Membership Newsletter
Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Welcome back to the current edition (Volume 27) of our bi-weekly newsletter "LEAD LIKE ANDREW." It's a quick-read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned and successes from the previous weeks.

We urge you to contact us with news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so that we can include them! We would also value your feedback on this newsletter or how your national office is serving you.

Please contact Conrad Jones email Conrad or

Dr. Roy Benavides email Roy for feedback or for sharing newsletter information!

Please share this newsletter with other men in your parish or community.

In Memoriam

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew community is mourning the loss of our 28th National President Brother Robert J. Dennis. Most of us knew him as "Brother Bob". On September 3, at age 74, he finally lost a courageous battle with prostate cancer. Burial Service is planned for Saturday, 9 am, September 10th at 1072 80th street at Phillips Dyer Height Episcopal Church in Brooklyn NY. May his soul rest in peace and rise in glory. Blessed in the eyes of the Lord are the death of his saints.

Past President's Prayer

Here is a prayer that Past President Bob Dennis penned.

Jesus, My Savior Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, I have so much to be thankful for, and sometimes I forget to acknowledge how important you are in my life today. When times are bad, I am drawn closer to you, and when times are good I know you are walking with me in my journey. Thank you for guiding me in this journey to fulfill the purpose you have for my life. At times I am clueless about what You are planning for me, but I want to trust you more and believe that through you all things are possible. You died on the Cross for the forgiveness of my sins, those that are past, present, and future. Help me to live the fruits of the Spirit, showing love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness to people, becoming more like you.  Give me the strength to demonstrate gentleness and self-control, and not be weary in doing good for others. I want to be faithful in my devotion to you, and I know you will always be working on my behalf. In Your name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Bob Dennis 9-12-20




Pray Day

Join us...

What better way to level set during the middle of the week? We will be holding a weekly Wednesday, 12 noon (CDT) prayer time over ZOOM open to all Brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!

We can all spare 20 minutes in prayer. It's like making a stop at the faith service station to fill up your prayer tank!

Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!

The Zoom link can be accessed by clicking hereYou must enter Passcode 0723

Note: The scripted Formats for the Mid-Day Prayers may be found in Google Drive under the Shared Folder of "Membership Activities."

Prayer Leaders Schedule

September 14 DWMO Bro.Gary Allman Communications VP

September 21 Bro. Chris Matthews, Province VII President

September 28 Bro.Tom Welch, Executive Director

October 5, Fr. JTQ Diocese of Atlanta

October 12 Bro. Tom Martin Field Ops VP

October 19 Bro. Nick Cox Province II President

October 26 Bro. Roy Benavides, Sr.VP Administration

November 2 Bro. Conrad Jones, National President

November 9 Bro. Chris Matthews, ProvinceVII President

November 16, Bro. Tom Martin, Field OPS VP

November 23, Bro. Tom Welch, Executive Director

November 20, Bro. Jeff Butcher, Stewardship & Generosity

If you'd like to lead the program on a Wednesday, it's simple...we already have the script made out (in our devotional handbook or the Book of Common Prayer)!

We're done in about 20 minutes....that's it!

Contact or


September Webinar

Rev. Peter Rodgers

Our guest for the next monthly webinar is Rev. Peter Rodgers. He was Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, New Haven Connecticut, and an Associate Fellow of Timothy Dwight College at Yale University from 1979 until 2003. He holds degrees from Hobart College, General Theological Seminary and Oxford University. Before coming to St. John's in 1979 he was curate for student ministry at the Round Church in Cambridge, England. . In his retirement, he teaches New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, Sacramento campus, and is Pastor of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Antelope, CA.

He has published several journal articles and books on the text of the New Testament and is the author of Knowing Jesus, a basic introduction for those who want to explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. His latest book, The Pelican and the Phoenix, is an excellent story about Rufus, a scribe of the roman church, who was on a mission in western Britain in 184 A.D.

Our monthly webinars are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 8pm EDT. The next one will be September 7, and you can join by simply clicking here.

Meet Our Peeps!
Each edition we'll be highlighting a couple of folks so we can all become more familiar with our Brotherhood members and staff from all over the country! Digital ministry is important ministry and especially these days. Relationships can be formed online with caring and informative interaction. We can visually connect and share Good News.
God is everywhere. Church is everywhere.
This week let's meet:

Brother John Blossom

The Reverend Canon John Blossom, serves the Brotherhood as Vice President – Planned Giving. He was ordained to the priesthood with the special intention of serving the Church as a Non-Stipendiary (not paid) clergyman. Brother John became a Life Member of The Brotherhood in 2001.

