"The only true wisdom is  in knowing you  know nothing." 

- Socrates

In This Issue
Five Things You Should Know About  Consumers & Telemedicine
A new study on Consumers & Telemedicine reveals that interest among consumers in these health care solutions is high. But knowledge and use of telemedicine options lag behind usage. How do providers and insurers convert non-users into users of these often more convenient and accessible care solutions?
According to Zeldis Senior Research Director Jeff Mann, one important difference between users and non-users of telemedicine surveyed in the study is the source of knowledge. "Our hypothesis is that hearing about telemedicine from your health system or healthcare provider or your employer helps activate consumers."
The quantitative study of 300 telemedicine users and 300 interested non-users was funded and conducted by Zeldis Research, with help from Dynata. Read more of the Five Things You Should Know About Consumers & Telemedicine  HERE.

View the webinar HERE.
Learn more about Telemedicine & Consumers HERE.
ESG Investing - A New Podcast on Socially Responsible Investments
Both consumers and financial advisors want to know more about Environmental, Social and Government (ESG) investments - for different reasons. In a new podcast from Zeldis Research,  Senior Account Director Fred Gaudios  describes the attitudes and behaviors of both audiences towards these value-based investments. The podcast details the results of a two-phase Zeldis study on ESG: a quantitative survey of consumers and follow-up webcam interviews with financial advisors. 

While awareness of ESG investments remains low, the study found consumers who know about them like the idea of aligning investments with their values, even at the expense of returns. Even for advisors who sell ESG investments, it is a low priority however, and there are numerous barriers, including complexity of purchase, inconsistent approach by fund companies to marketing them, and few resources to learn more. But advisors say they offer them to give their interested clients peace of mind.

Other results showed that environmental and social grounds are more compelling to consumers for purchasing investments to consumers than Corporate Governance.

And a new concept Zeldis researchers tested on "Patriotic" investments - promoting company values such as "Made in America" and  giving jobs to veterans -  was found to be appealing to consumer segments not otherwise interested in ESG investments.
Listen to the podcast HERE.
Learn more about the ESG Study HERE.
Thought Leadership Research - Conducting Research on a
Tight Time Frame?
Tight timetables are challenging for all researchers, especially for thought leadership research, which includes greater levels of review and analysis. Zeldis Senior Account Director Fred Gaudios shares a recent case study in conducting a client research project from start to finish in only six weeks. Using agile research tenets to plan ahead, helping the client plan internally to bring multi-level stakeholders on board to share results and collect feedback, and other techniques from Zeldis' experience, the project went from "Field to White Paper in Six Weeks."
View the key takeaways  HERE .
Exploring the Research and Insights Function in the Insurance Industry
There's "good, bad and ugly" news from a recent study on the research and insights function in the insurance industry. Interviews with insurance company researchers revealed that the majority feel their work is used to drive informed business decisions, but more than half also  belie ve their work is often under-utilized. The study was conducted by the Society of Insurance Research and Zeldis Research, and presented at the recent annual meeting  by Brian Kiley of West Bend Mutual, Patrice Nolan of Competiscan, and Amy Rey, Zeldis Executive Vice President.
The study also delved into the structure of the research function within the insurance industry, how insights roles are integrated within the carrier, how success is defined and measured, pressing issues impacting the research function, and what tools and technology are being used.
See the Infographic on the Insurance Industry Research HERE.

For more information on the research and for access to the full report, 
please contact info@sirnet.org.
Zeldis Perspectives: Meet Andy Romano
Research Director Andy Romano describes how he's grown - along with the company - since joining Zeldis Research ten years ago. Read  how he views his team as a 'family' and learn what video technology can and cannot do at this stage of its development to enhance market research.

Read the interview HERE and watch his video on using video HERE.
If you have any questions, or suggestions for articles you'd like to see in future issues of The Zeldis Buzz , please contact me by calling (609) 737-7223, x207, or by emailing doris@zeldisresearch.com .


Doris Kaiser, Managing Partner 

Zeldis Research Associates 

609-737-7223, x207


About Zeldis Research
Zeldis Research  can help you do smarter, more impactful research. In turn, this allows your stakeholders to market products and services more successfully to their targets.

Our deep and broad industry knowledge in the markets we serve, customized solutions blending Qualitative and Quantitative methods, highly responsive boutique size, and actionable results have helped clients effectively improve the development and communication of their products and services.

Zeldis Research Associates

1230 Parkway Avenue, Suite 311

Ewing, NJ 08628


p. 609-737-7223
f. 609-737-9272