The CALBO Board of Directors and the CALBO Legislative Committee have been extremely hard at work in monitoring this bill through its development in the State Legislature. As you are well aware, this bill will require every building inspector who verifies Accessibility compliance to be certified as a Certified Access Specialist (CASp). Offhand, I am not aware of any jurisdiction in our State that currently complies with this bill's proposed language.
Since the introduction of this AB 2873, CALBO has been working with Assemblymember Thurmond (D-Oakland) and asserting the overwhelming affect that this bill would have on every jurisdiction in the State. We have strongly presented all views that likely share in common reflection with your thoughts, including: the impracticality and infeasibility of the bill's language, the limitation of building department resources, the responsible parties for Accessibility design and construction, the cost of the exam, the limited offering of the exam, the extreme low-passing rate of the exam and all the factors that challenge implementation of the bill's requirements.
Like CALBO, the Assemblymember is concerned with greater compliance for persons-with-disabilities and would like to see unwavering equality in building accessibility. Like CALBO, the Assemblymember is interested in a law that is practical in implementation and wide reaching in effect. However, we are aware of the bill's challenges.
Like yourselves, I contend that California building departments have been contributing to the efforts of Accessibility since the inception of Federal and State Accessibility standards by our enforcement of Chapter 11 and associated Titles and statutes. In its development, AB 2873 has gone through several iterations and with CALBO's input, the bill's effective date was revised from an initial implementation date of January 1, 2017 to now 2020. However, the CALBO Board and the CALBO Legislative Committee do not feel that this five-year postponement is acceptable. The Legislative Committee continues to work with the author of the bill, the State Division of the State Architect, and Accessibility advocacy groups.
CALBO's position of Opposed Unless Amended on AB 2873 remains very strong and our Legislative Committee is looking into further strategies as the bill makes it way through both Houses of the Legislature. As a bill that will have decisive and resounding affect on all of California's building departments, I assure you that CALBO will do all that it can in attempting to have this bill be the most palatable for our operations. For the most recent updates of this bill, stay tuned with CALBO's Capitol Update publication with updates of major iterations regarding this bill and others that CALBO is watching.
And I hardly have to remind you of another summer task that that you are likely placing efforts into now and that is the triennial adoption of the 2016 California Building Codes. One of our State's leading experts, and I contend, one of the Nation's leading expert on the code adoption and administrative process, ICC Board Director Stuart Tom, has created a webinar on the code adoption process. Look for the link of this ICC-produced webinar on our CALBO homepage. Whether it is your first time adopting a code before your City Council or County Board of Supervisors, or even if you are a veteran of the code adoption process, this webinar has valuable information to assist in the process.
Of course code adoption means training in the new codes - both the model code changes and California State amendments. CALBO's 2016-17 Training Catalogue is now available with offerings of our latest classes, all updated to the 2016 California Codes and ready for our Education Weeks in the Fall so that staff is ready before the effective date of the codes on January 1, 2017. You may register now for any of the three Education Weeks.
As professionals in the design-construction enforcement effort, we all aim for the most progressive, highest standard of care in building codes. And this includes the most progressive of the codes, the code with the greatest number of changes and that is, the California Energy Code. Although it may seem that we just adopted the current 2013 Energy Efficiency Standards, the new 2016 Standards are just around the corner. Where we are all for progressive and sustainable building methods, we also know the importance of practical enforceable energy standards. However, each building and code official has commented on the challenge of enforcing the Energy Standards and the CALBO Energy Commission Advisory Committee initiated a concerned but open outreach to the California Energy Commission (CEC).
City of Davis Building Official Greg Mahoney collected concerns of CALBO members and authored a letter to Commissioner-Dr. Andrew McAllister citing our awareness of energy conservation in the built-environment but also emphasizing our difficulties in enforcement of the Energy Standards. The letter resulted in a response from Commissioner McAllister himself which led to the formation of a CALBO-CEC collaborative group to express concerns and work towards practical methods of enforcing progressive yet realistic energy requirements. A big shout-out to Greg Mahoney and the CALBO Energy Advisory Committee for taking on a difficult and critical subject. Stay tuned for news on the development of this collaborative group.
As another collaborative, the California-ICC collaborative was never stronger since the consolidation of the model code groups. Of course this has much to do with last years ICC ABM in Long Beach California, the work that CALBO and local Chapters put forth, and our two ICC Board Directors Stuart Tom and Jay Elbettar representing our State and region. I and the CALBO Board feel that at the Long Beach ABM, California asserted great presence among the nation in demonstrating the potential of member participation, member strength, member voting, and a united member voice. I strongly submit a call-out that we do not lose this momentum and encourage all of you to ensure that you are registered with ICC for candidate and code proposal voting. As well, hopefully many of you have already made plans to attend this year's ICC ABM and the Group B Code Hearings in Kansas City. The date will soon be upon us in October 16th through the 25th. I hope to see many of you in Kansas City!
And perhaps saving for last, one of the most important of CALBO's member support functions is a brief on CALBO's Policy Committees. Each of our CALBO Policy Committees is hard at work in
reaching the proverbial port as quoted by Olivier Wendell Holmes. At a minimum these include efforts and the great work already mentioned by the
Legislative Committee,
Energy Commission Advisory Committee and
CALBO Training Institute (CTI).
Equally hard at work to provide for member benefits is the work of the Access Committee and their input towards AB 2873 and tools related to Chapter 11. The State Licensing Committee is reviving communications with each of the State Licensing Agencies and their collaborative roles with building departments. The Structural Committee now includes members from the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) and together are looking into significant structural changes in the 2016 Codes. The Emergency Preparedness Committee continues the effort to introduce "wallet cards" with procedures for disaster event outreach. This effort will outline the contacts immediately, following, and post-follow-up of disasters.
Green Building Committee will be working on the required checklist for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations as required by Assembly Bill 1136. If you recall, every jurisdiction will have to adopt an expedited, streamlined process for EV Charging Stations and have available, a checklist for permit processing. Jurisdictions with a population of 200,000 or more residents are required to adopt an ordinance by September 30, 2016 and jurisdictions with less than 200,000 residents by September 30, 2017. Importantly, the
Outreach and Communications Committee is hard at work in coordinating this year's Job Fair for CALBO's Annual Meeting in Newport Beach in March 2017. This includes working with local colleges and universities with outreach to our "next generation" of code officials. This Committee is also looking to enhance CALBO's use of social media - not just for social reasons but for instant critical communications as well.
As relevance to all of CALBO's Policy Committees, the State Codes Committee is coordinating issues between the committees with each of the State Agencies. And lastly, but with high collaborative effort, the Building and Fire Advisory Committee continues the work with the Office of the State Fire Marshal and each of the established sub-committee task groups such as the task force on Mobile Fueling.
A sincere and appreciative Thank You to the many Committee members for their dedicated hard work and whose volunteerism will lead to successful outcomes of the Committees and member provisions.
Summer is upon us. Yet the work of CALBO does not slow down as time lost is opportunity lost. And we will strive to ensure that we constantly sail forward - whether it is with the wind to our backs or headwinds which we will battle.
Best regards,
Ron Takiguchi, P.E.
CALBO President
City of Santa Monica
2016 CALBO Education Weeks in
San Ramon, Ontario and Anaheim: Registration Now Available!
The CALBO Training Institute (CTI) strives to be your primary source of training by offering topical, current and relevant educational opportunities throughout the entire golden state.
For this year's curriculum, CTI will focus on the significant changes of the new code cycle as well as current topics that supplement these changes. There is a special emphasis on the newly developed courses and refreshed material to provide practical applications and interpretations.
We hope to see you at the upcoming Education Weeks held in San Ramon, Ontario and Anaheim this fall!
2016 CALBO Education Week: North
Monday, September 12 - Thursday, September 15, 2016
San Ramon Marriott 2600 Bishop Drive San Ramon, CA 94583
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, August 31, 2016
2016 CALBO Education Week: South
Monday, October 24 - Thursday, October 27, 2016
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Ontario Airport
222 North Vineyard Avenue
Ontario, CA 91764
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 11, 2016
2016 CALBO Education Week: Orange County
Monday, November 7 - Thursday, November 10, 2016
Anaheim Marriott
700 Convention Center Way
Anaheim, CA 92801
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Questions about the 2016 CALBO Education Weeks?
Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or

