It's time to crack open those hymnals! Join us on Sun., May 19, at 5:00pm in the Bridges Worship Center for "Standing on the Promises," a hymn sing and concert featuring the Bridges choir and special guests. All ages are welcome! | |
Blessing Moms in Need
Partner with MUCH Hope this Mother’s Day and bless local moms by helping host a celebration at a homeless shelter on May 12. We will make and serve dinner, host kids’ crafts and games, and give flowers to each of the moms. We will also assemble gift bags for farm worker moms at Bridges this Fri., May 10, at 4:00pm. To volunteer to participate or donate, click HERE.
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Speaker: Pastor Dan Stockum
Series: Esther: Sovereignty in Silence
Scripture Focus: Esther 6-7
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Up to this point in the book of Esther, not much has seemed to go right. King Xerxes is often drunk and impulsive; the villain, Haman, has run unopposed; Mordecai was overlooked and unappreciated; and the Israelites are facing extermination. The situation has looked rather bleak. However, in these chapters, we begin to see how God ties all those negatives into something positive—and how He will do the same for us. | |
Reasons to Believe — May 10 | |
Our next chapter event will be online via Zoom at 7:00pm on Fri., May 10. Dr. Cynthia Cheung, former NASA astrophysicist, will make the case that the Christian worldview is essential to scientific development and its lack is a key reason why science was stillborn in China. Join us on Zoom here. | |
Summer Kick-Off Potluck — June 2 | |
Save the date for our annual Summer Kick-Off Potluck on June! More details to come. To volunteer to help with the event, contact Liliya Gor in the Bridges office: | |
LACS Enrolling & Hiring for 2024-25 | |
Los Altos Christian Schools are now enrolling for the 2024-25 school year! For information about LACS and how to apply, click the button below. For details about the Learning Support Program LACS offers for grades 1-8, click HERE.
LACS is also hiring for the following positions that will become available in August 2024: after school care staff, substitute teachers, and classroom aides. For more information, email Lizette Hibbert:
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Deaconesses and Deacons in Need of Volunteers | |
Bridges’ Deaconess and Deacon Boards are recruiting volunteers to join in the important mission of hearing the word and doing what it says (James 1:22) along with the combined need for faith and action (James 2:16). Our Deaconesses continually support the Bridges family in ways both seen and behind the scenes, and we hope to grow the Deacon Board to similarly serve and also partner with the Deaconesses on joint projects. Have you been looking for ways to serve with other dedicated people? Whether you’d like to send an encouraging note, visit someone in the hospital, give a ride, or something else that excites you, only sign up when you are available and in areas where you want to contribute. For details, contact Board Chairs Sujana Panthulu ( or Tom Hansen ( | |
Family Ministry Volunteers Needed | |
There is always room for you to serve in the Children's Ministry. Please consider joining the team of people pouring into the children of Bridges in our nursery, preschool, and elementary classes. For more info, contact one of our ministry leaders below:
Nursery - Liliya Gor (
Preschool - Kathy Spillar (
Elementary - Alba Kellejian (
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Short-Term Mission Trip to Brazil | |
Join us this summer for a short-term mission trip to São Paulo, Brazil, July 18-28! We will be working closely with our long-time mission partners Paulo & Ireni Mota and the organization and staff they oversee (Restoration Ministries) to lead fun Bible programs and activities for children and youth, and to participate in home visitations and prayer outreaches to families in the surrounding favela neighborhoods. The trip will cost approximately $2,000-$2,500 per person. For more information, please email Pastor Steve: | |
We’d love for each person to find a place to use their God-given gifts within our Bridges family. Prayerfully consider how God would like you to serve, and then fill out our online form. Thank you for helping build our church! | |
Submit Your Questions About Our Sermons! | |
Do you have a question about this week's sermon? We want to hear it! To see our pastors answer past sermon questions, click HERE. | |
Our Bridges family prays together three different times each week: twice on Wednesday via Zoom, and once on Sunday mornings before our worship service. We'd love to have you join us. | |
Need help picking up groceries, setting up tech tools or equipment, running errands, etc.? We have a team of people who are ready and willing to help. If you're able and willing to help others, join our team! | |
Finance Update as of May 5, 2023 | |
These are our current year-to-date giving figures: Actual is $1,140,737; budgeted is $1,259,000; shortfall is $118,263. These figures reflect contributions for the church year, which runs Sept. 1 - Aug. 31. | |
625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos, CA 94024
650 948 5698
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