Connect Newsletter

April 2023

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

Isaiah 53:5

Holy Week reminds us of the enormity of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. This week as you reflect on this monumental act and then celebrate on Easter Sunday, may you be reminded of the all-encompassing love of Jesus for the whole world – including you!  

New Pacific Bishop Announced

We are thrilled to announce that Bill Donner has been confirmed to serve as the bishop of the Pacific Conference, starting August 1, 2023. Bill has served in pastoral positions at BIC congregations for over 20 years and has a passion to see the Conference grow through strong, healthy congregations. Read more »

Partnership Handbook - Begompur Church Building

In a small village in India, the Begompur BIC congregation is rapidly growing; so quickly in fact that only half of their members can fit into their building at a time! We are excited to help them complete a new, expanded building to facilitate their growing ministry. Learn more »

2022 Annual Report

We are pleased to share our 2022 Annual Report with you!

“So that the world may believe” quickly became the unofficial theme for this issue. The phrase, taken from John 17, points to the power of Christian unity as we share Jesus with the world. In this issue, you will find themes of unity and togetherness throughout many of the articles, including:

  • The story of a small church starting a food pantry with massive impact
  • A call to be unified on mission from our national director
  • Photos and stories from our global team’s retreat this summer
  • A behind-the-scenes look at the Global Compassion Fund

Print copies are being mailed to all BIC U.S. pastors, and you can find digital versions in English and Spanish on our website.


Upcoming Short-Term Trips

World Missions’ short-term trips lead others to explore the breadth of the Church and inspire the next generation of global workers. We are currently accepting applications for our 2023 trips to Greece and Southeast Asia; trips to Colombia and Dearborn, Mich. in 2024 are also scheduled. Learn more and apply »

Introducing the Legacy Society

The Brethren in Christ U.S. Legacy Society was established to recognize, thank, and honor those who give to Brethren in Christ U.S. through their Will, retirement plan, or other charitable giving. This includes gifts designated for World Missions, a regional conference, or a specific congregation. Learn more about membership »

The Cost of a Smile

At Macha Mission Hospital in rural Zambia, even the most basic surgical procedure takes a feat of logistical organization. But for patients like Charity – a young girl born with a cleft lip and cleft palate – the results are life changing. Read Charity’s story in “The Cost of a Smile,” by Dr. Mark Roth, general surgeon and hospital superintendent at Macha. Read article »

$4,000 Sent for Storm Relief in Malawi

In March, Tropical Storm Freddy battered the eastern coast of southern Africa. Raging flood waters and sudden landslides destroyed homes and took hundreds of lives. We distributed $4,000 from the Global Compassion Fund to support initial emergency relief efforts in and around Blantyre, Malawi, an area that has sustained major damages. Learn more »

Teaching Peace - New Issue of Shalom!

The Psalmist says that whoever loves life should seek peace and pursue it. Part of pursuing peace is teaching it, whether through our preaching, in Sunday school class and Bible studies, at home, telling stories of peacemaking, or the way we live. The world desperately needs peacemakers! Read issue »

MissionExcellence Training

BIC U.S. World Missions takes the planning and leading of short-term trips very seriously. Our staff have been trained by MissionExcellence to ensure missional experiences are beneficially impactful to all those involved. We are pleased to offer their online workshop, May 10-12, designed to help short-term mission leaders and mobilizers improve their short-term trips. A second training is scheduled for March 2024. Learn more »

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

John 17:20-21

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