But I Didn't Order This
"Silly Waiter” was a game wed play when my two sons were little. One of us would welcome the other to our "restaurant" and take their order. Repeating the order – which often included lobster and chocolate cake – the waiter would, with a flourish, say they would bring it to the chef. In a few minutes, refilling the imaginary water glass with an imaginary pitcher, the waiter would apologize for the wait. 

Finally, the smiling waiter would announce that the meal was ready. Each item was announced - spoken aloud in a reverent tone - while the waiter pantomimed taking the tops off the dishes.
The mood turned as item after item was revealed, since none were what was ordered. I ordered lobster, not chicken nuggets!”  “I ordered champagne, not cranberry juice!” You get it. The waiter apologized profusely between giggles. The order would be reinstated, the replacement meal served, and voila! Another disaster.
The game would end when the agitated and weary patron proclaimed You are the worst waiter Ive ever had in my life!” and brought their appetite elsewhere.
Sometimes the journey of owning a business or being a leader can feel like this.
The patron arrives, hungry, presumably for whatever we offer. From this point on we have control over their experience. They order from the menu theyve been given. 
  • Can we deliver what we promised? 
  • Do we have the right customer-facing staff in place – and have they been trained correctly? 
  • How about our back room - after all, the chef is at least as important as the waiter! 
  • Do we have the supplies, the infrastructure needed to fulfill our promise? (The fresh ingredients behind the menu?)
If the order is delayed, or the customer is dissatisfied, the blame is largely on us. Their experience is in our hands. We must deliver what we promise, and manage our way out of the many inevitable (but often unpredictable) problems that arise.
Does anything beat the feeling that we have managed to build an operation that most times provides a 5 star experience from menu to table? Except for raising silly waiters, I don’t think so.

Until next time,
w 855-588-5850, x1

P.S. Wondering how to identify and build a 5 star experience for others that both leverages the work you're really good at and gives you the life you want? That's part and parcel of the business-and-life-changing 9HReset experience. You're in luck, since Registration is open for May online event (scroll down for info.)
Want more clarity and wicked-smart NEXT actions to kickstart your business or career...or new business...or next business? Maybe you just need some help naming and framing the book you're writing - or a new product?

The 9HReset can help with all that - and whatever is your #1 businesses or professional question (sometimes we even get to your #2 question). It's highly affordable, very small group, and even comes with a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

Read what an attendee at our last program has to say:
"I just attended Marilee's 9 Hour Reset seminar. Wow. Her energy is infectious and gave me a jolt of energy on a stalled project. She has a gift for instantly analyzing your situation and helping you see things from a new perspective. Her honest and actionable suggestions are pure gold!"
Mike Doble, APR, CFCP
Next FREE OFFICE HOURS Friday, May 7th
Office hours is an easy, fun and free way to get quick question answered - or just have a conversation! Each month I've reserved two blocks of time where anyone can show up for a group conversation (and, one-on-one consults).

You do need to register ahead of time. Registration is free.

Marilee Driscoll is a speaker, trusted advisor and strategy consultant to business owners and nonprofit leaders, and an entrepreneur. Published author.

Marilee's work is all about strategies that help organizations - and the people that run them - achieve real, sustainable success.

She has been quoted in The Wall St. Journal, the New York Times, Money Magazine, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine, and dozens of other publications.

She's been interviewed on various radio programs, and for a 6-minute segment on The CBS Early Show.

Her client list includes: Toyota Corporation, The Boston Globe, SunTrust, Northwestern Mutual, The National LTC Network, Putnam Financial, Plymouth400, The Financial Planning Association, and dozens of small business owners.

Marilee is an award-winning member and past president of the National Speakers Association – New England Chapter.

Marilee is the author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Long-term Care Planning,” and her next book "Sweet Spot" - a motivational business book - is slated for release in 2021.

If you’re wondering if an experienced, objective sounding board/advisor who cares might be helpful, here you go:

  • Free Office Hourswww.FreeOfficeHours.com for more info.
  • Very small group 9HReset. Next dates May 13 & 14th (noon - 4 p.m. Eastern both days). Registration open now.
  • One-on-one consulting, coaching, or to book Marilee to speak to your group, reply to this newsletter or call for information.