Faith and Health Partnerships

Pages 1-2

Our Approach: Loving Communities are Healthy Communities

Pages 3-4

Join us in this work

Page 5-6

Do We Have the Courage to Love?

Page 7

Healing Congregations: 

Nurturing Love, Life, and Hope in a Hurting World

Page 8

March 16 Webinar: 

Compassion, Prevention, and Healing for Addiction

Pages 9-10

Ways to get involved

Welcome, friends! Through this new publication, we provide a little background on the work we do and invite you to come alongside us to build loving, healthy communities.

Health programs, education, and access to care play big roles in people's health and wellbeing. But what makes the biggest difference is whether they have justice, connection, hope, trust, belonging, and spiritual vitality in their neighborhood —all the things we teach and practice in our faith communities.

This work is big. But we can do it together—as Companions. Learn how on the following pages.

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Thank you in advance for your participation!

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Who We Are

Advocate Health Care

Faith and Health Partnerships

We work side-by-side with faith communities to promote health equity by mobilizing the transforming power of social connectedness and spiritual wisdom.

Our core belief: Drawing on the wisdom of our religious traditions and the best social and public health science, we believe that positive, mutual relationships and the intentional practice of faith are at the heart of what creates equitable health and well-being for individuals, congregations and communities.

Learn more about our work:

We blend the strengths of Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care with the strengths of your congregation to improve the health of those in your community.

Illinois residents: Join our mailing list.
Wisconsin residents: Join our mailing list.