Supporting & Celebrating Our Parish

Join us for the Day of Giving now through April 16

Catholic Identity is at the heart of our school, and the connection to our church is part of what makes life at St. Barnabas so meaningful. Time spent within the church carries a special place in the hearts of our students. Shared time and connection with classmates at weekly mass and celebrating sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation shape us as a community. Christmas pageants, May Crowning, All Saints Day, Graduation, and Service Day Reflection - some of our most joyful moments as a school - all take place within our church. Opportunities for serving in the student ministry roles of lectors, altar servers, choir, and eucharistic ministers develop poise, confidence, and reverence. The impact of St. Barnabas Church on our students is undeniable.

The Day of Giving is an invitation to support our church's immediate needs: to replace the pews and floor, remove asbestos, and paint the church interior. These much-needed updates and improvements can help bring our church into the next 100 years.

How students can support the Day of Giving

We invite students to feel connected to the Day of Giving so they can play a part in supporting the next 100 years of St Barnabas students. This week and next, the students will spend time each morning learning about the history of St. Barnabas Parish and reflecting on the role of St. Barnabas Church in their lives.  

Homeroom Collections

Each homeroom will have a collection bin, and we encourage all students to contribute in any way they can! Any amount, large or small, is welcomed.

$1,000 Challenge

All students will receive a dress-down day when $1,000+ in donations is raised by the entire school.

Duct Tape the Principal!

Many of our current pews are held together with duct tape! The grade that raises the most money through homeroom donations will have a laugh as they tape Mr. Stack to the wall with duct tape.

How parents/guardians can support the Day of Giving

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to visit the Day of Giving website to learn about the church restoration effort and to donate. 

Join Us For Mass

Please join us for 8:45am mass on Tuesday, April 16, and enjoy a Day of Giving reception after mass.

100 Family Challenge

When one hundred school families donate online to the Day of Giving campaign, parishioner John Harrell of State Farm will provide a dunk tank for our school Spirit Day!

Thank you for your support & consideration of the future of St. Barnabas.


ONE Barnabas - We are called to nurture the mind, body, and spirit.

Questions, Comments - Email us.