friends and hopefully further our profession through commonalities, lessons learned and innovation. I appreciate everyone's willingness to hear me out, extend the proverbial welcome mat, and support CALBO as we work together to further a shared vision. I look forward to bringing this proverbial cycle full-circle as we come together next month in San Diego.
Speaking of... our 54
th Annual Business Meeting is right around the corner. As I have previously shared, this year we sought to start from scratch and really "revamp and refresh" our program. We changed the format, schedule, and even meals to accommodate the diverse needs of our membership. We're giving it a shot and trying something new, so hopefully we'll learn a few things and keep up a momentum for change. The initial hotel room block is now sold out, which I think is a tell-tale sign that everyone is excited to come together as a profession.
I want to thank the many efforts of the ICC San Diego Area Chapter. I have enjoyed attending a few of their meetings this year and getting to know those who truly make San Diego America's Finest City. The chapter has been at work for years preparing for our arrival, and I can't wait to see it all come together. We'll have the U.S.S. Midway all to ourselves for the President's Dinner, we have a great venue on the marina, and I know w
e'll do more than talk about codes. Or, maybe we won't.
It takes a collective effort to make our organization effective, and I want to acknowledge the work of our CALBO Committees, the lifeblood of our organization. This year we have seen tremendous work coming out of our committees, from code change proposals, to legislative amendments, to an ad hoc group coordinating our first ever Job Fair. We have tremendous assets within our membership and those talents are truly showcased through the efforts of our committees. Thank you for all that you do.
I have had the privilege of working alongside a wonderful and committed Board of Directors. I assure you that all members are well represented. Together, they have worked tirelessly to reach all areas of the state and not just the core chapters that are used to seeing our faces. They have sought to provide the membership with hands-on advocacy, communication, and tools designed to save time and improve uniformity throughout the state. In addition, the Board has focused on regional, state, and national partnerships intended to provide a platform for collaboration and showcase the work of our members. Thank you my colleagues for a job well done.
A special thanks to Executive Director Matt Wheeler and the CALBO staff. I am forever grateful for your thoughtful support and guidance. Each of you is a reminder of the incredible talent and dedication it takes to keep an organization strong and successful.
Coming to a close, I want to look back upon one of our greatest accomplishments as a state. Our efforts to host and welcome the International Code Council to California last Fall were unparalleled. Time and time again, I have received accolades as to how professional, fun, engaging and organized our efforts were as the event came together. I thank you, our California members, for showing the rest of the world what it means to be a California code official. I'm proud to stand with you, as I will continue to do, just now as a Past President of our esteemed organization.
I look forward to seeing everyone and bringing this conversation to a close in San Diego next month, and I thank you for all that you do for our communities, region and profession.
Best regards,
Raj Patel, P.E.
CALBO President
City of Beverly Hills
CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting - Registration Closes Soon!
CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting is almost here! We hope you will join us in San Diego at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina from
Monday, March 14, 2016 - Thursday, March 17, 2016 for an unforgettable conference.
ABM schedule
has completely changed to meet the needs and professional development of our members offering an array of programs, events and trainings.
Please make sure to review the schedule in the ABM registration packet for more information
on the new Leadership Series, new Workshop Sessions, CALBO's first Job Fair, and the many courses offered.
A four-day
Companion Program and Sunday morning
Golf Tournament are also included in this year's schedule! Don't miss these exciting opportunities.
Special thanks to the ICC San Diego Area Chapter for their willingness to host this wonderful event. We'll see you in sunny San Diego!
Early Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or

CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting - Companion Program Registration!
We hope conference companions will join us in San Diego at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina for an unforgettable companion program from Monday, March 14, 2016 - Thursday, March 17, 2016.
The San Diego Area Chapter will host an array of activities at the Hyatt Regency and under the San Diego sun.
Register now before it's too late!
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or

CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting - Golf Tournament on Sunday, March 13!
Don't miss the opportunity to tee off on
the lush, green grass of San Diego's Riverwalk Golf Club. The San Diego Area Chapter has put together a tremendous golf outing!
When: Sunday, March 13, 2016 Where: Riverwalk Golf Club Tee Time: 8:00am
(Transportation leaves the hotel at 6:30am)
Who doesn't want to hit the links in America's finest city! Register now before it's too late.
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or

CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting Job Fair and Career Development Day - Thursday, March 17, 2016!
CALBO will host it's first Job Fair and Career Development Day at the upcoming Annual Business Meeting in San Diego, CA!
- Free admission for all - tell your friends, family and colleagues!
- Talk with employers on-site about employment and internship opportunities.
- Gain professional development and resume advice - bring your current resume.
- Create endless networking opportunities - don't forget your business cards.
- Explore career opportunities with 35+ State Agencies and nationwide companies.
- Learn about certification and education requirements for furthering your California building department career.
When: Thursday, March 17, 2016 from 8:30am - 12:00pm
Where: Hyatt Regency Mission Bay
(Regatta Pavilion - Exhibit Hall)
1441 Quivira Road
San Diego, CA 92109
Interested in Job Fair sponsorship opportunities?
Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or

CALBO Policy Committee Application - Application Deadline Next Week!
Each year, CALBO appointments dedicated and talented members to serve on its eleven CALBO policy committees. The work of the CALBO policy committees is the lifeblood of our organization allowing members to engage with one another and other stakeholders to strengthen our association's work. All CALBO policy committee appointments are a two-year term.
- Access Committee
- Building and Fire Advisory Committee
- California Building Officials Training Institute
- Emergency Preparedness Committee
- Energy Commission Advisory Committee
- Green Building Committee
- Legislative Committee
- Outreach and Communications Committee
- State Code Committee
- State Licensing Board Committee
- Structural Safety Committee
Application Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Apply using our NEW, EASY
online CALBO policy committee application!
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or

CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting: Exhibitor Opportunities Still Available!
Take advantage of the upcoming exhibitor opportunities at CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting.
The ABM Exhibitor Program will take place from March 15-17, 2016. The benefits for exhibitors are endless!
- Showcase innovative products and services with building department leaders and personnel.
- One-on-one time with attendees during the Annual Business Meeting "strolling" lunch on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 in the exhibit hall.
- NEW! Recruit prospective employees at CALBO's first annual Job Fair and Career Development Day on Thursday, March 17, 2016.
- Receive a list of ABM registrants and their contact information following the conference.
- Recognition in the ABM Program, conference signage and the CALBO News.
Questions about the ABM
Exhibitor Program?
Contact Lauren Herman 916-457-1103 or

CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting:
Sponsorship Opportunities Still Available!
CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting could not exist without the support of the our generous sponsors.
There are still ABM sponsorship opportunities available to show your support. Register today before it's too late!
- NEW - President's Dinner and Reception Bar Sponsor -
Gain recognition at the highly anticipated ABM President's Dinner and Reception on the U.S.S. Midway. Your company can be part of the magic by sponsoring refreshments for guests all night long.
- NEW - President's Dinner and Reception Band Sponsor -
Help kick off the ABM President's Dinner and Reception on the U.S.S. Midway by sponsoring the night's entertainment. Imagine your company logo on the bandstand in front of the eleven piece ensemble for all to see while dancing the night away enjoying food, drinks and the flight simulators!
Questions about the ABM Sponsorship Program?
Contact Lauren Herman at 916-457-1103 or

A Special Thank You to Exhibitors and Sponsors
of CALBO's 54th Annual Business Meeting!
Thank you to the following companies, agencies and organizations for their participation and support of the 2016 CALBO Annual Business Meeting Exhibitor and Sponsorship Program!
475 High Performance Building Supply
4LEAF, Inc. - ABM Sponsor!
Accela, Inc. |
American Wood Council |
Avolve Software |
Bureau Veritas North America - ABM Sponsor!
California Architects Board |
California Code Check - ABM Sponsor!
California Council for Interior Design Certification |
California Energy Commission |
California Legislative Council for Interior Design |
CityView |
Computronix U.S.A. |
CSG Consultants, Inc. - ABM Sponsor!
Edgesoft, Inc. |
Energy Code Ace |
eProcess360 |
EsGil Corporation |
eti Conformity Services |
Garwood Mfg. Co., Inc. |
Hoover Treated Wood Products |
HR Green, Inc. |
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials
International Code Council |
Interwest Consulting Group - ABM Sponsor!
JAS Pacific - ABM Sponsor!
Meritage Systems - ABM Sponsor!
MiTek Builder Products |
National Electrical Manufacturers Association - ABM Sponsor!
Owens Corning
Pacific Code Compliance - ABM Sponsor! |
Selectron Technologies
Shums Coda Associates
Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. - ABM Sponsor! |
Smoke Guard California
SunGard Public Sector
TRB + Associates, Inc.
Tyler Technologies |
VCA Code - ABM Sponsor! |
West Coast Code Consultants, Inc.
Western Wood Preservers Institute Willdan Degenkolb Engineers - ABM Sponsor!
Questions about the ABM Exhibitor and Sponsorship Program?
Contact Lauren Herman at 916-457-1103 or


