FEB 03 - FEB 09' 2021
Editor's Note
Dear, Sir / madam

Gubba Pharma e-News is a weekly newsletter for the pharmaceutical industry from Gubba Cold Storage. We aim to update you with quality news pertaining to the industry. Hope you enjoy reading this issue, and every issue !

Gubba Kiran,
Gubba Cold Storage
By plane, truck, van and bikes : How India is transporting covid vaccines to faraway villages
India has distributed 16.5 million doses of the two approved vaccines to its states and territories, which dispersed them using an army of drivers. Reena Jani rose early, finished her chores in the crisp January cold and walked uphill to the road skirting her remote tribal hamlet...
News@Gubba - Telangana Today covers the announcement of upcoming Gubba Biotech Lab
With about 30+ years of experience in serving the seed industry efficiently, Gubba now to level up and serve Seed Industry with most advance technologies in a Biotech Lab. Understanding the quality and purity of your seed is possible with minimal time and maximum accuracy using genetics.
Cipla’s Yusuf K Hamied is India’s medicine man
As a book commemorating Cipla’s 85-year journey nears publication, Cipla chairman Yusuf K Hamied, the grand old man of Indian pharma, talks about a lifelong mission to make drugs affordable and the need for ‘incremental innovation’...
India's vaccine production capacity is best asset world has today, says UN chief 
Calling for India to play a major role in global vaccination campaign, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres termed the vaccine production capacity of India as the "best asset" that the world has today. Addressing reporters here, the UN chief said, "I know that in India there is a very high level of ...
This is your space !
Share news, happenings, events, launches and anything about your company and the Pharma industry. Gubba will be more than glad to receive and publish them. Contact rajkumar@gubbagroup.com to submit articles and advertisements. 
Disclaimer: The content is based on reporting in reputed publications including newspapers and is for information only. Gubba does not support or subscribe to the content.

Designed and compiled by Gubba Deepthi on behalf of Gubba Cold Storage.