Brother Blossom has served in two inner-city parish ministries, two church planting responsibilities, and as Canon for Evangelism of St Paul’s Cathedral in Peoria, Illinois. He holds an MBA degree specializing in Church Administration. He will reach his fiftieth anniversary as an Episcopal Priest in 2024.

In his secular occupation, Brother John grew a small business into a nationally prominent retirement plan administration and investment advisory business. When he sold the business in 2020 it had grown to a staff of 75 persons serving more than $3 Billion in retirement plan assets. Serving the Brotherhood of St Andrew gives Brother John an opportunity to combine his priestly calling and his business experience in the ministry of our Brotherhood.  

Brother Gregory Evans

Province III President Br. Gregory Evans was first elected to provincial office in April of 2013 as province secretary. Serving in that office for six years under two province presidents. He was elected as province vice president in 2019. Bro. Evans served under the now national president Bro. Conrad Jones, who’s election elevated Bro. Evans into the president’s seat.

Raised in the Lutheran Church Bro. Evans was received into the Episcopal Church while courting his now wife Janis. He has been a member of St. George’s Episcopal Church located in NW Washington, D.C. since 1989. During his time as a parishioner Bro. Evans has been a member of the Vestry, president of the men’s club, counselor for the youth program and of course a member of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. His chapter is named the Herbert S. Nichols chapter #3466. A life long lover and student of music Bro. Evans is also a member of the choir.

Bro. Evans says that his favorite activities and assignments within the Brotherhood are the former Potomac Assembly’s annual retreat held on a weekend at one of either the Claggett Center (Episcopal) or the several retreat centers in the Washington metropolitan area. He also cherishes his participation on the racial reconciliation task force (now committee).

Along with his undergraduate degree Bro. Evans earned a professional certificate in non-profit management. He has worked and volunteered with several charitable entities in and around the District of Columbia. He has been active in the leadership of his alumni society, and is the president for his community organization.

Retired from the government in January of 2020., the last agency being the Metropolitan Police department, Bro. Evans enjoys quality time with family, keeping in touch with childhood buddies, fellowship with members of his parish, and a number of hobbies and recreational activities. Bro. Evans and his wife live in Washington, D.C.  

Has the Brotherhood transformed your spiritual journey?
Do you feel a part of a movement in men's ministry that has lasted nearly 140 years?
Have you considered making a bold statement of your dedication to our ministry and mission?
Join over 440 of your Brothers and become a
Brotherhood of St. Andrew

2022 or 2023?

It seems to happen every year around this time. Brothers are trying to figure out if they have made their dues donations for their 2022 membership, or if they send in a payment now, will it count toward 2022 or 2023 (prepaid). Let me help clarify:

If you have ANY question about if you personally or your chapter is currently paid for 2022, please contact your Chapter Director/Treasurer, Province President or the national office. Dues for a current year were due by December 31 of the preceding year, but many chapters were not meeting again post Covid, and individual members weren't aware they could make their payments online via our website. In fact, our latest database shows nearly 420 Brothers made their dues payments for the 2021 year but not yet for 2022. In fact, we've been making many phone calls to encourage those Brothers to remain current in their financial pledges for 2022. That has huge implications on our budgeting.

Our fiscal year now runs the same as the calendar year. THIS year, we are asking for your 2023 renewal dues to be sent in between Nov. 30 (St. Andrew's Day) and December 31st, 2022. And, we are encouraging chapters to make the best effort they can to collect 2023 dues from their rostered members and send in those payments from the chapter, ALONG with a chapter roster with updated contact information on all rostered members.

Remember, payments received from now until November 30 will FIRST be applied toward 2022 dues if they have not yet been paid. If you are already current for 2022, then please make sure to indicate 2023 on your check.

And remember, only chapters who have THE MAJORITY of their rostered members current with 2022 pledges and have submitted a Chapter Report are eligible to have delegates for voting at the National Council meeting on December 10.  

Br. Conrad J0nes

2022 National Council will meet on December 10th

Only Active Chapters and Assemblies will be allowed delegate voting!

We will be holding our Brotherhood National Council meeting in December to approve the proposed 2023 budget, elect a Treasurer, and vote on proposed Constitution and Bylaws changes that have met notification requirements.

Only Active Chapters and Assemblies will be allowed voting delegates. Don't miss the opportunity for your chapter to have a voice and vote! "Active Chapter" indicates an Annual Chapter Report has been submitted and the MAJORITY of a chapter's rostered members are current in their dues for 2022.

