• "I wish I'd had all this info before I did my first book. Ugh!" - CP
  • "This has been so helpful! I'm less terrified of the tech portion now." - CB
  • "This webinar with George was awesome." - MM
  • "George is a wonder - and wonderfully amazing guy. Thanks for all your help!" - EF
  • "Thank you, George, for this incredibly informative session. And thanks to all the participants - your comments are so helpful." - AP
  • "Thanks so much for this information and your time, George. This has been really interesting and helpful." - DF
  • "George, you are a treasure trove of info and generosity. Many thanks to you and to John for this webinar." - CD

See demonstrations of professional audiobook production - from the basics & beyond - that will get you confidently working faster and easier.


George Whittam is a worldwide leading authority on voice over
recording technology, helping clients with training, studio design,
tech support and more.

Includes Video & Audio Recordings & Slides
Are you spending more time than necessary in production?

Are your audiobook production skills competitive with narrators who consistently book with publishers and authors who demand top-notch audio quality services that those narrators provide?

In this webinar, George Whittam demonstrates production techniques that will pay for themselves many times over in time savings and productivity.

Download now - just $59 for valuable how-to demonstrations that you can refer to time and time again.
  • Proper audiobook narration studio setup.
  • Recording techniques for efficient editing.
  • Editing methods that sound "unedited".
  • Proofing workflow.
  • Mastering that nails the specs every time.

Plus, George answers questions in a lively Q&A.

Receive Video & Audio Recordings of All Techniques & Slides
GEORGE WHITTAM is a worldwide top authority in voice over recording technology, and has been serving the technical needs of voice actors and recording studio owners since 2005. In August 2017 he launched GeorgeTheTech.com to assist voice actors with tech support, training, studio design, recording equipment and training materials. His many clients have included voice over stars Melissa Disney, Randy Thomas, Joe Cipriano, Scott Rummell and the late Don LaFontaine. He was co-founder of the SAG Foundation's Don LaFontaine Voice Over Lab, and is co-host of the popular Monday night Voice Over Body Shop webcast.
Presented by VoiceOverXtra ...
the voice over industry's DAILY
online news, training and resource center