Dear LHEC Subscribers,  
The Steering Committee, with the assistance of Ostroff Associates, has continued to advocate for public education issues critical to the Lower Hudson Valley. Although our work continues year-round, the approval of a state budget gives us a moment to reflect on the work accomplished to date. 
  • September/October - LHEC Steering Committee developed an advocacy agenda based on the priorities of the contributing organizations 
  • November - Advocacy agendas shared with NYS Legislators and the Board of Regents/NYSED 
  • December - LHEC Legislative Panel provided springboard for dialogue with local Assemblymembers and Senators about key advocacy issues 
  • January – Advocacy agendas revised based on Executive Budget 
  • February/March - LHEC Steering Committee met with key parties to advocate for our region: 
  • Regent Wills 
  • Education Committee Chairs: Senator Shelley Mayer, Assemblyman Michael Benedetto 
  • Senators and Assemblymembers representing our four counties 
  • Majority Counsel and Finance Staff
  • Assembly Counsel & Program Staff
Many of the LHEC priorities are incorporated into the enacted state budget, but there are many issues we will be continuing to advocate for in the best interests of the public-school districts and students of the lower Hudson Valley.
The LHEC Steering Committee
Chair: Kelly Lappan, - DCSBA
Rina Beder - WPSBA
Kris Felicello - LHCSS
Kim Fontana - LHCSS
Rita Golden - WPSBA
Sandi Jeanette - RCSBA
Scott Levy - WPSBA
Joseph Ricca - LHCSS
Ray Sanchez - LHCSS
LHEC Administrator: Karen Belanger