep reading)!

Now in its 26th season, the Art Trail is a consolidated marketing and publicity program valued at $24,000 annually. About 50 artists a year take advantage of this opportunity. Artist participation can take many forms. You don't need to be a visual artist (although most are), you don't need your own space, and you don't have to open to visitors. The fee is sliding scale!

(Renewals for 2023 artists are due April 2)

Information & Guidelines are at arttrail.com/join-the-trail

Questions anytime! programs@artspartner.org

(Name of artists for above images clockwise from top left: Ethel Vrana, Torie Tiffany, yen ospina, Barbara Behrmann, Graham Ottoson, Raven Barn Studio, (the pot above is Kari Zelson Robertson), Lauren Reid, and Barbara Mink.

Our Artist Networking
Party was fun!
Over 60 artists and creatives had fun at our March 14th networking event at the Greater Ithaca Activities Center.

This is a new CAP program that we'll hold at least 3 times a year! Connections were made, people were met, fun was had, cake was enjoyed.

(From left: happy Zoe Van Nostrand, Caleb Thomas, and Indi McCasey)
Our ArtsLetter Sponsor
Visions Cares.
Need support for your community project or nonprofit? Through Visions Cares, it’s easy to apply online for grants, sponsorships, volunteers, and more. For details, email
VisionsCares@visionsfcu.org or submit your request on our Cares page.

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Arts Opportunities &
Nonprofit Events Calendar
Great Sources for Local Events Listings:

Buffalo Street Books  
Check out their event calendar buffalostreetbooks.com/event  

Canaan Institute
Traditional Music / Outdoor Activities. canaaninstitute.org

Cayuga Chamber Orchestra
Brahms and Glière, April 21, 3:00pm ccoithaca.org

Cayuga Vocal Ensemblec
Pax Mundi. Sunday, April 21 at St. Lukes Lutheran aotnd April 28 at St. Catherine of Siena Church. cayuga-vocal.org

Cherry Arts
"Carbon," April 4 to 14, thecherry.org/carbon

Cherry Arts
"Hindrance and Flow," works by Arthur Bucknor, through May 12. thecherry.org/hindrance-flow

See what's playing at cinemapolis.org

Circus Culture
Camp registration is open

Civic Ensemble
Community based theatre project at Ulysses Library starting April 13th.

Community School of Music and Arts
Explore their programs. Check out their latest exhibit. They also rent rehearsal and event space! csma-ithaca.org

Cornell Concert Series
See their concerts at cornellconcertseries.com

Corners Gallery  
Vestige, Tim Merrick & Ann Reichlin through tMay 3

Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers
Watch recording of past concerts and consider joining!

Gallery Nights!
First Friday of every month in downtown Ithaca

Gallery at South Hill  
Alice Muhlback and Chris Charles, Migratory" to April 7.

Greater Ithaca Activities Center
Do you know about their youth, teen, and senior programs?
Check out their 29 days of Black History Month at https://www.facebook.com/IthacaGIAC

Hangar Theatre
Check out their upcoming events! hangartheatre.org

History Center in Tompkins County
A Sporting Chance: On and Off the Field. thehistorycenter.net

Ink Shop Printmaking Center
Exhibits and workshops! Ink-Shop.org

Ithaca Community Choruses
Up Next: May 4, 2024, 7:30pm, St. Pauls United Methodist Church

Ithaca Community Orchestra
Spring Concert, May 11th, Ford Hall.

Johnson Museum   
Free and open to all. museum.cornell.edu 

Kitchen Theatre
The Turnaway Play by Lesley Lisa Greene, May 8 - May 19
Learn more about their Kitchen Sink events and March 30th Spring Gala!

Lilypad Puppet Theatre @ The Cherry
All sorts of fun stuff happening at LilyPad Puppets! plus a puppet series at the Cherry
Arts at 10:30am every month on the first Saturday! lilypadpuppettheatre.org

Mix Art Gallery
Eye See You, through March 30

Opera Ithaca
The Turn of the Screw, April 19 & 21 operaithaca.org

Opus School of Music
Summer Camp Registration! OpusIthaca.org

Running To Places Theatre
Join their mailing list so you always know what's next.

Southside Community Center
Check out their social media on facebook and follow them on instagram

State of the Art Gallery  
Reality is Negotiable, Ileen Kaplan and David Watkins, April 4–28
Check out their Look Club every 2nd Sunday, 2 to 3pm. soagithaca.org

State Theatre
Upcoming shows at stateofithaca.org/events

Story House Ithaca
All sorts of events! Check out the list of upcoming events: book club, story nights, mending circle, listening room and more! storyhouseithaca.org/events
Tompkins County Public Library  
There are always great events at the library! tcpl.org
Trumansburg Conservatory   
Always a variety of events. tburgconservatory.org

Donate to CAP
Support the arts in our communities!
Learn more and donate now at Website: ArtsPartner.org

Facebook: /ArtsPartner