JUNE 2024

Juneteenth (short for “June Nineteenth”) marks the day when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas in 1865 to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth honors the end of slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday. On June 17, 2021, it officially became a federal holiday. 

Visit our Website
Visit our Website


With the cost of living higher than what most people earn, ALICE families have income above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), but not high enough to afford a basic household budget that includes housing, child care, food, transportation, and health care.

The United Way ALICE Report provides a framework, language, and tools to measure and understand the struggles of the growing number of ALICE households in our communities.

This research initiative partners with state local United Ways such as those in Maryland, to deliver research-based reports that can stimulate meaningful discussion, attract new partners, and ultimately inform strategies that effect positive change.

To access the May 22nd 2024 data release update to last year's "ALICE in the Crosscurrents" visit:



Live United

Urgent Needs/United Against Hunger Grant Awards

Each month, the United Way of Washington County is pleased to partner with various organizations that provide critical services to our community.

Our Urgent Needs Grant is a low-barrier grant designed to assist nonprofits experiencing unplanned expenses due to unanticipated program needs, emergencies, or underlying situations while our United Against Hunger Grant addresses needs specific to food insecurity within our community.

Both applications are due on the 27th of the month.

Applications can be found here


For additional information contact Kelli Tencer at 301-739-8200 ext.104

Congratulations to

Mike Harsh on his Retirement!

Mike has been a long, LONG-time volunteer and board member for United Way Washington County. He has done so much, not just for United Way, but for many in our community. We are thrilled to celebrate him, finally!

United Way of Washington County, Maryland, Inc. has been evaluated by Charity Navigator, the world’s largest and most trusted nonprofit evaluator, and earned a 100% Four-Star Rating! This is the highest possible rating on Charity Navigator. 

Charity Navigator’s third-party accreditation validates our organization’s operational excellence.

You can learn more about Charity Navigator and our rating here:


The United Way of Washington County recently earned a 2024 Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency!

Check out our nonprofit profile to keep up to date with our impact. 



Keep this link handy; we want to ensure you always have the information you need to support our work with trust and confidence.

Check out these links for information on non-profits in Washington County.

The United Way of Washington County, MD is thrilled to express our gratitude to the Hagerstown Lion's Club for selecting us as one of their grant recipients for 2024. This generous support will enable us to continue our vital work in the community, providing assistance and resources to those in need.

We are immensely grateful for the ongoing partnership with organizations like the Hagerstown Lion's Club, whose dedication to making a positive impact aligns perfectly with our mission. Together, we can create a brighter future for all residents of Washington County. Thank you for your unwavering support!

Did you know that your United Way actively supports or partners with over 85 organizations and many individual Washington County residents annually?

All donations made here...stay here.

Our donors, partners and volunteers

make it possible for us to have a

major impact on our community!

If you would like to help the United Way

make a difference in Washington County please click the DONATE button today!

Thank you so very much for your continued support!

Spotlight~ Success Story

Health Collaboratives -

Breast Cancer Awareness, Inc.

Thanks to the grant we received from United Way, we have been able to meet with more patients and spend the additional time needed with each one. Our Patient Care Coordinator is a 5-year breast cancer survivor, who was diagnosed at 37. She brings a unique perspective for our young cancer fighters. At BCA, we offer a free wig boutique that is open to all cancer fighters (not just breast cancer patients).In February we met Katie, a young mother who is battling stage 3 uterine cancer. Our Patient Care Coordinator immediately connected with Katie when she called in to inquire about the process for getting a wig. She spent quite a bit of time with her on the phone, answering her questions and empathizing with her - from mother to another. When Katie came in for her appointment, she was exhausted. Treatment was hard on her and demands of having a young child were taking a toll. Our Patient Care Coordinator got her some water and chatted with her for a few minutes before taking her into the boutique. They spent over an hour in the boutique. Katie tried on several wigs and experimented with various colors and styles. There were laughs and a few tears. When Katie came out of the boutique, she was all smiles. She had decided to wear her wig home and she looked beautiful! Later that evening, I received a message from Katie in our BCA Facebook inbox. "Hi, I am a uterine cancer patient, and I had an awesome experience there today with Amy. She is wonderful. She made me feel human. She's awesome at her job..."

