The bulletin announcements are in printable Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and PDF formats for inserts and copying to your bulletin.

Bulletin Announcements

Local content this week on STR

We have an exciting program series from the Right Arm Revived symposium held last November at the Village Seventh-day Adventist Church. This week will be Dr. Wes Youngberg and Dr. Joyce Choe. Many in your congregation follow Dr. Youngberg and will enjoy this interview.

Strong Tower Radio continues its virtual visits to Seventh-day Adventist church schools. This is the second season and our focus will be the schools in Michigan's upper peninsula.

Learn of the PINE MOUNTAIN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL that is nestled in the woods. We found this school to be a family type of education, meeting the educational standard in the most welcoming way. The teacher's assistant is a real-life grandfather and you sense his kind loving way with the students. Tune-in yourself and exprience this U.P. treasure!

Thank you for all that you do every single week!

God bless,

Tom Mejeur


Editable STR MS Word insert two (2) per page with NO pictures or format for copying and pasting!
Editable STR MS Word insert two (2) per page WITH PICTURES
STR editable POWERPOINT three (3) bulletin inserts per page
STR PDF three (3) bulletin inserts per page
STR PowerPoint Announcements Slideshow
STR PDF Graphic Images Announcements

Christ healing the lame at the pool of Bethesda- Pieter van Lint via Wikipedia

Jesus, Healing, the Gospel, & Me!

Strong Tower Radio (STR) is starting a series on "Jesus, Healing, the Gospel, and Me" Fridays at 1 p.m., and Saturdays at 5 p.m. only on Strong Tower Radio stations, STR apps, or

School chalkboard. Photo Credit: Chuck Yong on Pixabay

Church School in the Woods

Strong Tower Radio (STR) visits a small U.P. church school in the woods at 3:30 a.m. Sunday, 4 p.m. Monday, 9 p.m. Wednesday, and 1 p.m. Thursday only on Strong Tower Radio stations, STR apps, or

STR's Garden Guy in the Michigan State University rose garden

Photo Credit: Tom Mejeur

April's Garden Guy

Catch the April Strong Tower Radio (STR) Garden Guy at 5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. Monday, and midnight Wednesday only on Strong Tower Radio stations, STR apps, or

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P.O. Box 567, Cadillac, MI 49601

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