Tuesday 24th 2018
Volume 13                                                                     A monthly newsletter for members by members

Meet the Directors: Chairman Julian Wilkins

J. Wilkins - Chairman, CANTO
Chairman Wilkins shares insights on CANTO...
1. What is your personal vision/goal for CANTO?
My personal goal is to represent all Network Operators in the region, be it large or small and embrace all ICT stakeholders in the region. I want to advocate on key issues on behalf of our members and try to create an environment that encourages investment and innovation. Without a doubt, in the Caribbean the opportunities lie with having better regulatory environments that can trigger additional investment and innovation by network operators.

2. What do you like about the CANTO organisation?
CANTO is a unique organisation. The membership camaraderie is something I really enjoy. Working with the CANTO Secretariat over the years has been most rewarding. The Secretariat headed by Secretary General, Teresa Wankin has a wonderful team that makes my role as Chairman an enjoyable one. CANTO's annual conference is unique in attacking all types of ICT stakeholders that come and work together. It's an honour to be part of a regional organisation that shares common goals and is trying to improve the lives of our Caribbean citizens.

3. Why did you become involved in the organization on the board level?
Being elected to the CANTO Board was an honour and an opportunity to serve and make a difference. It is not that easy becoming a Board member. Sometimes it can take years to join the Board. The advice I would give potential Board members is to serve and work hard on a number of working committees of the Board. It's the working committees that is really the driving force behind the CANTO organisation.

4. What would you tell a company/organization who is thinking of joining CANTO?
Come along to our Annual Conference and Exhibition 22-25 July in Panama and meet all the key players in the industry; see why this conference is the premier ICT event in the Caribbean. Potential new members would meet ICT Ministers, Government Officials, Network Operators, Regulators, consultants and professionals in civic society. Attending the conference gives you the opportunity to be involved in a number of the working committees such as new technologies; regulatory; Corporate Social Responsibility; Marketing and Disaster Risk Management. Look forward to seeing you in Panama!

CANTO Gifted With TSTT|Bmobile Mobile Phones 

C. Magloire - Business Development Officer poses with S8 device.

Port of Spain, March 9, 2018: CANTO received three(3) Samsung Galaxy S8 units which were supplied to CANTO's Senior Management for their daily functions and business operations. CANTO wishes to thank TSTT| Bmobile for their usual support in providing and upgrading mobile handsets to the organisation. CANTO continues to strengthen their relationship with  TSTT|Bmobile as a member and partner.


Netherland Telecom Consulting & Support visits CANTO

From Left to Right:  M. Van Dam, T. Wankin and C. Ramlal

Port-of-Spain, 21st March, 2018; Managing Director of Netherland Telecom Consulting and Support (NTCS), Mr. Marcel van Dam paid a courtesy visit to CANTO. 
Mr. Van Dam's visit was to primarily touch base with CANTO, discussing the upcoming 34th Annual  Conference and Trade Exhibition in Panama, CANTO membership and the way forward as a partner.


Join us at CANTO 2018 for GSMA'S Forum - Leveraging Mobile to Achieve SDG Targets: July 25th - 26th, 2018
Course Overview 
Between now and 2030, the mobile industry will bring billions of people and things online, helping to enrich the lives of citizens around the world and deliver on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. The SDGs serve as the world's to-do list to end poverty, reduce inequalities and tackle climate change. This forum offers practical advice and case studies to help governments understand how they can harness the power of mobile in their efforts to achieve national sustainable development targets.
UKTA Accredited. 
For more details on the GSMA Forum - Leveraging Mobile to Achieve SDG Targets Capacity Building Forum, please visit our website:  CLICK HERE...

One on One With CANTO Committee Chairs:
Featuring, Mr. Joseph Samuel - Committee Chair; Marketing & Communications.

J. Samuel - APUA

Mr. Samuel works at Antigua Public Utilities Authority
(APUA) as a Business Development Co-ordinator and is CANTO's Marketing and Communications Committee Chair. This month CANTO is pleased to highlight Mr. Samuel and share his insight on being a part of this dynamic organisation.

1.   What do you like about the CANTO organisation?
CANTO is an awesome organization. It is an excellent facilitator of collaboration between global and regional telecommunications industry operators, regulators, suppliers, and other support organizations. Its members partner to holistically tackle the challenges of making ICT cost effective, efficient, and ubiquitous throughout the Caribbean and Latin America Region. 
2. What is your personal vision/goal for the Marketing and Communications Working Committee CANTO?
As Chairman of the CANTO MCWC we endeavour to champion the cause of the organization to its members and affiliates. It is our hope that the CANTO membership will develop renewed fervour and support for the organization as the MCWC seeks to deliver customer value where and when it's needed.  
3. Why did you become involved in the organization on the Committee level?
I became involved in the CANTO MCWC because I viewed it as an ideal platform for my organization, the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA), to offer assistance and support to the regional discussion on how to promote the benefits of ICT to the people of the Caribbean and Latin America.  
4. What would you tell a member about joining the Marketing and Communications Working Committee?
There is always room for persons who are willing to volunteer their effort and time to making CANTO a more valuable resource to its members and affiliates. The MCWC will give each member/participant an opportunity to utilize their creative expressions to advance the plans and programs of CANTO. 
5. Highlight any major projects the Marketing and Communications committee is currently working on?
There are a few but I will highlight the 2018 CANTO Innovations Awards. This biennial awards initiative will be introduced during the CANTO 34th Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition in July. The initiative seeks to honor the highest achievements of CANTO member organizations that are blazing a trail within the mobile sector through innovations in the ICT industry.