Lives are being changed, hope is being given, and cancer fighters like Katie feel human thanks to the grant we received from the United Way! Thank you for believing in our mission and helping us as we strive to ensure No One Fights Alone.

~ Submitted by Stacy Horst, Breast Cancer Awareness, Inc., Executive Director

Spotlight~ Success Story

Health Collaboratives -

Medical Advocacy

CASA, Inc.

This specific client showcases the collaboration CASA, Inc. has within the community and how this can better serve survivors. This client experienced sexual assault within an intimate partner relationship. Local law enforcement called the CASA, Inc. hotline while on scene responding to an incident with this client. The client then told law enforcement they would seek medical care at the emergency department and CASA, Inc. was able to quickly set up an advocate to meet this client at the hospital when they arrived. The client was assisted by CASA, Inc. to set up a domestic standby to retrieve their items and then safe stays in a hotel until a permanent safe plan could be put into place. A CASA, Inc. advocate also provided accompaniment to the local State’s Attorney Office while the client was questioned regarding the incidents to provide emotional support. 

This success story highlights the services provided within the crisis support services. A client who received medical accompaniment due to sexual assault by an acquaintance was able to connect with ongoing support services at CASA, Inc. The client completed the sessions that focus on processing the trauma that occurred, safety planning, positive coping skills, and emotional support. The client was able to be referred to the Sexual Assault Legal Institute for further assistance for legal concerns related to the assault. These services were received immediately and without a waiting list or fees which removes many barriers victims may face when seeking continued support to process the trauma.

A secondary success seen from the expansion of the medical advocacy program this year has been a collaborative effort with the forensic nurse team to better integrate our services. In the upcoming quarter CASA, Inc. will have another dedicated staff person to continue this strong partnership and increase the collaboration within a multidisciplinary system to include victim advocate services, law enforcement, and medical care. CASA, Inc. has successfully implemented the forensic nurse hotline connection and has connected 2 clients currently with a forensic nurse during the hospital call, which has led to the clients seeking medical care.

CASA has 1 volunteer that assists in medical advocacy. This volunteer provides on-site accompaniment for victims in the emergency department. This quarter the volunteer provided 26.75 hours of direct service to survivors. 

~ Submitted by Lisa Dougherty, Executive Director


United Way of Washington County MD is currently seeking additional members of the community to serve on both the Revenue and GIVE (Give. Invest. Volunteer. Educate) Committees. We ask interested parties to commit to at least once-a-month hybrid committee meetings in return for having a voice in how UWWC can maximize our reach within our community. 

For more information, please reach out to Heather Guessford at heather@uwwcmd.org or 301-739-8200 ext.102.

Promoting Literacy Across Washington County!

Our Books United program, founded in May of 2022, has 26 active

partner locations and has collected and redistributed

over 35,000 books in less than two years!

In addition to book distributions, we also host multiple reading clubs,

including one at Coffman Nursing Home and

Lasting Change Recovery Solutions for Women.

Welcome to our newest Books United partner, Brook Lane!

Last month, Books United visited Brook Lane and provided a diverse selection of books to enhance their library. In addition, meditation coloring books were donated to the students at Laurel Hall. This collaboration marks the beginning of a partnership between Books United and Brook Lane, as we strive to promote literacy in Washington County. We are thrilled to be working together towards our shared goal of fostering a love for reading.

A special thanks to our wonderful Books United volunteers,

Sharon Giles, Beth Johnston, and Jo Ellen Allenberg

for helping to sort and deliver books! 

As Always...

Special Thanks to Julie Rohm and the Valley Mall for supporting our Books United Program!

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Marsha Mauriello for her dedication and commitment to our organization. Marsha generously volunteers numerous hours to support our hygiene closets and goes above and beyond by creating and filling tote bags for our Ladies for Lasting Literacy program. Your hard work and generosity do not go unnoticed, Marsha. Congratulations to the winners!

Deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and brushes and feminine pads are all items we need every day. But for some low-income families personal hygiene poses a problem. For many families it can be difficult to put food on the table so personal hygiene items and other necessities are out of reach. Every day people go without personal care Items because they simply can't afford them.

We are serving 1,700 people and GROWING by the day. Our closets are on-campus and discreetly benefit low-income students and their families who lack transportation and/or those wishing to keep their demonstrated needs private. Our most requested hygiene items include shampoo, deodorant, and body wash. We have experienced growing requests for laundry pods and feminine pads and liners.

