Looking forward to an exciting new school year!

We are so excited about what's ahead for the 2022/23 school year. We have an awesome calendar of events for the coming year. See the calendar on our website.

Last year was great, and we want to continue the momentum throughout this school year. I want to thank everyone who worked to make last year such a great success, especially our parents, school administrators, and, of course, our Brotherhood members.

A special shout-out to our board members. They have been so helpful both with their resources and their time. We could not do this without you!

This year, we plan to add a few more Brotherhood chapters and some additional activities and events. In addition, we want to increase our community service work and do more to help our members pursue their academic and career interests.

We will need both your support and resources to implement all of the activities we have planned for this school year. Please take a moment to visit our donate page and contribute to our work. Again, we have an exciting year ahead, and we will need both your prayers and resources to make it happen.

Thank You!
Curtis Weathers
Founder/Executive Director
The 2021/22 School Year was AWESOME!!
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!
We had an incredibly active 2021/22 school year. While we had a lot of fun, we also learned a lot. The pictures below are a testament to the enthusiasm and the level of commitment and participation our boys displayed throughout the entire school year. Instead of talking about what they did, we decided to share with you through the pictures we took at each event. Enjoy!
Our weekly leadership sessions provided an opportunity to teach and learn the principles of personal leadership and how to exercise those principles in our daily lives.
Our Black History Tour was AWESOME! We visited Slave Haven, the Civil Rights Museum, Stax Museum, the I AM A MAN plaza, and dined at the famed Four Way Grill.
We adopted South Side Park. We're responsible for keeping it clean. We also use it for cookouts and recreation.
Worship, Fellowship, Food, and Fun, all on the same day! What an AWESOME combination! Shout out to St. Marks Baptist Church and Pilgrim's Rest Baptist Church for inviting us to your programs and services. God is GREAT!
Building relationships with these guys is a process. It takes time. But it is well worth the time, energy, and resources!
Community service is a very important part of our organization. We work with other organizations to feed the hungry, provide clothing for those in need, clean up our parks, and other services.
We participated in numerous clean-up events in Whitehaven, Orange Mound, and other areas of greater Memphis.
Our boys have been featured on various news programs highlighting the work they do in the community.
Saturday Sessions and Open Gym. Learning a lot and having fun!
We launched our Saturday Sessions where students learned about Entrepreneurship and Investing.
The Brotherhood received a generous donation from WMC Channel 5 to support our efforts in the community. Thank you Channel 5!
Camping Trip...we had a BLAST! Two nights, two days in the wilderness! What an experience!!
We Need Your Support!
Help us make a difference in the lives of these young boys. Every contribution matters! Be a recurring small donor or a one-time annual donor. Either way, your contributions will help us have another awesome year!

Check, cash, PayPal, Cash App...we accept them all.

Click here to Donate
We visited the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) to watch their annual Spring Football Game and we had a chance to tour the campus as well.
The Brotherhood join the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity for their spring college tour. It was an over night trip. We visited Tennessee State University, University of Memphis, the African American Museum, and Fisk University. What a AWESOME experience.
Yes, we always make time for fun! We had a great time at the skating rink!
We LOVE to cookout at the park! Always a lot of fun!
We got a chance to get up close and personal at one of the Grizzlies home games.
The fellas having a ball at
Did I mention we love doing community service! Especially when we can go to PUT-PUT after we finish our work!
Worship, Fellowship, and Fun! Building partnerships with the faith community.
We had an end-of-year celebration at The Main Event. We gave out awards and celebrated our accomplishments. We had a GREAT year!
How to start a Brotherhood Chapter at your School

Start a Brotherhood chapter at your school.

A Brotherhood chapter is simply an extension of the Brotherhood organization at the school level. Each chapter consists of student members and a Chapter Director (usually a male teacher or staff member).

In order to start a chapter, we must first have approval from the school principal. We then schedule an Interest Meeting where we introduce The Brotherhood and the various programs we offer. After listening to the presentation, students are given an application to take home to their parents. They then return the application to the main office or to the designated Chapter Director.

The applications are then forwarded to Director Weathers, and the first chapter meeting will be scheduled. After the first meeting, the school is then considered a functional Brotherhood Chapter organization.

We will establish a regular meeting schedule, and those students who completed their membership application can now participate in all Brotherhood activities.

If you're interested in starting a chapter in your school, contact Director Weathers at 901.229.3045.
Fatherhood Initiative
“Any fool can have a child. That doesn’t make you a father. It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.” President Barack Obama
Fatherlessness is on the rise.

We’re in trouble, folks. There is a crisis in America today.  We are careening out of control here in our community and nationwide. But there’s a reason, and, quite frankly, there’s a solution as well.  

One of the reasons our communities seem to be crumbling from within is because we have a huge “father-less-ness” problem in our society. Fatherlessness is defined as any situation where the father is physically absent or psychologically disconnected from his son or daughter, regardless of whether he is currently living in the same home.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 24 million children in America — one out of three children — now live in a home without the physical presence of a father. Millions more have dads who are physically present, but emotionally absent. This is one of the most important elements of the Brotherhood's mission. We must bring attention to this issue and work to bring fathers and families together.

We all can do our part. Celebrate the traditional family every chance you get. Remind our young men about their responsibility as men and fathers in our community. The message has to be clear and consistent. Let's work together to get this done!
Date: August 15, 2022

The Brotherhood B2M |www.thebrotherhoodb2m.com