Bring the Texas Chief Science Officers Program to Your School!
CSO students lead their peers in promoting STEM
With CSOs, you can…

  • Enrich school STEM culture and career awareness.

  • Increase student voice in STEM conversations in the community.

  • Create a pipeline of diverse STEM student leaders.

  • Foster communication and collaboration among students.
Host the CSO program at your school!

Reopening schools with new safety precautions for in-person schooling along with ensuring rigor in virtual learning has been very demanding. COVID-19 has put a damper on so many plans and school activities. But you don't have to let go of this one!

Our Chief Science Officers last year showed all of us that school closures didn't mean they had to press the pause button on their dreams.
Every CSO gets to experience…

Leadership Training that teaches networking, leadership development, verbal and written communication, and team building.

VIrtual Cabinet Meetings and Community Events that guide collaboration with business and civic leaders to address community challenges, improve communication and confidence, and share common experiences.
Mentorship training opportunities with STEM professionals – vetted regional leaders who help CSOs implement their ideas on campus and express their voice in the community.
Powerful results!
87% of CSOs reported progress in inspiring their peers with STEM.

95% of CSOs expressed increased interest in a STEM career.

72% of adults intend to share the program with their associates after meeting a CSO student.

90% of CSOs expressed increased connection with the STEM community.
“We are going to open up new opportunities for new kids… We are going to show them: ‘You are somebody, and you will make a great impact on our future.’”
– Middle school CSO Alicia, San Antonio
AT&T Foundation Supports Texas CSO Program

The AT&T Foundation announced recently a new grant for the IDRA Texas CSO Program to support its continuation during the COVID-19 pandemic, stating "Through AT&T Aspire we are investing in students today – at home, in the classroom, at work – to prepare them for success tomorrow." IDRA is grateful for AT&T's support!
Curious about what bringing the CSO program to your school involves?
• Identify your school’s CSO advisor to support CSO students and participate in monthly online meetings with the IDRA.

• Hold an election for peers to select their CSOs for the school year.

• Ensure your CSO students and advisors participate in the Leadership Training Institute (usually in September), two cabinet meetings during the academic year, and the end-of-year celebration.*

• Ensure your CSOs have access to G-Suite tools (Google Classroom, etc.) that are not limited to in-district communications.

Support CSOs with their action plan development and implementation at your school. Ideas for action plans come from your CSO students and are led by them. Plans can include things like coordinating field trips, hosting science nights, starting STEM-related clubs, initiating student-led civic action projects, and bringing speakers from local industries to engage students in conversations about the STEM workforce.

• Provide transportation to and from CSO events as needed.

• Provide opportunities for STEM professionals and CSO mentors to visit your school.

• Ensure CSO students under the age of 18 are supervised by an adult at all times during CSO events and activities.

We encourage principals to attend every CSO event, but it is not required.

* See below for information on adjustments for COVID-19 in 2020-21.
Register Your School Now!
Ready to get started? Have each campus administrator and/or advisor (teacher sponsor) complete the registration form. Note: No invoices will be sent to your school. Membership is free this year!

Once your school is ready, your Chief Science Officer student will need to complete their own CSO Student registration form.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Stephanie Garcia, IDRA Texas CSO Director.
COVD-19 Adjustments
We have adapted the Texas CSO program for virtual implementation this year! Our CSOs will create action plans to enrich a STEM culture in their schools and communities but will adjust them for virtual settings.

We already have CSOs creating opportunities to mentor younger students in STEM, and some signed up to participate and serve as representatives in civic projects and committees in their cities. With the support of the IDRA EAC-South, Our Leadership Training Institute is taking place virtually through a series of webinar sessions rather than a two-day in-person event.
Hear CSOs describe how they adapted to school closures this spring: Chief Science Officer Students Determined to Promote STEM Despite School Closures
“Having connections across the globe has personally helped me feel a sense of warmth as of late despite all the negativity that is happening around the world during this pandemic."
– CSO Isela Herrera
Don't just hope it happens,
Make it happen!
Mentors serve as role models and help CSOs carry out their projects.
Your donations help us bring the CSO program to schools and communities around
the state.
Support your students as they catalyze a culture of innovation!
5815 Callaghan Road, Suite 101
San Antonio, Texas 78228
Phone: 210-444-1710
The Intercultural Development Research Association is an independent, non-profit organization. Our mission is to achieve equal educational opportunity for every child through strong public schools that prepare all students to access and succeed in college. IDRA strengthens and transforms public education by providing dynamic training; useful research, evaluation, and frameworks for action; timely policy analyses; and innovative materials and programs.
IDRA works hand-in-hand with hundreds of thousands of educators and families each year in communities and classrooms around the country. All our work rests on an unwavering commitment to creating self-renewing schools that value and promote the success of students of all backgrounds.