Requests for specialty items include lice kits and body wipes for those living in our rural communities who lack sufficient running water...yes, there are many!

If you wish to learn more about either program or become a partner location please contact Stacey Abeles - stacey@uwwcmd.org or Kathy Harple - kathy@uwwcmd.org.

United Way now has 10 active hygiene closets across Washington County! Newly added closets will be active at Smithsburg High School, Zion Church, and Rockland Woods.

  • Hagerstown Community College
  • Cascade Elementary School
  • Clear Spring Elementary School
  • Hickory Elementary School
  • Western Heights Middle School
  • Parkside Community Center
  • Pleasant Valley Elementary School
  • Smithsburg High School
  • Rockland Woods Elementary
  • Zion Reformed United Church of Christ

United Way's hygiene closets are made possible by the generous support of

many private donors: Our lead grant maker,

The Community Foundation of Washington County;

the Women's Giving Circle; the Kershner Sisters Foundation &

Albert E. & Naomi B. Sinnisen Foundation; our lead mission partner,

Washington County Public Schools and their counselors active in supporting the program; and our lead partner agency, Children in Need

Community Resources Alert!

We're blessed to live in a community where help is

always just a phone call away. You are never alone!

Please share this with all your friends.

2-1-1 Maryland - Supported by our local United Way, this is the state's most comprehensive health and human services resource database. With about over 7,500 resources, individuals with essential needs can get connected to local help 24/7/365.

You can dial 2-1-1 on your phone to speak with someone or you can visit https://211md.org/.

Hagerstown Area Religious Council has also compiled the following resources:

Food & Clothing Resources - https://harccoalition.org/resources/food-and-clothing/

Housing/Shelter - https://harccoalition.org/resources/housing-shelter/

Washington County Mental Health Authority has a listing of mental health providers at https://wcmha.org/provider-directory/.

United Way of Washington County, Maryland

Volunteer Opportunities 

The Family Center - Do you love holding babies? Do you enjoy interacting with toddlers? The Family Center is seeking volunteers to work in their childcare rooms with infants and toddlers (Up to age 4). Flexible daytime hours Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. A background check and fingerprinting is required at no cost. For more information, please contact Rhonda Forrest at 301-790-4002 or rhonda.forrest@maryland.gov

Big Brothers Big SistersWith the renewed inspiration and energy ushered in by the New Year, there is almost no better time to consider making the commitment to share your time and talents with others. The special friendships formed between Bigs and Littles positively change the trajectory of the lives of all involved. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County has a waiting list of kids and needs your help! There are various volunteer opportunities that will fit almost anyone’s availability. For more information, please contact their enrollment & matching coordinator, Kerry Fair, at 301.375.0939 or k.fair@bbbswcmd.org. Let the New Beginnings of this time of year be your call to Be the Change. Visit volunteer need here: https://volunteer.unitedwayfcwc.org/need/detail/?need_id=654044

Girls Inc. – Qualified and willing volunteers are always welcome to join and assist with projects. The girls love meeting new people and will act as a positive role model to them. To express interest, visit: https://www.girlsinc-md.org/volunteer

Boys and Girls Club Volunteer in many different ways like on-site engagement, advocacy, and more. Fill out an application here: https://www.bgcwc.org/volunteer

Discovery Station Volunteers help in every area of the museum in positions like exhibit docents, admission's office clerks, gift shop salespersons, creative development members, program leaders, and more. Visit volunteer need here: https://bit.ly/VolDiscovery

Horizon Goodwill IndustriesVolunteers help in many diverse ways ad can include mission support, community outreach, job connection services, administration, court ordered community service, to name a few. To learn more, visit: https://horizongoodwill.org/volunteer-opportunities/

Literacy Council of Washington CountyYou don’t need experience to be a tutor with LCWC. Training is provided and FREE. You do need to be fluent in English, have enthusiasm, and patience. To learn more, visit: http://www.literacyofwcmd.org/become-a-tutor/

Hagerstown Rescue Mission Sorting volunteers at the donation center are always welcome. To learn more: https://www.hagerstownhopecenter.com/volunteer

Faith Step Ministries - is seeking volunteers to assist with their Saturday morning breakfast ministry that connects with over 150 community members on a weekly basis on

the West End of Hagerstown. They are seeking volunteers from 7:30 am – 10:30 am at 451 Salem Avenue, Hagerstown to help prepare breakfast, serve the public, and

clean up. A minimum of 6 volunteers are needed each week, and they always

welcome extra hands to help! Interested individuals should contact Josue Orellana at

josueorellanaguevara@hotmail.com with any questions or to sign up.

