Dear All Souls Members, Friends and Fans,


Love is the spirit of All Souls. So far this year we have donated over $7000 to organizations that share our values. We have also continued our journey of being equitable, attractive employers, we have rebuilt many of our ministries that went fallow during COVID–including our Social Justice Ministry Team, and we have voted to be Net Zero Carbon by 2040. We have so much to be proud of! 

We are certainly proud of the direction of All Souls. For all of us, this church has left an indelible mark in our lives, which helps us see our world, its beauty, its problems and our roles in affecting both. That’s why we have said YES to working on this year’s Stewardship Campaign.  

In just the last year, All Souls has done some amazing things:


  • All Souls is playing an active role with the ACLU’s lawsuit against the state of Indiana’s law against reproductive rights.
  • Our building has hosted a number of music concerts and art festivals to celebrate some of our most creative members of our church and community.
  • Our building has become a safe place for people of many faiths and identities to gather and have meetings because these guests know we have a radically and intentionally inclusive space.
  • Our Environmental team is taking a step forward in making the church more carbon neutral and being proactive with environmental initiatives.


We don’t need to tell you that 2024 likely won’t be a quiet year. Not only is it a presidential election year with a number of issues needing a strong UU voice, but now more than ever, we need the fellowship that comes with being part of a church family. Whether enjoying a powerful sermon on Sunday or a shared meal in the fellowship hall or just a quiet discussion with a fellow member, All Souls plays an important part in allowing us to see the beauty in the world and in each other.


This is why we continue to support the church with our annual pledges. 


Like all of us, the growing cost of things has affected the church. The Board has begun the process of creating a responsible budget and estimates we will need $395,000 in pledges from our membership. By letting us know your financial commitment, we can be assured we can meet all the growing needs of our church home. Perhaps you might consider increasing your pledge by 10 percent?


We will again be using the Realm for our stewardship platform where you can conveniently make your pledge online by logging in here and adding your pledge. Over the next weeks, if you would like some assistance, helpful volunteers will be available after service to guide you through the process in making your gift. 

We will have a team of people on site THIS SUNDAY while we enjoy our annual campaign kick-off pitch in and lunch to help you enter your pledge in Realm. This is a wonderful new, more confidential, secure and green way for pledges to be collected. Mariah Arkins, our Office Admin, will also be on site to help.


We hope to make this campaign quick and easy, and have it all wrapped up by Sunday, March 31st.


Please join us in making your gift today!



Karen Downing

2024 Stewardship Campaign Chair, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee