Christmas Grant Awards
Bringing Hope in an Unforgettable Year
December 2020
The Order of Malta's Embassy to Bulgaria delivers vital supplies to 150 vulnerable people during the pandemic
We look forward to 2021 with hope.
The events of 2020 have made it a memorable year. The global pandemic has demanded our attention and transformed the way we live, cruelly affecting the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable. Unanticipated challenges were faced with courage and conviction.

Through it all, the Order of Malta continued to bring hope and love to the world’s forgotten. Adapting, adjusting, working with determination and flexibility, always walking alongside those in need.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Global Fund for Forgotten People has made 41 grants to works of the Order of Malta this Christmas, bringing the total to 467 grants awarded since 2012.
Growing in Confidence
The Order in Ukraine is helping over 300 disabled people to overcome isolation and achieve their dreams.

Nearly three million people in Ukraine live with disabilities. Many face isolation and inadequate living conditions, and feel helpless about finding work or entering education. Over 300 wheelchair users have built confidence and lifelong friendships through the Order’s calendar of sports, outings and seminars. In 2021, participants will enjoy river rafting, football matches and the much-awaited Maltese Ball, an unforgettable night of music and dancing for 100 disabled and non-disabled guests.
Changing Lives with Music
The Hungarian Relief Service is creating a better future for 300 disadvantaged Roma children through the power of music.

Roma children often drop out of school, and struggle to leave behind them lives of exclusion and poverty. The Maltese Symphony project offers children the chance to learn instruments and perform with an orchestra. As a result, the children learn to express themselves creatively, to focus better at school, and to treat others more kindly.

Watch the programme in action here.
Digital Innovation
in Healthcare
Order of Malta France’s health centres are a lifesaving resource for underserved communities in 26 countries. 

In 2021, the Order will develop new e-health systems with improved staff training, more access to external expertise for hospitals, and better healthcare for hard-to-reach communities.

New digital technologies are paving the way to new and better services. Apps providing remote consultations, accessible digital personal health records and e-Learning platforms harness the power of technology to ensure that quality medical care is available to all those who need it.
Healthy Mother,
Healthy Baby
“Malteser International’s training sessions have taught me about the different types of nutrition my baby needs. Now I can educate my children too.” Nala

Myanmar has one of highest rates of malnutrition in South East Asia. Around 1.6 million children under five are affected, causing stunted growth and other serious health problems.

Malteser International promotes healthier food and hygiene practices in remote areas of the country, offering training, support groups and baby care packs to over 3,000 mothers, ensuring strong and healthy development for babies.

Hear Nala share her story here.
Faces of the Fund
Bronius Einars, President Lithuanian Relief Service
“The works of the Order have a real spiritual touch, and our workers and volunteers are deeply committed to what they do. This puts us in a unique place to care for those who have been forgotten." 

The Order of Malta’s work with the elderly is one of its greatest strengths. From theatre trips to exercise classes, the Order’s day centres and care homes provide a deep sense of love and belonging, as well as practical support, to thousands of elderly people struggling with loneliness and poverty.

Click here to read our interview with Bronius Einars, President of the Lithuanian Relief Service, describing this key part of the Order’s mission.
Support the Fund
An Unforgettable Christmas
Hunting for a meaningful Christmas present this year?

Why not give an Unforgettable Gift?: a donation which will bring hope and care to forgotten people around the world.

When you give an unforgettable gift to a friend or family member, they receive a hand-written card and a small gift from our work. Their present and your generosity help the Order of Malta bring hope and support to those facing poverty, sickness and isolation.
Spotlight On...
Christmas Card
Design Competition
We invited children from the Order of Malta’s projects around the world to design our Christmas cards this year. We received over 40 inspiring entries from young artists in Romania, Albania, Croatia and Andalucia.

Our winner is 11-year-old Romina from the Order’s new St John the Baptist Community Centre for Roma children in Croatia, who drew this beautiful Nativity scene. Well done Romina!

Enjoy some more of our favourites here.
+44 (0) 1844 318 708
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Registered address: 30 Upper High Street, Thame, Oxfordshire OX9 3EZ

The Global Fund for Forgotten People is a registered charity in England and Wales (1148427)
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