English & More, Inc. - Stay safe while serving your community from the comfort of your home. English tutors for ESL populations are needed. Shadowing opportunities are available for both new and seasoned volunteers. To express interest or learn more, email: virginia.wilson1277@gmail.com.

Washington County Commission on Aging - Volunteers welcome as Meals on Wheels delivery drivers. All those interested must be fully vaccinated. More information here: https://www.wccoaging.org/volunteer

Children in NeedSorting and serving opportunities are always ongoing for community members, organizations, high school students, and more! Learn about getting involved by visiting: https://childreninneedwashingtoncounty.org/volunteer/


Easterseals - Virtual volunteer opportunities are available for anyone with a special talent to share virtually on Zoom. It could be singing, sharing a craft (we can get the supplies), magician, dancing, reading a story etc. If anyone is interested, they can contact Debbie Lauricella, Assistance Center Director, to coordinate. dlauricella@eseal.org

Easterseals Adult Day Services

Many volunteer opportunities are available for anyone with a special talent to share. It could be singing, sharing a craft (we can get the supplies), magician, dancing, reading a story etc. If anyone is interested, they can contact Emily Hankewycz, Activity Director, to coordinate. ebrecht@eseal.org or call 301.745.3828

Habitat for Humanity - Join a team of invaluable volunteers at the ReStore! Multiple positions to fit any skill/interest level. Volunteer Benefits: Flexible schedule / 20% store discount / Rewarding work / Plus, for a limited time receive $20 a month in ReStore cash for up to 6 months. Flyer.

Volunteers Needed

The Hagerstown Housing Authority needs volunteer groups to help provide lunches to low-income seniors and disabled residents of Potomac Towers in Hagerstown. 


The Potomac Towers Lunch Program operates on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Volunteer groups assist by providing either grab-and-go bagged lunches, serving a hot meal onsite, or providing donations of items for the lunches. The volunteers typically provide meals or drop them off at the Towers around 11:30 AM. 


The Lunch Program currently has several days each month without volunteer groups. Open days of the month are the 1st Tuesday, 2nd Thursday, 3rd Thursday, and the 4th Thursday. If interested in assisting, please contact Deena Holder via email at dholder@hagerstownha.com or 301-733-6911 x163. 

Use JustServe for your volunteer needs

and opportunities!

Looking for volunteers to serve in your ministry? Or are you looking for volunteer opportunities for yourself and/or your group? JustServe is a website where volunteer needs meet volunteers. All nonprofits, houses of worship and faith-based organizations are welcome to use this service to post your volunteer needs - just contact Ashlee Harris to get started at jon2ash@gmail.com or text 801-860-1301. Those searching for volunteer opportunities can simply search the database by city, state or zip code or even look for ways to volunteer by remote.

News & Events

Washington County Parks and Recreation is offering various programs and events throughout spring and summer including:


  • Summer Camps: Embark on unforgettable adventures and create lasting memories at our action-packed summer camps!
  • Swimming Lessons: Dive into the refreshing waters and learn essential swimming skills with our expert instructors.
  • Sports Clinics: Sharpen your athletic abilities and unleash your competitive spirit with our dynamic sports clinics.
  • Adult Fitness: Achieve your fitness goals and discover new ways to stay active and healthy with our invigorating adult fitness programs.
  • Special Events: Experience the magic of community and celebrate special occasions with our exciting lineup of special events!


And that's just the beginning! With a diverse range of programs and activities, Washington County Parks and Recreation is your ultimate destination for spring and summer fun. Don't miss out on the adventure – join us for an unforgettable season of excitement and discovery.


To register for classes and events, please visit www.washcorecfit.com.

