It starts on Monday with an interactive Opening Ceremonies that lead into a day of leadership activities. We are launching Workshop Day to give you variety and flexibility in the programs that you choose to attend. We have also added a Job Fair with the intention of recruiting and professionally developing the next generation of code officials. These are just a few tweaks that are intended to address the needs of the membership. Registration for the ABM is now open and available -
click here. The overnight rate at the San Diego hotel is $139, so you really can't afford not to bring your entire team to what promises to be a great ABM.
As we look into the new year, it is time to encourage new members to join CALBO's policy committees. This year, the application for committee membership is online. I've already heard from one committee member that the reapplication process is the easiest that he has ever witnessed! All current committee members have received a reminder email from CALBO explaining the two-year committee member terms and explaining whether or not it is necessary to reapply. Should you have any questions on this process, feel free to reach out to CALBO staff at 916-457-1103. Please note, the committee application deadline is March 1, 2016.
The CALBO Board has also set new and scalable criteria for CALBO awards. Please consider submitting an application for a CALBO award, either for a peer, your jurisdiction or a worthy neighbor. All details on the CALBO awards are available within the CALBO ABM registration packet. Please note, the awards application deadline in February 1, 2016.
I want to thank our devoted membership for the hard work you put into your professional organization this past year. Our committees have never been stronger or more active. As a state, we came together to host the ICC Annual Conference in Long Beach. Our CALBO events are setting record-breaking attendance. We are focusing on preparing you for the new code adoptions next year. And overall, our industry is nearly recovered from the decimating recession, and we're stronger for it. Looking forward to working with you, the member, on a prosperous year ahead.
Best regards,
Raj Patel, P.E.
CALBO President
City of Beverly Hills
CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting - Information and Registration Now Available!
Get ready for CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting! We hope you will join us in San Diego at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina from Monday, March 14, 2016 - Thursday, March 17, 2016 for an unforgettable conference.
The ABM schedule has completely changed to meet the needs and professional development of our members offering an array of programs, events and trainings.
Please make sure to review the schedule in the ABM registration packet for more information
on the new Leadership Series, new Workshop Sessions, CALBO's first Job Fair, and the many courses offered.
A four-day
Companion Program and
Golf Tournament are also included in this year's schedule! Don't miss these exciting opportunities.
Special thanks to the ICC San Diego Area Chapter for their willingness to host this wonderful event. We'll see you in sunny San Diego for this annual tradition that allows the CALBO community to meet and discuss the present and future of our organization!
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or email info@calbo.org.

CALBO Policy Committee Application - Now Available!
Each year, CALBO appointments dedicated and talented members to serve on its eleven CALBO policy committees. The work of the CALBO policy committees is the lifeblood of our organization allowing members to engage with one another and other stakeholders to strengthen our association's work. All CALBO policy committee appointments are a two-year term.
Application Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Access Committee
Building and Fire Advisory Committee
California Building Officials Training Institute
Emergency Preparedness Committee
Energy Commission Advisory Committee
Green Building Committee
Legislative Committee
Outreach and Communications Committee
State Code Committee
State Licensing Board Committee
Structural Safety Committee
Apply using our NEW, EASY
online CALBO policy committee application!
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or email info@calbo.org.

CALBO Awards Application - Apply Now!
The CALBO Awards application is now available! Please consider submitting an application, either for a peer, your jurisdiction or a worthy neighbor.
The CALBO Board has set new and scalable criteria for the six CALBO awards given at the CALBO Annual Business Meeting. All updated award descriptions and criteria are included on the application.
Application Deadline: Monday, February 1, 2016
Building Official
of the Year
Building Department
of the Year
Fire Official of the Year
Industry Achievement Award
Course Development Merit Award
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or email info@calbo.org.

CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting: Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities - Register Now!
Take advantage of the upcoming sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at the CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting.
The ABM Exhibitor Program will take place from March 15-17, 2015!
- Showcase innovative products and services with building department leaders and personnel.
- One-on-one time with attendees during the Annual Business Meeting "strolling" lunch on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 in the exhibit hall.
- NEW! Recruit prospective employees at CALBO's first annual Job Fair on Thursday, March 17, 2016.
- Receive a list of ABM registrants and their contact information following the conference.
- Recognition in the Annual Business Meeting Program and conference signage.
- Publicity in CALBO News following the Annual Business Meeting.
Contact Lauren Herman at lherman@calbo.org or 916-457-1103.

2016-2017 Building Officials Leadership Academy - Register Now!
The California Building Officials' leadership program, Building Officials Leadership Academy (BOLA), is designed to maximize the leadership capabilities of seasoned public safety professionals, in addition to those who seek a future within California's building departments.
hope you will consider joining the BOLA Class of 2016-2017!
Registration is limited to 14 students per year. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
BOLA program highlights include:
- Executive level coursework and leadership development during the BOLA Core Curriculum Week at the CALBO office in Sacramento, California.
- Specialized leadership courses designed for and only available within the BOLA program.
- Collaborative opportunities with fellow building department staff and industry leaders.
- Mentorship from CTI commissioners and past BOLA graduates.
- Participation in CALBO's Leadership and Advocacy Day at the State Capitol.
- Network opportunities among peers and leaders that continue to grow each year.
- Recognition at the BOLA Graduation Ceremony and Lunch held at each CALBO Annual Business Meeting.
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or email info@calbo.org.

CALBO Legislative Update Recapping the Year, and Preparing for the Next!
The California State Legislature wrapped up the first year of the current biennial session in October. Altogether, 2,772 bills were introduced, 1,010 bills were chaptered into law and 1,621 will remain active in 2016. CALBO's Director of Public Affairs and Legislative Committee together tracked over 50 bills, and CALBO took positions on several important pieces of legislation.
One bill of particular interest was
AB 1236, authored by Assemblymember David Chiu of San Francisco. This bill, which CALBO opposed, amended the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Open Access Act by requiring a city, county or city and county to approve an application for installation of electric vehicle charging stations through the issuance of specified permits unless the proposed installation would have an adverse impact upon the public health or safety. Additionally, the bill calls for the process to be streamlined and expedited.
While CALBO supports Governor Brown's
Executive Order, calling for California to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% over the next 15 years, this particular piece of legislation places an undue burden on local jurisdictions and removes local control by requiring an expedited and streamlined electric vehicle charging stations permitting process.
CALBO worked closely with the author's office, presenting strong opposition and did so with California Building Industry Association (CBIA), California Business Properties Association (CBPA) and the League of California Cities at our side. Ultimately the bill was amended to phase in the process and to give local jurisdictions the authority to prioritize expedited permits. The ability for jurisdictions to prioritize expedited permits is especially important since
AB 2188 of 2014 placed photovoltaic permits at the front of the line.
CALBO is ready to start the new year and see what opportunities and challenges the Legislature will bring our way. We will hit the ground running on January 4 and are pleased to inform our members that our new Director of Public Affairs, Nicole Virga Bautista, will lead the charge working closely with the CALBO Legislative committee to track and take positions on bills with a laser focus on collaboration with like-minded organizations as the mechanism to proactive change.
Save-the-date: Mark your calendars! CALBO's 2016 Leadership and Advocacy Day will be held on Wednesday, April 20 in Sacramento. More details to follow.
New CALBO Access Committee Resource!
Your CALBO Access Committee is hard at work once again! Now available is a new resource drafted by the committee -
Toilet Paper Dispenser Location.

Find more Access tools and resources on the CALBO Accessibility Resources webpage -
click here. The Access Committee is looking forward to publishing it's upcoming newsletter as well - keep a look out!
If you have any questions for your CALBO Access Committee, please contact the committee Chair - Gary Layman, Building Official, City of Oroville at

NEW CALBO Structural Safety Committee Resource!
The CALBO Structural Safety Committee has continuously worked throughout the year to develop procedures for barricading damaged buildings in post-earthquake activity.