Upcoming Safety
Assessment Program Training:
Registration Now Available
Don't Miss the Newly Updated Material by the
Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES).
Safety Assessment Program:
Evaluator and Coordinator Training
ICC Preferred Provider Course #: 1495
AIA Course #: 2015:4
Tuesday, August 9, 2016 in Santa Barbara, CA
8:30am - 3:30pm - 0.6 CEUs
The primary focus of this course is to train building inspectors, architects, and civil engineers to perform field evaluations of buildings and other infrastructure for damage along with how to rate the safety significance of that damage. This course is also intended to prepare SAP inspectors for disaster assessment and the required documentation.
This training is approved by the Federal Department of Homeland Security for homeland security grant funding. It will provide training for local governmental representatives on how to estimate the local needs for evaluators and other resources that may be needed in response to a local event, how to request the needed resources, how to effectively manage those resources, and how to manage the information gathered by those resources.
Course materials, recently updated in June 2016, are prepared by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES).
Attendee Highlights:
- Knowledgeable and experienced SAP trainer using the most up-to-date material from Cal OES
- Newly Updated Evaluator and Coordinator Manuals from Cal OES
- ATC 20-1 Field Manual
- Paperwork assistance and submission for Evaluator ID cards issued by Cal OES
- Attendance Certificate - 0.6 CEUs or 6 AIA LUs
- Morning Coffee and Lunch
Registration Deadline: Monday, August 1, 2016
Questions about CALBO training opportunities?
Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications
and Training, at 916-457-1103 or

