Many exciting things are right around the corner for us in California; however, International Code Council's Annual Business Meeting and Code Hearings, set to be held next month in Long Beach, is by far the greatest. You may know, but ICC is a California corporation. In essence, this meeting is the association's return home and will be a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our great state. CALBO has been at work for over two-years with the
Welcome to California Host Committee and we could not be more excited to see our efforts come to fruition. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the LA Basin Chapter, along with our Northern and Southern Fire Prevention Officer colleagues, for their financial contributions and tireless coordinating efforts. Also, I would be remiss if I did not thank the Development Services and Fire Prevention departments of the City of Long Beach for their direction and logistical coordination. It has been a great time working on this event, and I hope you'll have the opportunity to see for yourself by attending the Long Beach meetings.
CALBO is always working to perfect and refine our training opportunities, and with the third year of the adoption cycle upon us, this was a great opportunity to retool many of our courses. I look forward to seeing you at CALBO's Education Weeks, to be held in San Ramon (North) September 14-17, 2015 and in Ontario (South) October 26-29, 2015. You'll see that although many of our "codes" courses highlighting practical application and enforcement will still be in place, we'll be showcasing a new track of "soft skills" and leadership curriculum. I think you'll like what you see, so please be sure to join us at one of the upcoming Education Weeks.
I hope you've had a chance to meet with your CALBO Board Members at a recent chapter meeting. There has been a push from within the Board to reach out at a greater level to all chapters and engage our members to a higher degree. We all work under the same ideology of "we are here for you," so please, don't be shy. I've enjoyed having the opportunity to travel throughout the state over the summer months to meet with many diverse and active chapters. I've enjoyed the perspective and warm hospitality.
With so many events ahead of us, I look forward to having the opportunity to see many of our members in person. Please stop by and say hello, I'm pretty easy to spot. Wishing you the best in the months ahead and hope to see you soon.
Best regards,
Raj Patel, P.E.
CALBO President
City of Beverly Hills
Register for the Upcoming 2015 CALBO Education Weeks: North and South ONLINE Registration Now Available!
The CALBO Training Institute Education Weeks are back! This CALBO education tradition is designed for the professional and personal development of the California building community. New and newly updated code courses are available along with a new track of "soft skills" and leadership curriculum!
CALBO Education Week North will take place in San Ramon, California from
Monday, September 14, 2015 - Thursday, September 17, 2015. Registration Ends Soon -
Friday, September 4, 2015.
CALBO Education Week South will take place in Ontario, California from
Monday, October 26, 2015 - Thursday, October 29, 2015. Registration Ends Next Month -
Friday, October 16, 2015.
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or info@calbo.org.
The CALBO Training Institute Annual Training Catalogue - Download Your Copy Today!
The CALBO Training Institute Annual Training Catalogue is now available! This resource lists dozens of CALBO courses available upon request along with the course schedule for the 2015 Education Weeks in San Ramon and Ontario. Both new and newly updated courses are offered!
CALBO Education Week North will take place in San Ramon, California from
Monday, September 14, 2015 - Thursday, September 17, 2015.
CALBO Education Week South will take place in Ontario, California from
Monday, October 26, 2015 - Thursday, October 29, 2015.
Questions? Contact CALBO at 916-457-1103 or email info@calbo.org.

Upcoming 2015 CALBO Education Weeks: Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities
Take advantage of the upcoming sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at the CALBO Training Institute Education Weeks in the upcoming months.
The San Ramon Education Week Exhibitor Program has limited availability - only two booths left. Premium Booths now available!
The Ontario Education Week Exhibitor Program has been
expanded, but Premium Booths are sold out! Only a few booths left!
- 2015 CALBO Education Week North - San Ramon, California from Monday, September 14, 2015 - Thursday, September 17, 2015.
- 2015 CALBO Education Week South - Ontario, California from Monday, October 26, 2015 - Thursday, October 29, 2015.
Thank you to the following companies, agencies and organizations for their participation in the upcoming CALBO Education Weeks Exhibitor Programs.
4LEAF, Inc.
AIREX Manufacturing
Bureau Veritas North America
California Code Check
California Energy Commission
Center for Sustainable Energy
CSA Group
CSG Consultants
Energy Ace Code
Hoover Treated Wood Products
Interwest Consultanting Groups
JAS Pacific
Quick Mount PV
Simpson-Strong Tie
Smoke Guard California
TRB+ Associates
West Coast Code Consultants
Summit IMEX Shums Coda HR Green Associates
Questions? Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications and Training, at 916-457-1103 or