For additional questions or information, please contact Washington County Parks & Recreation at recsupport@washco-md.net

Washington County Parks & Recreation

Washington County Family Center

221 McRand Court, Suite 300, Hagerstown, MD 21740

The Family Center provides GED and ESL (English as a Second Language) classes for expectant parents and parents with children ages

0-3. Childcare, meals, parenting education, and case management services are provided. Transportation is available on a case-by-case basis. To register or learn more information, please contact Christina McCauley at 301-790-4006 or christinamccauley2@maryland.gov

Circles Washington County

Circles Washington County, MD, is accepting and adding Circles Leaders (participants) to our program and will begin training a new cohort on May 2. We are also actively recruiting more Allies and other volunteers. (Allies work with Circles Leaders on their goals at least twice a month.)  


Coordinators Elizabeth Howe and Marci Corea are holding information sessions and are also happy to accept invitations to meet you in person or speak at your church or organization to share how it’s going and discuss ideas for alleviating poverty in our community. Contact us for more information at circleswcmd@wccac.org or 301-797-4161, ext. 142.  

UPDATED Food, Clothing & Personal Care Resources list

The Food, Clothing & Personal Care Resources list was just updated significantly. Please replace copies you may already have and share it with anyone in need. Updated Resource List. The most recent list can also always be found on the HARC website. If you know of any additional changes, please contact Kathy at director@harccoalition.org or 301-842-4272.


We are looking for

Young Adults 18-24.

Get your MD High

School Diploma,

Career Guidance and Work Training!

Must meet eligibility criteria and be a Washington County Resident. 


We are a Recovery Friendly Workplace.

Funds, Furnishings, and Volunteers Needed for Refugee Families

Recently, there has been an influx of refugee families in Washington County. Refugee Welcome Network (RWN) needs funds, furnishings, and volunteers to help stabilize them while we work with them toward self-sufficiency. In the last two weeks, the RWN settled two new families into housing, with a third currently waiting for housing and help. Read more and see our list of needsDonate fundsContact us to volunteer.

Walking 2 Wellness - Wednesdays

Every Wednesday, 12:00 pm

The Athletic, Recreation and Community Center (ARCC)

Hagerstown Community College

11400 Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown


Trying to fulfill your New Year's Resolution in getting healthier? Let's get healthy together! Be part of Prime Time For Women's "Walking 2 Wellness" community … meet new people, connect with longtime friends, and develop a regular exercise regime that is good for you. Even better, it’s fun! Prime Time For Women Website / Facebook.

Visit Website for Music Line Up

Make sure to keep up to date with everything going on in Hagerstown by following our announcements and staying connected with the pulse of the city. Whether it's festivals, concerts, or important announcements, we'll keep you in the loop. Don't miss out - stay connected and be part of the vibrant Hagerstown community!



We are thrilled that baseball has made its much-anticipated return to Hagerstown!

After a long wait, fans can once again enjoy the thrilling sights and sounds of America's favorite pastime right here in our community. Whether you're a die-hard fan or simply enjoy the atmosphere of a baseball game, this news is sure to bring a smile to your face.

Let's play ball!


Live-in House Mom/Manager Position

Looking for a mature Christian single woman to live in Hannah's Homestead, a residential Maternity/Recovery Home for women with Children, to oversee the day-to-day runnings of the program. They offer a private apartment including all utilities in exchange for 10 hours a week in managing the program. Live in house manager can work another part time job. Must have own vehicle and a clean background check. Contact Kathy Horst at 301-491-6956 or e-mail Khorst@cmhag.org

Get the JUNE Calendar of children's activities. July & August events wanted! 

HARC is once again working with area congregations and children's organizations to compile summer (June-August) calendars of free and low-cost VBS, camps, and other activities for children and families. Download June here or you can find it on our website. VBS coming up the week of June 10: St. John's UCC Clear Spring. Coming up the week of June 17: Bethel UMC, Valley Grace Brethren, Welty Church of the Brethren, Zion & Christ Reformed UCC and Hagerstown Church of the Nazarene, and storytime at the library. If you have a program to include in the July or August calendar, please send info to Charlotte ASAP: harcnewsflash@gmail.com. Please include date(s), times, location, a brief description, ages served, and how to sign up. 