CALBO Training Institute Annual Training Catalogue: Updated and Now Available!
Want to learn about training opportunities
that CALBO has to offer on the upcoming code cycle?
Download the
CALBO Annual Training Catalogue to learn more!
- Introductory Message from CALBO Training Institute Chair, Bob Latz
- Course Request Form for Chapters & Jurisdictions
- CTI Course Descriptions
Education Weeks Event Information and Registration
Education Weeks Hotel Accommodation Information
CALBO Instructor & Course Developer Application
Questions about CALBO training opportunities?
Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications
and Training, at 916-457-1103 or

2016 CALBO Education Weeks:
Exhibitor & Sponsorship Program
Registration Available
Take advantage of the upcoming Exhibitor and Sponsorship Program at the 2016 CALBO Education Weeks in San Ramon, Ontario and Anaheim.
CALBO hosted one of its largest Education Weeks last year, and we look forward to another amazing year ahead. Record attendance is expected again with the release of updated and new courses covering changes to the upcoming code cycle.
Benefits from participating in the Education Weeks exhibitor opportunities are many. We hope you will join us!
- Showcase innovative products and services.
- One-on-one time with building department staff - thousands attend each venue.
- Receive a list of Education Week attendees and their contact information following each event.
- Gain recognition on the Education Week event signage and in the CALBO News.
- Gain recognition as a sponsor for attendee Wi-Fi, afternoon refreshments, the lunch program and much more.
Questions about this program?
Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications
and Training, at 916-457-1103 or