CALBO Training Institute (CTI) Fall 2015 Training and Course Update from CTI
Chair Bob Latz
To all CALBO Members,
Don't look now, but right around the corner is CALBO Education Week North being held in San Ramon, CA. Please take the opportunity to review the CTI Annual Training Catalogue with descriptions of this year's offerings. This year we are pleased to provide newly created and developed courses that all staff can take advantage of to enhance their expertise. One of the newest presentations will be the Urban and Regional Planning two-day course that will |
provide students with the processes of a planning department and how they relate to the development services or community development department. Also, look at the many other courses that can be of interest for building inspectors, plan reviewers, fire staff, permit technicians, and code enforcement personnel.
If you are unable to attend in the North, perhaps the Education Week in the South, being held in Ontario, CA, might be a better solution. Remember all CALBO classes have been approved through the International Code Council Preferred Provider Program, so rest assured the classes that you attend will count toward renewing your CEU's for certification. At the upcoming Education Weeks, there are additional benefits to take advantage of other than courses, including networking with others in our profession and building or renewing resources that can provide valuable relationships throughout your career. Please stop by our valued exhibitors and talk with the experts about their services and products.
We are very pleased with the Building Officials Leadership Academy (BOLA) class of 2015-2016 who recently started their program in May 2015. In addition to the classroom attendance, they participated in CALBO's Leadership and Advocacy Day where all CALBO members have the opportunity to meet with their elected officials at the State Capital to discuss legislation that could greatly affect our industry. There is already a waiting list for the BOLA program next year, so please do not hesitate to contact myself or Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Training, if you are interested. Registration is limited to 14 students per year.
We just completed the CALBO Mini Education Week in Modesto held in July 2015. CTI would like to extend our many thanks to the attendees along with the exhibitors and vendors who provided their time and information demonstrating their products and services. I want to thank the CTI Commissioners, course developers, and our valued instructors for their hard work and dedication to providing you with an inspiring lineup of classes. I would be remiss if I did not also thank the jurisdictions, industry, and consultants for their willingness to support CTI and allowing our team to bring you the finest education experience.
We encourage your participation this year at all CALBO events, and thank you again for your partnership in strengthening CALBO to better serve you - the members. We hope to see all of you this year, and wish you well in 2015.
Bob Latz, CTI Chair
Building Services Manager, City of Gustine

International Code Council Preferred Provider Program -
All CALBO Courses Now Approved!
The California Building Officials is an approved education provider within the International Code Council Preferred Provider Program (ICC PPP). If you are preparing to submit certification requests through ICC, all CALBO courses have been approved and assigned an ICC course number.
Click below for a complete list of 2014-2015 CALBO courses detailing the necessary information you will need for your certification submissions.
For specific questions, contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Training, at 916-457-1103 or lherman@calbo.org.
Want to Advertise in the CALBO News and on the CALBO Website?
for more information and pricing.
Questions? Contact Lauren Herman, CALBO Director of Communications and Training, at 916-457-1103 or lherman@calbo.org.
Request a CALBO Training Institute Course!
Want to raise funds for your chapter or company?
Want to save your jurisdiction money?
Just in time for the release of the 2015-2016 CALBO Training Institute Course Catalogue - request a CALBO Training Institute course!
The CALBO Training Institute offers companies, jurisdictions and ICC chapters the opportunity to request trainings in a number of ways. It's a great opportunity to raise or save funds and increase access to education. Host or request an education offering now!

For questions or more information, contact Lauren Herman,
CALBO Director of Communications and Training,
at 916-457-1103 or
CALBO Accessibility Committee Newsletter - Now Available!
Your CALBO Accessibility Committee is hard at work! Now available is the most recent

CALBO Accessibility Committee Newsletter!
If you have not read it, click below to learn more about mid-cycle code amendments effective July 1, 2015 and other vital Accessibility information.
Find more Accessibility tools and resources on the CALBO Accessibility Resources webpage -
click here! There will be more resources in the upcoming months for members like you!
If you have any questions for your CALBO Accessibility Committee, please contact the committee chair - Gary Layman, Building Official, City of Oroville at

CALBO Structural Committee Article - Now Available!
The CALBO Structural Committee has prepared an article entitled "Guidance

for Barricading Cordoning, Evaluating and Stabilizing Buildings with Substantial Damage in Disasters". Please click below for this informative article.
If you have any questions for your CALBO Structural Committee, please contact the committee chair - David Khorram, Building Official and
Superintendent of Building & Safety, City of Long Beach at

International Code Council Annual Conference
Long Beach, CA
September 27 - October 7, 2015
Don't miss your chance to represent California, and take advantage of the many education and networking opportunities along with special events, activities and public comment hearings!
Don't miss some of these highlights at the upcoming conference!
There's much, much more, so don't wait - register now.
We will see you in Long Beach!
Strengthening Our Cities: From Policy to Reality
November 4 and 5, 2015 in Los Angeles, CA
Every year, the SEAOSC Summit presented by the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) brings together community leaders to present resources and tools for building owners, businesses, and government officials to understand risk and how to mitigate losses.
This year, the
SEAOSC Summit Strengthening Our Cities: From Policy to Reality will take place on November 4 & 5, 2015 in Downtown Los Angeles.
Register now, and get ready for the following!
- Walk away with a Retrofit Toolkit to better serve your city.
- Become an effective resource for city officials in crafting resilience policies.
- Get the latest information about soft-story and non-ductile concrete retrofit ordinances.
CALBO Mini Education Week: Modesto, California A Great Success!
The California Tr
 aining Institute hosted a CALBO Mini Education Week in Modesto, California from
Wednesday, July 22 - Thursday, July 23, 2015 with an array of updated courses.
Thank you to the instructors and course developers for their contributions to this educational offering.
CALBO Publications - Now Available!
California State Laws Enforced by Building Departments and
California Historical Building Code Commentary
CALBO has two publications available for purchase -
California State Laws Enforced by Building Departments and
California Historical Building Code Commentary. These are excellent resources for your department. Don't miss out!
Thank you to the publications' authors and contributors:
- Dan Chudy, Ph.D., CBO, CASp, LEED AP
- The CALBO State Code Committee
- Doug Hensel, County of San Joaquin
- Gene Paolini, City of Roseville
Questions about CALBO Publications? Contact Us!
916-457-1103 or info@calbo.org

Don't Forget to Renew Your CALBO Membership
It's that time of year again! The CALBO fiscal year runs April 1 - March 31 every year, so please don't forget to renew your 2015-2016 CALBO Membership.
CALBO membership renewals were mailed, but for your convenience you can renew online, email or fax.
Visit the
CALBO website for more information about renewing your CALBO membership. We look forward to another great year!
Questions about membership? Contact us!
Call the CALBO office at 916-457-1103 or info@calbo.org.
