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In this Issue

CAEP Deliverable Reminders

Deadlines and Deliverables

Advancing CA Adult Education Model Program: The San Diego/Imperial County Super Region - Collaboration Across Programs and Consortia

Advancing CA Adult Education Model Program Nominations OPEN!

CAEP Consortium Leadership Academy (CLA) Applications Open!

CalPro Research Forum Webinar: Supporting Student Success Through SEL

CAEP Technical Assistance Webinars

Lunch with LARAEC

CCAE 2024 Conference

CAEP Consortium Directors' Corner

CAEP Deliverable Reminders

CAEP CFAD for 2024-25 The 2024-25 CFAD, including the Consortia Report on Governance Compliance Rules and Procedures is due in NOVA by May 2, 2024.

graphic showing a dollar sign in a circle

CAEP Quarter 3 Student Data

The Quarter 3 student data is due by April 30, 2024 in TOPSPro for K-12 CAEP adult education providers and WIOA-funded community college noncredit providers. Additionally, the employment and earnings follow-up survey is due on the same day, April 30, 2024.

Deadlines and Deliverables

  • Apr 30: Student Data due in TOPSPro (Q3)

  • Apr 30: Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey
  • May 2: CFAD for 2024-25 due in NOVA *
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Advancing CA Adult Education Model Program

San Diego and Imperial Counties are home to six consortia that serve diverse rural, suburban, and urban areas and vary widely in representational framework (colleges, K-12 adult schools, etc.), institutional structures, and institutional funding models. In a geographic region that covers more than 8,743 square miles and has an adult population of more than 2,500,000 million, the impact of adult education programs and student success are directly related to a regional network of support and collaboration across consortia.

Learn more about the The San Diego/Imperial County Super Region - Collaboration Across Programs and Consortia model program and visit the Advancing California Adult Education website to view other Model Programs throughout California.

The CAEP TAP team is thrilled to announce that we are now accepting session proposals for the annual CAEP Summit 2024, which will be held at the Marriott Oakland City Center, from October 28-30, 2024!  

We extend an invitation for you to contribute your expertise and insights by proposing a session for the upcoming Summit by sharing and discussing innovative, effective promising practices, strategies, and additional resources as we continue Celebrating a Decade of Progress: Shaping and Building Adult Education Together.

Proposal submission deadline: June 30, 2024. Applicants will be notified by: July 15, 2024.

Don't delay, submit a proposal today!

CAEP Summit Call for Proposal

Don't miss this golden opportunity to showcase the remarkable progress and innovative strategies your program has implemented throughout the year! We invite you to honor these achievements by submitting your nomination for the Advancing CA Adult Education Model Program Recognition. You will have an opportunity at the CAEP Summit 2024 to be celebrated by your peers. Hurry, as the nomination window closes on May 30, 2024. Visit our model program nomination portal to discover the criteria and rubric details. Celebrate your program's accomplishments—nominate today!

Nominate Today!

Applications are open for the CAEP Consortium Leadership Academy (CLA)! The intended applicant is new to their role within the last 3 years. If you believe the CLA is perfect for you, but fall outside that criteria email TAP to discuss additional options.

The application window will close June 15, 2024 and notifications will be sent out at the end of June. The CLA program was created to build the capacity of consortia leads, directors, and co-chairs to effectively lead their consortium through a student-centered leadership approach.

To learn more email or complete the application by clicking the button below.

Apply Today!

Research Forum Webinar:

Supporting Student Success Through Social and Emotional Learning

April 18, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

Social and emotional learning (SEL) encompasses developing essential skills for self-awareness, self-management, responsive decision-making, social awareness, and relationship skills. Incorporating SEL principles in adult education programs holds great promise in empowering adult learners with the skills needed for personal growth, career success, and active participation in society. We will also discuss how educators can develop their own social-emotional skills not only to grow and model those skills but also to promote educator well-being. Join this webinar to explore related frameworks, best practices, and resources to implement SEL in your program.

Presenters: Kimberly Kendziora (American Institutes for Research), Sachiko Ozaki Oates (CALPRO/ American Institutes for Research), Steven A. Casperite (Placer School for Adults), and Veronica Tylor (Los Angeles Unified School District’s Division of Adult and Career Education)

Registration Information:

There is no registration fee to participate; CALPRO professional development opportunities are available to all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) agencies and employees.

Register Today!

CAEP Technical Assistance Webinars

Overview: TOPSpro Enterprise

April 25, 2024 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Join CASAS Training team for an overview of TOPSpro® Enterprise (TE). This overview is geared towards anyone that uses TE; teachers, data managers, proctors, and administrators. This session is ideal for beginner to intermediate level but all are welcome! This session will overview TOPSpro® Enterprise (TE), a data management system that tracks student assessment and test results. The software provides tools to communicate program effectiveness to adult education and training programs. The system provides powerful accountability information for students, teachers, and program administrators. Explore multiple features of TE in this workshop.

