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June 2016
Feature Article
Brexit, T+3
by Jim Toes

Not enough has been written to describe the incredible performance last Friday by our nation's exchanges and markets in the face of the Brexit vote and the rebalancing of the Russell indices. In addition to the record trading volumes at both the openings and closes, our markets experienced a record number of top level quote updates which according to the financial technology firm, S3 topped 15 billion (yes, billion) for just the listed derivatives markets. It was truly a day where the competitive frictions among market participants be put aside, with everyone tipping their hat to the other on a job well done.

It is now three 3 days later and there exists another section of our marketplace equally as important and worthy of praise for their roles in keeping our markets functioning smoothly during times of high volatility...

News from the Hill

On June 15, 2016, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) released a more detailed summary of the Financial CHOICE Act ("FCA"), a proposal to revisit the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 ("DoddFrank").
Executive Summary here
Full Text here

STA Talking Points
Reg NMS Plan Governance; Access Fee Pilot;SEC EMSAC
View Talking Points for Summer Hill Visits here

Women in Finance

STANY Annual Meeting, July 14, 2016
Featuring Mary Lou Von Kaenel, Managing Director, FIF

STAC Women's Collective, July 21, 2016
Summer evening "Meet & Greet"
Upcoming Events
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 2016 MSDA Summer Conference  July 14-15, 2016  DETAILS >
Regulatory Updates from FIF

The summary information is provided by the Financial Information Forum for the Security Traders Association Monthly Newsletter. Through topic-oriented working groups and tracking documents, FIF follows these initiatives closely.

Security Traders Association | 646-699-5996 | sta@securitytraders.org | www.securitytraders.org