Clean water for God's thirsty children
These new Water Women will soon be filtering water for their own and three other families.
Thanks to service organizations like the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs, Water Women have been trained in several areas of the Philippines.
In the Philippines:
“We’ve been praying for so long for someone to arrive and help…”

We hear these words over and over, wherever Water With Blessings brings buckets and Sawyer PointONE Filters. In this particular case, it was on one of the thousands of small islands in the Philippines where Rem Reyes and a team of volunteers trained a group of new Water Women.

“It’s in those tiny, remote places on the smallest islands that you find the poorest of the poor,” Rem said. “We’re trying to get to the areas where our help is most needed, but we’re often limited by where the transportation can bring us. Many times there are no roads and we have to go by boat. It can be quite a journey.

“But we’re very lucky with our volunteers. They provide the travel, food, and accommodations. God truly sent them to us. Through them, we are able to reach what would otherwise be unreachable places, where the need is great for clean water.”

We are now working with Rem and recruiting partners here in the US to help build relationships in the Philippines. International service organizations such as Lions and Kiwanis have Clubs there that have been active in helping us already. But we need to grow those partnerships.

As we move forward, Island by Island, we can prevent the water-borne illnesses that sicken, and sometimes kill, these thirsty children.

“I put myself in the shoes of the people who wonder: ‘What will my kids drink tomorrow?’” Rem said. “I’ve told them I will beg for them. So I am eager to spread the word about the work that needs to be done.

“The need is unmeasurable. That’s why I’m so grateful to all those who have helped us, and pray that more will join with us.”
“You wouldn't wash your feet with the water they have to drink...”

That is what Rem Reyes said about the water he has seen in areas of the Philippines. The source can be rainwater, a stream or even a makeshift well like the one pictured here.

It can be difficult for us to imagine the anxiety of mothers who know the water they give their children is making them sick with severe diarrhea and other diseases. But they have no choice.

Fortunately, thanks to our Community in Mission, volunteers have taken the filters and buckets your gifts have purchased, then trained new Water Women who will provide clean water to their own and three other families. With your continued help, we will keep growing this project in the Philippines.

And beyond...

As we have said before, even here in the United States there are places where clean water isn't always readily available. In June, Sr. Larraine will be heading west to help launch operations in the Navajo Nation. The coronavirus and other considerations had delayed the effort, but we are now ready to move forward aggressively. And we now have the opportunity to serve families in parts of Appalachia where the only water available comes from contaminated ground sources.

So please keep spreading the news by passing this newsletter on to your family and friends. And, if you can, please consider helping us once again...

May God bless you for your generosity!
Sr. Larraine Receives a Special Honor, and Issues a Challenge

WWB Executive Director Sr. Larraine Lauter was awarded the 2021 Trinity Peace Medal from Trinity High School in Louisville, Kentucky. In her address to the graduating class, she used our partner Bill McGraw as an example for them to emulate. Please take a few minutes to watch.
Would you, or someone you know, consider leaving a Legacy of Love?

If you read obituaries (as many of us do as we get a little older), you see some organizations mentioned over and over as recipients of memorial gifts. You know that phrase: In lieu of flowers...

We would like to see Water With Blessings join that group. Even the smallest of gifts will add up to provide clean water for the generations of God's thirsty children who will come after us.

One way we can accomplish this is for all of you in our loyal Community for Mission to spread the word when you have the opportunity. Perhaps it can help shine a ray of hope to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

As Jesus instructed, let us always comfort those who mourn, and pray that they may know God's consoling love.
Meet Marisok, One of Our
Water Women in The Philippines
Marisok lives in the Laguna Province of Luzon, the main island in the Philippines. She has three children of her own, and is proud to be one of the more than 1,300 Philipina Water Women who have been trained and equipped with a bucket and the Sawyer PointONE filter – because of your generous support.

Working together, we can give more mothers like Marisok the chance to give their children clean water, in the Philippines, and in impoverished areas all over the world.
On Coffee Chat This Week: We Meet Our Friend With A Heart for The Philippines
In the picture you can see a group of new Water Women as they prepare for their training session in the Philippines.

While the project there is growing with the addition of new partners and volunteers, the heart of the effort is Rem Reyes. He has such love for the people there, and passion to bring clean water to the poorest of the poor.

He will join us this week to talk about his goal of bringing clean water to the people of the Philippines, Island by Island. And as we said last week, there are more than 7,000 of them.

Also, Sr. Larraine will provide her regular update, including news about her upcoming trip to the Navajo Nation.

So grab your beverage and log in this coming Friday at Noon Eastern Time. As always, we look forward to having you with us!
We believe every child should be drinking clean water. Are you with us?
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