It's summer at CAARI and excavation teams are at work across the island. CAARI is buzzing with students and researchers and the sun is glinting on the newly finished roof of the CAARI's underground library extension. We invite all of CAARI's friends to join us in rebuilding the garden that will lie above the library extension.
Primary construction of the underground library extension is nearly complete with the roof now being constructed. With the hole covered, we're finalizing the plans for the restoration of the garden which will be planted over and around the roof.
The garden is a defining component of CAARI
a setting for chatting and snoozing, hospitality and outdoor parties, a place of refreshment for residents, and a
source of pleasure to all who come
May 2015. Laying the roof of the underground library extension
What would you like to add to the CAARI garden? Consider funding a plant, a tree, a pot, a chair or a table. An indigenous herb or a colorful flowering clematis? A stone bench or a comfy teak chair?
Choose your garden favorite!
$50 Will Buy a Plant
 $150 Will Buy a Pot or Pithos $100 will Buy a Chair or $500 a Table and Chairs $1000 will Replace Our Beloved Palm Tree
There are so many ways to play a role in rebuilding CAARI's garden. If you have ideas let us know.
And if you can, please help CAARI plant with a contribution at You can identify what you'd like fund in an email.
Track Our Progress With the Latest Issue of CAARI News
Number 46 of CAARI News is online if you'd like to read more about our underground library expansion project.
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