Session outcomes:

• Launch TOPSpro Enterprise

• Identify various menus, submenus, and icons

• Run reports

• Create records

• Customize listers

• For CA: WIOA and CAEP Data Submission

Register Today!

Designing and Implementing Evidence-Based Accelerated Learning: Training Models that Align to Local Population and Workforce Needs Part III

May 1,2024 2024 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Join WestEd for the final session of this three-part series. This webinar Determining if your Accelerated Learning Model is Working: Continuous Improvement and Evaluation, will focus on including an evaluation or continuous improvement (CI) component to the accelerated learning model from the start. It will include types of evaluation and CI processes and how a program chooses which to implement. An evaluation process will be introduced, including identifying relevant outcomes, data points, analysis, and how to use the evaluation analysis to inform program development and stakeholders. Programs will present on how they use an evaluation or CI process in their accelerated learning program.

Register Today!

CAEP Accountability Update and Data Dive

at a local school near you!

Evaluate Progress and Outcomes related to CAEP Enrollment, Instruction, Persistence and Postsecondary Outcomes. Evaluate local CAEP performance goals, with examples of how to identify areas of success and areas that may need improvement. Provide suggestions to monitor student progress and outcomes related to goals. Analyze TE reports to monitor agency and consortium level goals for different subgroups.

Location: Fresno Adult School

April 11, 2024 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Fresno Adult School

Location: Bakersfield Adult School

April 12, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Bakersfield Adult School

Location: Hartnell College

April 24, 2024 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Hartnell College

Location: East Side Adult Education (San Jose)

April 25, 2024 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

East Side AE (San Jose)

The Lunch with LARAEC

PD Positivity Train is Coming Your Way in April. 

Join Justin and Michele Thursdays from 12:30-1:30pm!

April 11, 2024 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m.

Preparing Students for Academic, Career, and CASAS STEPS Assessment Success

Every day, teachers are faced with the two-fold challenge of equipping students with the complex skills needed for academic and career success, while simultaneously preparing them to demonstrate Measurable Skill Gains on the new CASAS STEPS assessments. In this session, we will explore how the Burlington Core standards-based curriculum and Prepare for CASAS STEPS Test Practice address these challenges. We will also discuss ways teachers can bring more rigor into their classroom to prepare students for success on CASAS STEPS tests – and in life! 


Miranda LaBatt has a strong background in education and technology. She works with Julia Groman to provide strategies and support for school-site personnel.

April 25th, 2024 12:30 PM

Leadership and Innovation in the Classroom: Understanding Disruptive Innovation and Leadership Implementation 

Leadership and innovation don’t only come from school administrators. Teachers are leaders and innovators every day in their classrooms. This presentation will focus on identifying your leadership style, understanding the 5 skills of disruptive innovation and putting your leadership skills into best practice.


Mitch Rosin has worked in the workforce/education/career tech field for more than 25 years. Emma Diaz is the director of the Inland Empire Adult Education Consortium.

Register Today!

Upcoming Conferences

CCAE Conference 2024 May 9th-11th, 2024

Anaheim Marriott

700 West Convention Way

Anaheim, CA 92802​

The California Council for Adult Education (CCAE) is the annual conference for adult education professionals throughout the state. Sessions are relevant for faculty/teachers, administrators, data specialists, transition specialists, consortium staff, and anyone who works with students in K12 adult education and community college non-credit programs. You won't want to miss out! Whether you're looking for strategies you can use in your classroom tomorrow, thoughtful conversations about policy, highlights of innovative or successful programs, networking opportunities, or access to a wide range of vendor exhibits - this conference will have it all!  

Register Now!

CAEP Directors' Corner

Consortium Directors' Peer Learning Circle (PLC)

The Consortium Directors' Peer Learning Circles serve as a specialized forum for Consortium Leads, Co-Leads, Managers, and Directors. This platform offers a unique space to engage in discussions on challenges, queries, and distinctive scenarios frequently experienced by Consortium Leads, who often navigate the complexities of both the Community College noncredit system and the K12 system. It provides an invaluable opportunity for leads from across California to exchange ideas, find thought partners, and disseminate strategies and best practices, thereby fostering excellence throughout the state.

Please use this form to express areas of interest for future PLC's.

Directors' Corner | Discussion

The Directors' Corner serves as an online platform designed to promote the exchange of ideas and facilitate access to colleagues throughout the state. Additionally, the Canvas Course is a repository of consolidated resources for Consortium Leads/Directors. This platform aims to foster a robust networking environment, allowing for the seamless sharing of queries, resources, and insights on various scenarios among directors throughout the State.

Consortium Leads will be granted access. If you do not have access, please email

Discussion Board

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