Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the Saints; Mobilizing the Church

"Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."" Matthew 9:37-38

July 2023 

Dear Family of World Mission Outreach,

The Lord is moving mightily! It is harvest time!

We thank God for you as we journey together with the love of Jesus, bringing hope to the world. Darlene and I want to extend our deepest gratitude to God for His abundant blessings, and to each of you for your love, generosity, and faithfulness in making this ministry fruitful. Let's believe and anticipate for incredible things He will continue to do through WMO.

This summer 2023 has been busy sharing the Gospel and equipping churches on evangelism across the USA. We have so many testimonies, but due to limited space we will share only one testimony for God’s glory. Along with speaking in churches on the weekend, we are also attending Shoshanah Bible Camp during the weekdays in July, to be refreshed in the Word of God. This year the camp kitchen crew is from Mexico and they speak mostly Spanish and very little English. After many prayers for wisdom, the Lord Jesus opened the door to explain the Gospel of Grace by faith in Jesus, and five of them made a first-time decision to trust Jesus as Lord God and Savior. Students at the camp were so encouraged and now the students pray for these new believers to grow in the Lord. We gave a Spanish Bible to Jose, one of the youngest workers, and the Gospel of John in Spanish to the ladies. We also gave them the book, “Jesus was a Jew,” in Spanish, written by our good friend and mentor Dr . Arnold Fruchtenbaum. It has been a blessing for the whole campus. Glory to God! We love divine appointments. Jose had his 26th birthday yesterday and we blessed him with a card and gift. But the greatest gift he received is Jesus. He senses the love of God.  Thank you for your prayers for him and the four ladies.

We are thankful to serve the Lord and to bring His Good News to both Jews and Gentiles according to Romans 1:16, which is the basis for this ministry. It is the love of God that draws people. We are excited to spend the next few months doing outreaches alongside the local churches in Zanzibar, Mainland Tanzania and Spain. It’s not too late to join us on an outreach in Tanzania in August or Spain in September. Please reach out to us if it’s in your heart to serve in cross cultural ministry. Your life will be changed, for sure. If you cannot physically join us, please send us and our staff with your prayers and financial support as God allows. We are equipping future evangelists and it is challenging for them to raise support. It is all by faith. We trust the Lord. HE is so faithful. We also know that it takes two: One to send and one to go.

Tanzania Outreaches

In August we will be doing three major evangelistic outreaches. We are working with several churches on the ground for the follow-up of new believers and we thank you for your prayers and support. Below is the schedule:

August 11 - Friday evening we will host a Jewish outreach for many Israelis traveling to this part of the world. Zanzibar churches have been equipped and are eager to step out to bless the House of Israel with the Son of God. Pray the Lord will draw them and open their spiritual eyes to see their need and recognize that Yeshua (Jesus) is their Messiah.

August 16-20 - Zanzibar is predominately Muslim. We are working alongside the Evangelical Pastors in Zanzibar for a five-night outreach to Muslims. The outreach will be next to the national stadium and we are expecting many Muslims with spiritual hunger to hear the truth of the Son of God. Churches are united and ready to do the follow-up. Please pray for unity among our team, for open hearts, open doors, protection, and a harvest of souls saved. 

August 26 - Evangelistic outreach at Naomi Ruth Bread of Life Orphan Center. Our orphan center, along with our NR kids, will host, serve, play and pray for these unsaved children. We are not able to reach them all at once at this event, but the center has the capacity to host 300-plus unsaved village kids. We anticipate a great harvest of kids for Jesus. Last year we had a little over 100 children and 60 were saved. Praise the Lord! Pray that the Lord will draw the kids and pray for the additional resources to feed them. We have a need of about $1800. If it is in your heart to partner on this, please note in comments, “NR Outreach.” We are so blessed to serve widows and orphans.

How can you help? 

  • Prayers - We need your prayers very much this month before we arrive, as well as during and after the outreaches.
  • Resources - While some funds have been raised to cover some of the outreaches, we are not yet 100% supported to cover all of the evangelistic outreaches for Tanzania.

Thank you again for considering a special donation at this moment to cover the needs and to edify the church in East Africa. We must have all the resources by the end of July, before we head to Africa. In addition, we need funds to cover the travel, lodging and food of our team members. To the right is Melissa, one of the WMO associates in training whom we have been mentoring for the past 3 years. She has the heart to serve on the field in some of the darkest areas. Please pray for her and for her provision as she steps out by faith going full time to bring the glorious Good News of Jesus. 

Resources are in Gods hands. We are sharing the vision with you and inviting you to participate in what the Lord is doing through both your prayers and your resources so lives will be brought from darkness to eternal life. Jesus said to His disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest (Matthew 9:37-38).

Love in Him, 

Henry & Darlene

Ways you can give

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.  Thank you for your financial gifts that keep us on the frontline.

All support for tax receipts mail to:

World Mission Outreach

Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.

53 S. Pu'unene Ave, Unit 108

Kahului, HI 96732

Safely donate online:

-Click the donate button

-Or Text giving: Text “GIVE” to +17029194448

For more info on WMO or future trips with us, you may visit our website:

For more info on Naomi Ruth Bread of Life Orphan Centers in Tanzania, visit:


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World Mission Outreach, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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