Coming Soon: CANTO'S Collaboration Platform

CANTO's Working Committee Blog/Collaboration Platform will be fully accessible in a few short weeks.  Members of each committee will have the ability to upload and access documents, view committee minutes and share ideas in real time. CANTO and the Technology Trends Committee have established this platform to benefit the seven (7) CANTO Working Committees.  
Be sure to enroll on CANTO.ORG to start experiencing the benefits. For questions or guidance email Tricia Marcellin

TATT and CANTO's CSR Working Committee Prepare for 
'Girls in ICT' 2018  

TATT with CANTO Team: From Left to Right; T. Wankin, S.  Mc Millan, L. Charles and  L. Dieffenthaller

Port of Spain, April 16, 2018:
Ms. Sherry Mc Millan, Chief Executive Officer Ag, TATT met with team CANTO to discuss the upcoming Girls in ICT Day. TATT in collaboration with CANTO's CSR Working Committee, will host a two day workshop in Trinidad entitled - 'When I Grow Up'.  The event is geared to introduce form three students to ICT career opportunities and involve them in hands-on ICT animation workshops. The event which is sponsored by TATT, CANTO, Flow Niherst, UTT and TSTT, will take place on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th April, 2018 at TATT's office in Barataria, Trinidad.



CANTO's Chairman Julian Wilkins, Shares Thoughts on Net Neutrality With the St. Lucia Star

 J. Wilkins - Chairman, CANTO
Originally from Antigua, Wilkins was educated in the United Kingdom, receiving a telecommunications City & Guilds qualification and an MBA from Henley Business School. 
He began his career with British Telecom but returned home to Antigua in 1994 to take on the role of Operations Engineer at the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA).

It was during his time at the APUA that Wilkins oversaw an important milestone. In 2000, while at the helm of APUA's mobile telecommunications company, Wilkins successfully launched the first GSM mobile network in the English-speaking Caribbean. It was a proud moment. "That is one of the stand-out moments of my career. It has really stayed with me, it was a lot of fun." 
CANTO Attends IET Conference 2018
C. Ramlal

Port of Spain, April 18, 2018:
Ms. Carmen Ramlal attended CARIRI's IET Conference at the Hyatt Regency, Trinidad. This one day seminar focused on Innovation with emerging technology in highlighting revolution through a range of new technologies, which combined the physical, digital and biological worlds, 
and impact all disciplines, economies and industries. Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI), a leading regional institution, chose to bring this important conversation to the forefront via their 4th Industrial Revolution.

CANTO 2018 Innovation Awards - Entries close May 15th, 2018

You don't want to miss this. 
For more details on the CANTO Innovation award, please visit our website: 

CANTO Weekly Newsletter - BNamericas

Thursday, April 19, 2018
  • ICT tender watch: Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago 
  • Cuba reaches 5mn cellphone users - Cuba
  • Eclac in Colombia to discuss LatAm's digital future - Regional
  • Brief: Tigo Costa Rica launches One TV OTT, cable hybrid - Costa Rica
  • International ops the highlight for Netflix in Q1 - Regional
J. Rodrigues at ARIN-CTU public policy forum 
CANTO Attends CaribNOG15
Jimmy Rodrigues, Finance Manager of CANTO attended CaribNOG 15 at the Hilton, Downtown Miami.  This was a three day seminar which focused on the Caribbean and network resiliency, rethinking network infrastructure and building autonomous networks. Other organisations present were  ARIN; LACNIC; APNIC, APUA, ISOC just to name a few.

CANTO invites you to contribute article(s) for publication in our 2nd quarter Cancion magazine - 2018.  The Cancion magazine, a quarterly technical journal enjoys an excellent audience in the ICT/Telecoms and Energy sectors. Deadline date for submission of articles is MAY 10th, 2018. For more info, find out here:

CANTO's Family Fun Day

Port-of-Spain, Friday 13th April, 2018:
CANTO not only represents Teamwork, but we also  represent Family.  On Friday 13th April, 2018, CANTO organised a day with the kids of CANTO at the Secretariat.  The day was spent with educational and fun filled activities which helped prepare and  re-energized the children for the reopening of the new school term.  A great time was had by all.


                Highlights from CANTO 2017



       May 17th, 2018

July 22nd -25th , 2018

July 24th , 2018

July 24th, 2018

G SMA Forum - Leveraging Mobile to Achieve SDG Targets 
July 25-26th, 2018

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CANTO | 67 Picton St., POS , Trinidad & Tobago |canto@canto.org | www.canto.org