The delegates from the 2021 Council meeting will be contacted by email to confirm if they are indeed the delegate for 2022 and if not, who from the chapter is to be the representative.

If you have proposed Constitution or Bylaws changes, please submit them to Br. Billy Harrison our National Council Chairman.

***At this time we have several amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws and a nomination for election of a Treasurer.

Chapter News!

Send us pictures and short writeups of what great things are going on in your Brotherhood world! We'd love to share!

Church of St Michael & St. George

St. Louis, MO

by Br. Mike Bickel

Below is the program we are doing per Neil Tumber for this next year (SEPT - AUG). We are inviting all men’s bible studies as well as promoting to Diocese, also to Religious Orders at Cathedral. We are branching out from our monthly meetings (chapter) and weekly Bible men’s groups, to also help the needs of our community (inner city racial equity and schools) and also participating with priests in charge, rectors, etc to help them generate enthusiasm at their churches in the diocese.

2022                                                  INWARD DISCIPLINES

September          8th       Meditation

October              13th       Prayer

November          10th       Fasting

December           8th       Study


2023                                                  OUTWARD DISCIPLINES

January               12th       Simplicity

February              9th       Solitude

March                  9th       Submission

April                     13th       Service


                                                           CORPORATE DISCIPLINES

May                     11th       Confession

June                      8th       Worship

July                      13th       Guidance

August                 10th       Celebration

These monthly topics have been taken from the book, Spiritual Classics: Selected Readings on the Twelve Spiritual Disciplines $11.49 from Amazon. This book is an anthology of spiritual writing arranged with four readings for each topic. I encourage you to use this book and read one reading each week as we all prepare for each discussion.

Christ Episcopal Church

Elizabeth City, NC

by Conrad Jones and Jeremiah Magnuson

Members of the Christ Episcopal Church chapter in Elizabeth City, NC recently took a Saturday to travel to Chesapeake. Va for a service project. Brothers Jeremiah Magnuson, Frank Heath, Rudge King and Bo Setliff power washed and cleaned the exterior home of Jeanette Baxley, an 83 year old widow. 

1 Timothy 5:3 3 Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. 

Rev. Brother Daniel Cenci,  Rector at Christ Church blesses the fleet of boats and kayaks from the congregation who gathered together on the Pasquotank River this past August 9th for a beautiful day on the water, swimming, skiing and boating!



This past Labor Day weekend we sang at church “Come labor on.”

It made me think of the good work you do across the country and

how much I appreciate being in ministry with you, supporting you

as we can from the National Office. Here’s some news to share

with you:

Office Support

Critical to any operation is a good team. Support Staff Specialist Jess Shelton, hired in 2015, continues to work completely from her home on John’s Island, SC. Her direct phone is: 724/266-5810. Here at the National Office in Louisville, KY, we have Office Assistant Jamal Brown only on Fridays from 9am- 2pm/Eastern. The number to reach Jamal or me directly is 502/450-5640.We will focus a little more on what Jamal and Jess do in a later edition. We love to talk with you, so give us a call. If a call goes to voicemail, we do get both a print and audio copy of it. Thanks for your patience as we return those missed calls. If you don’t have a return call within three business days, something is wrong. Please call back.

Website Update

We have a complete redo of our website almost complete. It is our hope to roll it out not later than the Feast of St. Andrew at the end of November. We appreciate the dozens of ours our Communications VP, Gary Allman, has volunteered to shepherd this effort. Gary works fulltime on the bishop’s staff in the Diocese of Western Missouri as Communications Director.

A Life Well Lived

You will read a brief announcement of the passing of our 28th

National President, Bob Dennis of Brooklyn, NY, in a free-standing announcement today and a more formal remembrance in the October edition of THE CROSS. For now, accept these thoughts of Bob from me.  “He who lifts the most hearts by showing his own is truly great.” I

don’t know where I first read or heard this, but I wrote it down. In the final months of Bob’s fight with prostate cancer, a battle that lasted well over a decade, these words would come back to me after our conversations. Like nearly all in the Brotherhood, Bob was one of those Christian soldiers I never met in person. That is a bit of sadness I have in serving you without ever having had shaken your hand and broken bread with you. We saw glimpses of Bob’s heart in the prayers that he shared with us in print these last couple of years. I hope you were able to connect with him through them. More importantly, my hope for all of us is to live into his example of faithfulness to prayer, study and service. Join me this day hearing our “Brotherhood Hymn”

sung in your soul with all the saints of God once among us and now in Paradise singing with us. When in your mind you see Bob, he’ll be smiling, I’m sure. Until the circle be unbroken brothers, I close bidding you wage compassion relentlessly.