Want to advertise in the CALBO News and on the CALBO Website?
here for more information and pricing.
Questions? Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications and Training, at 916-457-1103 or lherman@calbo.org.
Thank you to all advertisers for your
continual support of CALBO!
2016 CALBO Education Week: Hotel Accommodations Room Blocks Filling Fast
2016 CALBO Education Week: North
Monday, September 12 - Thursday, September 15, 2016
San Ramon Marriott 2600 Bishop Drive San Ramon, CA 94583
Room Block Reservation Deadline: Friday, August 11, 2016 (or when room block is at capacity)*
CALBO Room Rate: $165.00 - $210.00+tax
Phone Reservations: 1-800-228-9290 or 925-867-9200
Online Reservations:
Click Here
Parking Information: Free day self-parking for all attendees. Overnight self-parking is $6.00 per car, per day.
2016 CALBO Education Week: South
Monday, October 24 - Thursday, October 27, 2016
DoubleTree by Hilton Ontario Airport 222 North Vineyard Avenue Ontario, CA 91764
Room Block Reservation Deadline: Monday, October 10, 2016 (or when room block is at capacity)*
CALBO Room Rate: $90.00+tax
CALBO Group Code: CBO
Phone Reservations: 1-800-222-8733 or 909-418-4873
Online Reservations:
Click Here
Parking Information: Free self-parking, day and overnight, for all attendees.
2016 CALBO Education Week: Orange County
Monday, November 7 - Thursday, November 10, 2016
Anaheim Marriott 700 Convention Center Way Anaheim, CA 92801
Room Block Reservation Deadline: Monday, October 17, 2016 (or when room block is at capacity)*
CALBO Room Rate: $159.00+tax
CALBO Group Rate: Not Required
Phone Reservations: 1-800-228-9290 or 714-750-8000
Online Reservations:
Click Here
Parking Information: Free day self-parking for all attendees. Overnight self-parking is $25.00 per car, per day.
Questions about CALBO Education Week accommodations?
Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or

NEW California Code Adoption Resources
Now Available!
California code adoption resources are now available!
Whether you are new or a seasoned veteran to the code adoption process, these resources are vital for all charged with adopting the next code cycle.
Thank you to CALBO Committee Member and ICC Board Director
Stuart Tom for these resources!

CALBO Legislative Update
Summer 2016
By: Nicole Bautista,
CALBO Director of Public Affairs
The CALBO Legislative Committee continues to closely track priority legislation impacting building officials.
As we noted in the last
Capitol Update, we are working diligently on
AB 2873 (Thurmond)
, which requires all inspectors who do plan check and permitting to review for compliance with state construction-related accessibility standards by a place of public accommodation with respect to new construction or renovations, including, but not limited to, projects relating to tenant improvements that may impact access, be CASp certified by January 1, 2020. This bill originally did not specify permitting and plan checking related to accessibility and it would have gone into effect on January 1, 2017. CALBO remains Opposed Unless Amended as we are trying to work with the author to find a solution that does not place jurisdictions in jeopardy of being out of compliance with the law as the CASp certification process is costly and the test has a very low passage rate.
Next, we support
SB 1340 (Wolk)
, which deals with water conservation in landscape irrigation expansion projects. The next bill of interest, which CALBO supports, is
AB 2392 (Nazarian)
that creates the Seismic Capital Access Loan Program making loans available to property owners who want to seismically retrofit residences and small businesses. Finally, AB 2555 (Levine) deals with water conserving plumbing fixtures. CALBO, California Building Industry Association (CBIA), American Institute of Architects (AIA), California Business Properties Association (CBPA), Building Owners and Managers Association International (BOMA) and a number of other interested parties are working with the author's office and the sponsor to amend this bill. AB 2555 deals specifically with toilets and makes changes to statute created through SB 407 (Padilla-read CALBO's guidance
The Legislature is currently in recess until August first. When the Legislature reconvenes in August, things will move very quickly as there are a number of committee deadlines before floor-session only and the end of session on August 31. During the remainder of the Summer Recess, CALBO staff is working diligently on the bills noted above and others, and we encourage members to visit the
CALBO Legislative Watch Webpage
to stay up-to-date on bills.
Questions about these bills?
Please don't hesitate to contact CALBO's Director of Public Affairs, Nicole Bautista at

Become a CALBO Training Institute Course Developer &
Now Accepting Applications!
The CALBO Training Institute (CTI) is continually looking for new course developers and instructors for its trainings throughout the year.
- Have you considered joining CTI's faculty as an instructor or course developer?
- Are you knowledgeable about a certain topic?
- Are you passionate about sharing your experience and technical knowledge with others?
CTI will help you develop your speaking and listening skills, gain hands-on experience in the classroom, learn how to create and implement a course plan, and utilize your knowledge to become a subject matter expert.
There are opportunities for every skill level. We welcome your contributions!
Questions about these CTI opportunities?
Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications and Training, at 916-457-1103 or

