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To perpetuate more than two centuries of shared ideals and friendship; to build lasting, practical working ties; and to advance solutions to problems of shared concern.
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Public Policy | Open to the public

Date: Wednesday, March 17 at 1:00 pm ET
Description: Britain and Ireland have a long history of interaction and linkage. The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union ("Brexit") formally occurred on January 1st, 2021. For one, the Republic of Ireland suddenly had to face the fact that the border to Northern Ireland was also an "outer border" of the EU, requiring much more control, security, and paperwork.
Speaker: David O’Sullivan, former European Union Ambassador to the United States
Moderator: Alexis Mojaisky, Spokesperson & Chief of Staff at the French Mission to the United Nations & Transatlantic Forum Member
Public policy | Open to the public

Date: Wednesday, March 24 at 1:00 pm ET
Description: Our guest speaker Séverine Autesserre will discuss her new book, The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World.
Speaker: Séverine Autesserre is an award-winning author, peacebuilder, and researcher, as well as a Professor of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University. She is the author of The Trouble with the CongoPeaceland, and The Frontlines of Peace, in addition to articles for publications such as Foreign AffairsInternational Organization, and The New York Times.
Moderator: Megan Carroll is currently at the United Nations where she covers counter-terrorism issues in Asia. She has served across the UN in political affairs, peacekeeping, and development. She is also a 2018 Young Leader.

Don't wait to RSVP! You will have the chance to win a free copy of Séverine Autesserre's book by answering two questions in the sign-up form. The first 15 people to answer both questions correctly will have the book sent directly to their address.
Information & updates about the Foundation and its programs
Two days ago, people across the globe observed International Women’s Day. The annual event marks an opportunity to celebrate all girls and women while acknowledging the work that still needs to be done around the world.

The French-American Foundation is committed to the ideals represented by International Women's Day. In the spirit of transatlantic relations and international diplomacy, we've shared the official remarks by President Joe Biden of the US, President Emmanuel Macron of France, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

Women’s history is American history — and world history. On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements, contributions, and progress of women and girls in the United States and around the globe. (...)

"Notre génération sera celle de l’égalité femmes-hommes. Écoutez le message du Président Emmanuel Macron. (...)"

"Today we celebrate the women of the world who are leading their countries and communities through the urgent crises caused by COVID-19. Over the past year, countries with women leaders are among those that have suffered fewer deaths and put themselves on track for recovery. Women’s organizations have filled crucial gaps in the provision of services and information on the pandemic, especially at the local level. (...)"

We would also like to acknowledge the women in our programs and wider community, all of whom we are proud to celebrate throughout the year!

Here are some photos from the Foundation's archives:
Congress adopts $1.9 trillion stimulus
"Checks of $1,400, unemployment benefits, and hundreds of billions of dollars in aid are coming soon. President Joe Biden will sign the bill Friday. (...)"

"Ce projet, qui devrait être promulgué vendredi par le président américain, devrait avoir un impact considérable sur la vie de millions d’Américains, selon des économistes. (...)"

"Congress approved a sweeping $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package on Wednesday, authorizing a flurry of new federal spending and a temporary yet dramatic increase in anti-poverty programs to help millions of families still struggling amid the pandemic. (...)".
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A conversation between Alumna Chine Labbe (Transatlantic Forum member of the French-American Foundation) and Pr. Nancy L. Rosenblum, Senator Joseph Clark Research Professor of Ethics in Politics and Government emerita at Harvard University.

The speakers will discuss how conspiracy theories, including those surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, threaten democracies.

Gérard Araud, former Ambassador of France to the United States, will conclude the event.

RSVP here.