In His Name,

Tom Welch, Executive Director


Kick-off with the developer began the week of July 5-8, with an anticipated launch by Sept. 2!


Please send some "action shots" and the names of those who are in the pictures, please!

If you have suggestions or pictures, drop an email to our Communications VP, Br. Gary Allman at or to Br. Conrad Jones at

STILL A CURRENT ISSUE... Episcopal Relief and Development Fund:

Helping Ukrainian Families





Topic: “Why and How to Disciple Men”


Saturday, September 24, 2022

 9:00am – 4:00pm


St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Frisco, TX

6400 Stonebrook Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75034

Early Registration Fee of $45

Register by August 15 to avoid a late fee registration of $55


Your Registration Fee Includes:

Breakfast snacks;

All -Day Coffee, Tea, Water, Soft Drinks,

      Full Catered Lunch

      Takeaway: The Four Priorities by Dr. Tolson

Hymns with Link

When Christ Our Lord to Andrew Cried

When Christ Our Lord To Andrew Cried Lyrics

Jesus Calls Us, o'er the Tumult

Eternal Father

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map
Check it out!
Prayer Requests
If you have a personal prayer request please contact (502) 450-5809 to access the list and/or submit your requests. Accessing the list to join in the power of praying for those in need.

Many chapters have used various methods of keeping track of their prayer request. One such form has been used that organizes the requests and corporate prayers.

Brotherhood Membership Updates

Welcome to New Members of the Brotherhood:

Michael Cannon, Steve Becker, Greg Bush, Stith Bynum, Jacob Cutler, Will Duncan, Hilton Ferguson, Corey Gabler, David Langley, Joshua Maier, Bob Maynard, Mickey Quinlan, Christian Rose, Gerald Savoie, Bruce Shear, Bill Sherwin, Ronald Smith, Jim Taliaferro, Timothy Tully

New Life Member: John Yearwood

Brothers entering the greater life:  

Robert"Bob"Dennis, Cheryl Boyce, William Joule, Clinton Potts, Robert Baldwin, James Bacula, Leon Smith, Donald Allen, Walter Tanner

New / Re-Chartered Chapter: St.Paul's Episcopal, Shreveport, LA

Brothers-At-Large Wednesday Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, August 17th7:00 – 8:15pm CDT (8:00 PM EDT, 6:00 PM MDT, 5:00 PM PST)

Monthly on the third Wednesday, until Oct 20, 2022

Recovery Ministry

Recurring Zoom Recovery Meetings for addicts, family, and friends. 

For all addictions such as alcohol, narcotics, sex, pornography, gambling, codependency, and overeating. Anonymity is maintained - first names only:

  • Every Wednesday at 7 PM (Central) 12-step recovery meeting for all addictions. Sponsored by the Recovery Ministry of the Episcopal Church (RMEC). Zoom ID 923 8806 4304.
  • 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 8 PM (Central) 12-Step Recovery Eucharist for all addictions. Sponsored by All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena, Ca. Zoom ID 875 5107 8462.

Helpful Websites
A Quick Guide for Finding Help with Recovery from Addiction 
Find recovery group meetings at these websites:
Al-Anon Family Groups (Al-Anon) –
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) –
Celebrate Recovery (CR) –
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) –
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) –
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) –
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) –
Pornography Addicts Anonymous (PAA) –
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) – 
Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) –
A Reminder: Website Notes

We now have a Member's Only tab that is password-driven for members. The password for access to Brotherhood documents is "1883BSTA0122". This area is still under construction for the next few weeks.

SMS Text Messaging is now available

SMS messaging from the Brotherhood is now available. You can easily subscribe by texting (502) 305-5498. You will receive text events, meetings, and articles from the Brotherhood.

Books and Articles

Some Suggested Books

 Spiritual Classics: Selected Readings on the Twelve Spiritual Disciplines

The Shack


William Paul Young

Passion For Peace:

Reflections on War and Nonviolence


Thomas Merton

The Holy Epistle to the Galatians:

Sermons on a Messianic Jewish Approach


D. Thomas Lancaster

Do you have any book recommendations? Write to us and give us the title and author, so we can share it with your Brothers!

We Always Need Cross Articles and Ideas!
Send any stories you have about Brotherhood activity in your area to