August is PA Produce Month! It's time to get your message out to your local media and let local consumers know about the incredible #paveggies that you're offering.

This email is filled with content to use on your preferred platforms (social media, blog, or email) and ideas for specials/promotions to plan throughout the month, so you can keep farming and spend less time at your desk.

Keep your eyes peeled for more emails to come and feel free to follow our Marketing Calendar (pictured below) for guidance and check the Toolkit at for additional resources.

Celebrate PA Produce Month this August by shopping local #paveggies. LIKE and FOLLOW our page for the latest on fun events and specials. 

Farmers who sell locally create 13 full time jobs per $1 million in revenue earned. That’s 4.3 times more jobs than those that do not sell locally.

It’s time to support your friends, neighbors, and yourself! Let’s create a stronger, healthier Pennsylvania by keeping our money in-state. Buy #paveggies!

Small businesses and farms are your neighborhood’s heart, your economy’s backbone, and your town’s spirit. Shop local!

If you want to see positive growth in your community, vote with your dollar by purchasing from local farms.

Designate a food drive table at your farm stand or farmers' market booth. Customers may purchase produce from that table to donate to your partner food bank. Match the total donations made with your own donation.

Encourage customers to “share” your Facebook post on their own page for a free pint of potatoes or head of lettuce - or just $1 credit at your farm or market stand.