CALBO Online Job Board -
Employment and Internship
The CALBO Online Job Board offers the public and private sector the opportunity to advertise building industry employment and internship opportunities. It's the perfect resource for reaching CALBO members with employment information from your jurisdiction, organization or company.
Don't forget that current CALBO members receive a $45.00 discount for every post.
Below are the most recent submissions to the CALBO Online Job Board. If you would like more information about these opportunities or to post an employment opportunity, please
click here.
Building Official, City of Calistoga
Application Deadline: July 15, 2016
Building Inspector II, County of Sacramento
Application Deadline: July 15, 2016
Building Official, County of Ventura
Building Inspector I/II, City of Sunnyvale
Application Deadline: July 18, 2016
Senior Building Inspector, City of Mountain View
Application Deadline: July 21, 2016
Permit Technician I/II/III,
County of Calaveras
Application Deadline: July 25, 2016
Building Code Specialist, State of Oregon
Application Deadline: July 25, 2016
Building Inspector,
City of Fremont
Application Deadline: July 31, 2016
Plans Examiner, City of Redding - Personnel
Application Deadline: August 1, 2016
Senior Plans Examiner, County of Calaveras Application Deadline: August 2, 2016
Building Plans Checker, Amador County Application Deadline: August 12, 2016
Development Services Technician, Town of Truckee Application Deadline: August 15, 2016
Chief Building Official, City of Pittsburg, California Application Deadline: September 2, 2016
Questions about CALBO Job Board?
Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or

California Building Standard
s Commission's CAL Code Quarterly - Spring 2016 Edition
California Building Standard
s Commission's CAL Code Quarterly, Spring 2016 Edition is now available.
Among information about the upcoming code cycle, the CALBO Training Institute's Building Officials Leadership Academy (BOLA) was highlighted. Read about CALBO in the latest CBSC's newsletter!

International Code Council Preferred Provider Program:
All New CALBO Courses Approved!
The California Building Officials is an approved education provider within the International Code Council Preferred Provider Program (ICC PPP). If you are preparing to submit certification requests through ICC, all CALBO courses have been approved and assigned an ICC course number.
Courses offered at the upcoming
2016 CALBO Education Weeks have been approved. If you need further information or have questions, please let us know.
Questions about CALBO's role as an ICC Preferred Provider? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or
Advertise with the
California Building Officials: Newsletter, Website & Job Board
CALBO offers a variety of advertising opportunities for both the public and private industry, including the CALBO Job Board, the CALBO bi-monthly newsletter (
CALBO News) and the CALBO website.
Detailed information and pricing for these opportunities are available in the CALBO Advertising Packet. Visit the CALBO Sponsorship page for more information by clicking the link below.
For advertising assistance, contact CALBO at
Building Officials Leadership Academy
2017-18 Program Wait List Now Available!
The California Building Officials' leadership
program, Building Officials Leadership Academy (BOLA), is designed to maximize the leadership capabilities of seasoned public safety professionals, in addition to those who seek a future within California's building departments.
The Executive level coursework of the BOLA program is intensive, and program participants are expected to spend a great deal of the time studying and collaborating with each other on the course materials.
To assist and encourage completion, each participant is assigned a mentor who will provide advice and guidance - serving as an overall resource. In addition, BOLA participants will become an active part of the network of program peers who can utilize each other's talents and strengths.
The BOLA Class of 2016-2017 with CTI Instructor, Jay Salazar,
in front of the CALBO Office during the
BOLA Core Curriculum Week in Sacramento, CA.
If you would like to be added to the wait list for the 2017-18 BOLA program, please email the CALBO office at

Don't Forget to Renew
Your CALBO Membership!
Don't forget to renew your CALBO membership before the start of the Education Weeks this fall in order to receive training discounts for your staff. Each year, the CALBO membership year runs from April 1 - March 31.
Questions about membership?
Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or