This newly developed resource, entitled "Guidance for Barricading Damaged Buildings" with practical diagrams and a ten-point checklist, is the result of their efforts.
It was developed through the leadership of Vice Chair Fred Turner, California Seismic Safety Commission, and the collaboration of the Structural Safety Committee.
The committee was fortunate to have it presented on December 10, 2015 at ATC and SEI's 2nd Conference on Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures in San Francisco.
If you have any questions for your CALBO Structural Safety Committee, please contact committee Chair - David Khorram, Building Official and
Superintendent of Building & Safety, City of Long Beach at

NEW CALBO Resource - MWELO Tool Kit!
CALBO is pleased to announce the release of its MWELO Tool Kit created by the CALBO Green Building Committee. The tool kit is designed to be used by building

departments and other local entities implementing the revised Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) recently updated by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). With certain exceptions for regional ordinances the MWELO became effective at the local level on December 1, 2015.
The tool kit was designed to allow for flexibility to fit your departmental needs. It contains forms and other information which can be used as handouts as well as compliance documentation. It also contains a reporting form which may be used to satisfy the reporting requirements now contained in the MWELO. Please see the Tool Kit Introduction and Tool Kit Index to determine which forms may be useful in your jurisdiction.
Visit CALBO's homepage under "
Latest News" to access the Tool Kit.
If you have any questions about the CALBO MWELO Tool Kit, please contact Doug Hensel, Building Official and
Deputy Director, County of San Joaquin at


2015 CALBO Education Week: North and South We hope to see you next year!
The CALBO Training Institute Education Weeks were a great success this year with nearly 1,200 students attending in San Ramon and over 1,300 students attending in Ontario.
CTI is busy preparing for another great year of training. The 2016 Education Weeks will offer many new courses and updated training on the new code cycle, including topics on solar inspection, California building and residential code, permit streamlining and greywater. Technical courses will be highlighted this upcoming year. We look forward to another great year of professional and personal development for the California building community!
The CALBO Training Institute Education Week: North will take place in San Ramon, California next year from
Monday, September 12, 2016 - Thursday, September 15, 2016. Registration available in spring 201
The CALBO Training Institute Education Week: South will take place in Ontario, California from
Monday, October 24, 2016 - Thursday, October 27, 2016. Registration available in spring 2016.
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or info@calbo.org.
Thank you to Exhibitors and Sponsors 2015 CALBO Education Week: North and South
Thank you to the following companies, agencies and organizations for their participation in the 2015 CALBO Education Week: North and South
Exhibitor and Sponsorship Program!
AIREX Manufacturing
Bureau Veritas North America
California Code Check
California Energy Commission
Center for Sustainable Energy
CSA Group
CSG Consultants
Energy Ace Code
Hoover Treated Wood Products
Interwest Consulting Group
JAS Pacific
MiTek Builder Products
Quick Mount PV
Simpson Strong-Tie
Smoke Guard California
TRB+ Associates
West Coast Code Consultants
Summit IMEX Shums Coda HR Green Associates
Questions? Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications and Training, at 916-457-1103 or

International Code Council Preferred Provider Program -
All CALBO Courses Approved!
The California Building Officials is an approved education provider within the International Code Council Preferred Provider Program (ICC PPP). If you are preparing to submit certification requests through ICC, all CALBO courses have been approved and assigned an ICC course number.
Click below for a complete list of 2014-2015 CALBO courses detailing the necessary information you will need for your certification submissions.
For specific questions, contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Training, at 916-457-1103 or lherman@calbo.org.
CALBO Publications - Now Available!
California State Laws Enforced by Building Departments and
California Historical Building Code Commentary
CALBO has two publications available for purchase -
California State Laws Enforced by Building Departments and
California Historical Building Code Commentary. These are excellent resources for your department. Don't miss out!
Thank you to the publications' authors and contributors:
- Dan Chudy, Ph.D., CBO, CASp, LEED AP
- The CALBO State Code Committee
- Doug Hensel, County of San Joaquin
- Gene Paolini, City of Roseville
Questions about CALBO Publications? Contact Us!
916-457-1103 or info@calbo.org