Another Great Year
is Upon Us -
Renew Your CALBO Membership!
It's that time of year again! The CALBO fiscal year runs April 1 - March 31 every year, so please don't forget to renew your 2016-2017 CALBO Membership.
CALBO membership renewals will be mailed within the month and online membership renewal will be available within the next week. We look forward to another great year!
Questions about membership? Contact CALBO!
916-457-1103 or info@calbo.org
Questions about membership? Contact CALBO!
916-457-1103 or
Want to advertise in the CALBO News and on the CALBO Website?
here for more information and pricing.
Questions? Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications and Training at 916-457-1103 or lherman@calbo.org.
Thank you to all advertisers for your continual support of CALBO!
CALBO Leadership and Advocacy Day Class I Members - Join Us in Sacramento, CA! Wednesday, April 20, 2016
What is Leadership & Advocacy Day? Leadership & Advocacy Day participants will be briefed by CALBO's Advocacy Team in the morning, covering all topics and questions relative to our activities at the State Capitol. Following lunch, participants will take a short walk
to the State Capitol for pre-arranged meetings with the State Legislators.
By meeting with the Senators and Assembly members who represent your jurisdiction, you are showcasing the work of your local building department, while forging relationships that can benefit your community. You will also have the opportunity to represent CALBO, promoting the best interests of local building departments and our membership.
Why participate?
Formal lobbying is more than just advocating for favorable outcomes; it is about educating those who make decisions that affect us. Through education, we can build a comprehensive understanding of our profession with our elected leaders and promote policy that will protect the safety and interests of those we serve.
Who should participate?
This one-day event has been designed for all Class I members of CALBO, whether you are the government affairs novice or an active politico.
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 1, 2016
Questions about this opportunity?
Contact Nicole Virga Bautista, CALBO Director of Public Affairs at
916-457-1103 or
2016-2017 Building Officials Leadership Academy
The California Building Officials' leadership program, Building Officials Leadership Academy (BOLA), is designed to maximize the leadership capabilities of seasoned public safety professionals, in addition to those who seek a future within California's building departments.
We hope you will consider this program as the next step in advancing your career!
If you would like to be placed on the program wait list, please contact
BOLA program highlights include:
- Executive level coursework and leadership development during the BOLA Core Curriculum Week at the CALBO office in Sacramento, California.
- Specialized leadership courses designed for and only available within the BOLA program.
- Collaborative opportunities with fellow building department staff and industry leaders.
- Mentorship from CTI commissioners and past BOLA graduates.
- Participation in CALBO's Leadership and Advocacy Day at the State Capitol.
- Network opportunities among peers and leaders that continue to grow each year.
- Recognition at the BOLA Graduation Ceremony and Lunch held at each CALBO Annual Business Meeting.
Questions about applying for BOLA? Contact Lauren Herman
at 916-457-1103 or

NEW CALBO Resource - MWELO Tool Kit!
CALBO is pleased to announce the release of its MWELO Tool Kit created by the CALBO Green Building Committee. The tool kit is designed to be used by building

departments and other local entities implementing the revised Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) recently updated by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). With certain exceptions for regional ordinances, the MWELO became effective at the local level on December 1, 2015.
The tool kit allows for flexibility to fit your departmental needs. It contains forms and other information which can be used as handouts as well as compliance documentation. It also contains a reporting form which may be used to satisfy the reporting requirements now contained in the MWELO. Please see the Tool Kit Introduction and Tool Kit Index to determine which forms may be useful in your jurisdiction.
Visit CALBO's homepage under "
Latest News" to access the Tool Kit.
If you have questions about the CALBO MWELO Tool Kit, please contact Doug Hensel, Building Official and
Deputy Director, County of San Joaquin at
