Our Community Report details our impact over the past two years. Your support is vital so we can continue this work of building homes, communities and hope in York County. Learn more about our impact and review our financial statements to inform your support.

A Heartfelt Thank You
We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to the remarkable individuals and organizations who have generously supported our mission this year. Your belief in our vision has granted us the opportunity to make a meaningful impact and inspired us to reach new heights. We extend our deepest thanks to each of you for making a difference in our community.

A special gratitude goes to our most recent grant funders, whose unwavering commitment has fueled our initiatives and propelled us closer to our goals.
Tax-savvy gifts build homes, communities & hope
As we work in York County to give people in need a hand-up so they can afford a safe place to live, we recognize that our mission is only made possible through our generous donors. That’s why we’re reminding you to consider making a tax-savvy contribution that may fulfill your own financial goals, all while helping us bring people together to build homes, communities and hope in York County. Our partner, FreeWill, provides our supporters with a secure online tool that they can use to give from their IRA, make a grant from a Donor-Advised Fund, transfer their appreciated assets, or donate cryptocurrency in minutes.
Your voice as an advocate for affordable housing and equitable communities is needed.

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Monday, April 22, 2024
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