Volume 4 | Issue 5, 2020
CADA News and Information!
A Logo Change on Behalf of Neurodiversity
We have upgraded our logo to represent current thinking regarding the use of puzzle pieces to represent autism. A spirited and respectful debate took place on one of our social media posts: "Please rethink your symbol. The puzzle piece is directly tied to hate so we prefer the infinity symbol. Also, the majority of us prefer to be called autistics and would be very grateful if you took the time to hear us out."

We were grateful that some defended our logo as not representing hate, but we do understand that many autistics feel denigrated by being compared to a puzzle piece. After listening to your voices and investigating a scientific study on the issue, we have resolved to eliminate the puzzle piece theatre masks as our logo and will use our rainbow infinity butterfly as the symbol for The Center for Applied Drama and Autism as well as for our production wing, Theatre on the Spectrum. The rainbow infinity symbol represents neurodiversity. Ours is modified into a butterfly shape that signifies transformation. Our theatre work is based upon the celebration of diversity and inclusion. It is our goal to nourish and engage creativity in all who join us to take classes and make transformative theatre together!

Interested in the study we referenced? Read it here.
Thank You Akron Community Foundation!
We are pleased and honored to announce that The Akron Community Foundation has provided a $4,500.00 grant in support of our 2020-2021 Online Season. These funds will be used to provide support for our productions and technical support for our actors as we move to an online digital format due to Covid-19. 

The Center for Applied Drama and Autism moved quickly to an online format and began rehearsing and teaching online by the end of March. We have hosted online open mics and improv events and will be presenting our first play this month! We have seen our students, actors, and staff thrive in this new virtual space where we are free to interact without masks and only distanced from one another by the individual Zoom boxes we call our "movie frames."  

Thank you again to the Akron Community Foundation and to all our individual donors and supporters. The Shows Go On!

Our Upcoming Season:
Mario's New Friend - August 21st & 22nd, 2020
Online Murder at the Podcast Mystery - October 24th, 2020
One-Act Play Festival - March 5th - 7th, 2021
TBA Spring Production
Registration for Fall Classes is Now Open!
All fall classes are $100 for a 10 week class. Registering multiple children? Ask us about our sibling discount!

If you are interested in enrolling your child in one of our classes, please contact us to arrange for a free trial class. We are also available to meet with you on Zoom prior to the first day of class, which can help new students prepare for joining us online.
Preparing for one of our classes? Here are a few helpful tips:
Click the above image for a printable version of our home studio tips!
Drama for People with Autism and Disabilities
A Professional Development Workshop for Teachers
"Have you heard that the Center for Applied Drama and Autism is offering a teaching workshop? I had the joy of working under Wendy and Laura (who are leading the workshop) at CADA and let me tell you, there is so much knowledge and perspective to be gleaned from their experiences. Whether you're a director, a performer, or an instructor, you will benefit from this course. And if this workshop isn't for you, please consider donating to a vitally important organization. CADA makes Akron's theatre scene better for all!"

-Kyra Kelly, actor with New World Performance Lab
Up Next for Theatre on the Spectrum:
Online Open Mic for Performing Artists
with Disabilities
Celebrating the Americans with Disabilities Act's 30th Anniversary!
Theatre on the Spectrum wanted to make something to honor the 30 year anniversary of the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act. We all love Jeffrey Moyer’s song, the ADA Anthem and wanted to sing and record it. However, in these times of disconnection, the only way we can connect is on Zoom. Zoom does not give us the ability to sing together because of the delays inherent in the system. So we chose to divide the lyrics up among the actors. 

Some little victories are in this recording. Sid has had stuttering challenges throughout his life, but he manages to get his part of the lyrics out clearly without stuttering. Samir sits calmly facing the camera, singing in an unusual deep full-throated voice throughout! Sean, who has visual challenges, manages to stay centered within his Zoom frame. Same for JT, who keeps his face in camera view and connects with the audience. Amanda loves singing Jeffrey Moyer’s music because it helps her know that we are not alone during Covid19 and we are all in this together.  This gives her the confidence to sing from the heart. Jake is our rock. He is always on pitch and always on time. He centers us all!
Now Seeking Submissions for our One-Act Play Festival!
On My Own by Sean Giannetti
Congratulations to Theatre on the Spectrum member Sean Giannetti on publishing his poetry collection, On My Own! You can pick up your own copy of On My Own at The Learned Owl Book Shop in Hudson (204 N Main St, Hudson, OH 44236). Pricing begins at $10/copy and Sean has generously decided to donate the proceeds of his sales to The Center for Applied Drama and Autism. Thank you Sean, we are greatly appreciative of your donation and so proud of your success!
More about Sean:

Sean resides in Hudson, OH and is a 2011 graduate of Hudson High School. He is a huge fan of Charles Schulz and the Peanuts comic strip, the TV series Friends, and the musical groups Weezer and Journey. Sean’s hobbies include writing poetry, acting, and singing (including at the Center for Applied Drama and Autism.) He hopes you enjoy his love of poetry and life!
CADA Staff Spotlight:
Jordan Euell, who teaches our Script Writing and Writers' Room classes, has a short film he wrote/directed that has been selected for the Lift Off Film Festival! Click the link below to find his short, Love Is A Strong Word, along with a collection of other great films for only $10. Don't forget to vote for your favorite film!

Jordan greatly appreciates your support of his first film festival experience! #LiftOffGlobalNetwork #TorontoLiftOff
CADA Appreciates Your Support!
.5% of your online purchases at Amazon will be donated to the Center for Applied Drama and Autism. All you have to do is click on the link below that takes you directly to CADA's Smile.Amazon site. Smile.Amazon.com has all the same products and services as Amazon's regular page -- the difference is you will be giving a percentage of your purchase to CADA. It's an easy way to support us!
Center for Applied Drama & Autism | (866) 844 - 8327 | info@centerforada.org | centerforada.org

Theatre on the Spectrum is CADA's performance wing. For further information, please visit us at centerforada.org