Dream Group Meetings &

Journal-Making Workshop - June 10, 23, 24

Monday, June 10 & 24, 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Sunday, June 23, 1:30 pm

Foxville School House

14814 Foxville-Deerfield Road, Sabillasville, MD


Dream Group Meetings will be Monday, June 10, and Monday, June 24. Dreams are one of the ways God's Word is revealed in the Bible. What might your dreams reveal about your Soul's conversation with God. Learn more about dreams and how we can support one another in a community of dream work. Pastor Julie Brigham leads the group and has trained through the Haden Institute. A Journal-Making Workshop will be Sunday, June 23. If you wish, bring fabric for the journal cover. Free; call Pastor Julie Brigham at 240-405-2173 to register. For information, call 240-405-2173.

FoDBHM Masquerade Ball - June 14

Friday, June 14, 8:00 - 11:30 pm

Cortland Mansion

19411 Cortland Drive, Hagerstown


The Friends of the Doleman Black Heritage Museum Annual Masquerade Ball with a Cotton Club Twist will occur Friday, June 14. Press Release. The FoDBHM Masquerade Ball is seeking sponsors to further the museum's mission. For sponsorship opportunities, please email them directly at saunders@dbhm.org or parson@dbhm.org, purchase tickets from a board member, or through https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/c4c71bb0-f4b9-4f31-9c5f-d8315a6316d0.

Free Juneteenth Celebration - June 15

Saturday, June 15, 12:00 - 9:30 pm

Wheaton Park

114 Charles Street, Hagerstown


Doleman Black Heritage Museum will be hosting its annual Juneteenth Celebration. FREE and open to the public. Includes vendors and activities for all ages. You are invited to join a celebration of this momentous occasion with a day filled with activities for the whole family. Event Activities Press Release.

Organ Concert by Jeffrey Donnelly - June 21

Friday, June 21, 7:00 pm

St. John's Lutheran Church

141 S. Potomac Street, Hagerstown


St. John's Lutheran Church is having an Organ Concert by Jeffrey Donnelly. It will feature works by Vierne, Giroud, Peeters and others including the World Premiere of a New Composition by Mr. Donnelly who has composed 30 works and transcribed many to organ. This is to Benefit the Restoration Fund for their 1931 Original Moller Organ. Flyer.

Stories in the Round: Liars and Tall Tales Competition - June 24

Monday, June 24, 7:00 pm

Unitarian Universalist Church of Hagerstown

13245 Cearfoss Pike, Hagerstown


Five members of the Antietam Storytellers Guild compete for laurels and a cash prize while battling for the 2024 Best Liar title. Your vote counts. Come to cheer them on! $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Children 12 & older welcome when accompanied by a parent or group leader. Contact: Fanny Crawford, 301-730-1638 or fanitsky@hotmail.com.

Fresh Produce Fruit Drop - June 28

Friday, June 28, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (or until supplies last)

Soul Haven

119 E. Antietam Street, Hagerstown


Fresh Produce Food Drop on Friday, June 28, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (until supplies last). June’s event will Include a limited supply of shelf stable items. Info: 301-790-5054. Flyer.

Save the Date and Sign Up Now: Community Builders Summer Day Camp - August 14-16

August 14-16, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Washington County Free Library Fletcher Branch

100 S. Potomac Street, Hagerstown


Small Hands - Big Hearts: Community Builders Summer Day Camp for 1st thru 5th Graders. "Be A Builder - At Home, At School, And In My Community." Free of charge, Community Guests, Cooking, Music, Games, Service, Arts & Crafts & Library Adventures! Directed by Hagerstown Area Religious Council. Click Here to sign up and register by August 2. Poster. For questions- Ashlee at jon2ash@gmail.com

United Way of Washington County, MD partners with SingleCare

(formerly FamilyWize) to provide community members with access to affordable prescription medications, ensuring greater health and financial stability. 

About the SingleCare

prescription savings card: 

Always free to use by everyone

just show it to the pharmacist.        

No registration or eligibility requirements.

Use it right away! ·        

Save up to 80% on 10,000+

prescription medications  ·        

Accepted at major pharmacy chains nationwide ·        

Sign up on SingleCare.com for additional member savings 

(earn $1 per eligible script!!) 

Works whether you’re insured or underinsured  


Unlimited uses 

For more information and resources, visit: https://www.unitedwaywashcounty.org/singlecare