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The CAC of Suffolk County supports the health and wellbeing of the children and families of Boston, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop. Each month we'll share highlights and updates to help you better understand how you are part of the healing and justice we see every day. 

Featured News

Let's Partner Up for CAAM!

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month (CAAM) and we’re looking to partner with generous local businesses to raise money and awareness all month in any or all of the following ways:

  • Choose a product & donate a portion of the April sales
  • Choose a day or night and donate a portion of your proceeds
  • Host a fundraising event

If you (or your favorite Suffolk County business) are interested in raising awareness and supporting children who have experienced abuse and exploitation during CAAM and beyond, contact us at

Team Suffolk CAC Announced!

Five generous and committed individuals will be taking on the challenge of running the 127th Boston Marathon in support of the CAC on Monday, April 17.

We look forward to cheering on Maryrose Anthes, Heidi Gray Berkley, Steven Flythe, Kaitlin Lounsbury, and Laura Thierrien as they raise awareness for the CAC along the 26.2 mile route from Hopkinton to Boylston Street.

Stay tuned to our socials or visit their fundraising pages (linked above) to learn more about Team Suffolk CAC and support them throughout their training and fundraising journeys.

Upcoming Event

UMass Boston is hosting its 6th Annual Fireside Chat on Thursday, February 23. We look forward to participating in this opportunity to deepen the dialogue about community based partnerships, the role of the university in the greater community, and how we can engage in building a more equitable Boston with integral partners.

Learn more and register today to join us at this free event!

Inside the CAC

Special Staff Projects

Did you know that children in the U.S. who identify as Black, American Indian, rural or lower income die from injury at significantly unequal rates?

As Suffolk County Child Fatality Review Team Coordinator, CAC Family Resource Specialist Gladys Sorto-Aviles facilitated our local child fatality team's efforts to identify inequities and offer recommendations to promote health and safety for all children.

We were proud to be a partner in Dr. Sadiqa Kendi’s Massachusetts Pediatric Injury Equity Review (MassPIER) project to identify solutions to this critical issue.

Learn More About this Special Project

Staff Spotlight

Nicole Bresnahan is the CAC's first-ever Development Coordinator. Prior to coming to the CAC, Nicole worked for several years as a Victim-Witness Advocate at the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office. Familiar with our work, Nicole was excited to put her talents to use at the CAC.

Now, she is the motor that keeps the Development Team running― managing relationships with donors, volunteers, and vendors; ensuring the integrity of our donor database; and working with the community to build partnerships, raise money, and awareness.

E-mail Nicole today to see how you can partner with the CAC to raise critical funds and awareness!

Start Fundraising for the CAC Today!

Community Connections

Training Program Manager, Erica Chepulis and Director of Mental Health & Advocacy, Catalina Gutierrez-Perez delivered an Understanding Children's Sexual Behaviors training for 26 professionals representing Boys & Girls Clubs in Charlestown, Chelsea, South Boston, and Roxbury. Participants learned how to respond effectively to problematic sexual behaviors. Click here to request a training today!

What's Your Why?