Democratic News for the Space Coast |March 2024
A Note from the Chair
Dear BrevardDems,
As we wrap up Black History Month and start Women's History Month I can't help but see all of the history you are writing every day. Here in Brevard County we have 19 Democratic women elected to office, which is almost half of all of our Dem held seats. Included in that auspicious list is the FIRST black female to be elected to Melbourne City Council, Yvonne Minus, as well as the first black female elected to Rockledge City Council, Sammie Brown-Martin. Yvonne is also the first black woman to ever run for County Commission, which is her current effort. YOU make these wins possible year after year for the last 6 years, through your volunteer hours, your sweat equity and your financial investments.  
This year women are more critical than ever. Here in Florida, our Republican state legislature is attacking women from every point. From a 6 week abortion ban to attacking our public schools, from refusing to expand health care to refusing to take on issues honestly affecting Florida families like property insurance. Under DeSantis and GOP super majority our state has fallen to the 50th in the nation for SAT scores and we are one of only 10 states in the country refusing to expand Medicaid, leaving 2.5 MILLION Floridians without health insurance coverage. As part of the Affordable Care Act, states currently receive a 90% federal matching rate for adults covered through the ACA expansion. Because it came from Democrats our state refuses to do the right thing. As usual putting politics ahead of people.  
Our state legislature is also rewriting child labor laws, or should I say erasing them, allowing students to work unlimited number of hours and with no curfew the day before classes - this while all evidence shows absenteeism as the #1 contributor to failing students. But hey-as long as the contractors can get cheap labor, right? Heaven forbid we just pay a decent enough wage to provide a living for adults in the industry. This will depress wages in already low wage areas, making it harder for average Floridians to get ahead.  
I know we're all tired of hearing it (and I’m tired of saying it) but this is the most important election of our lifetime. It's critical that we get out the facts of Republican poor government and our message of actual work Democrats are doing on the ground. You can continue to write history. We stand to elect Yvonne as the first black woman to county commission, while a fantastic representative of the next generation, Kendra Thompson stands ready to take Yvonne MInus' Melbourne seat, making her the youngest city council person to serve the city of Melbourne. 
It's going to take a LOT of hard work, from EVERYBODY, but I am 100% confident we can do it...and so much more. Please sign up to volunteer right now, or donate, or both! Together we will continue to write Brevard's Blue Story.

Yours in power and unity,
Pam Castellana was elected Chair of the Brevard Democratic Party in 2020 after serving as a Candidate and Campaign Committee Chair. A lifelong Democrat, Pam has lived in Melbourne since 1996. She is committed to voter education, a free press, and open dialogue with both allies and opponents.
BrevardDems Briefs
Our BIG BLUE BASH is just 6 days away!
Saturday March 9
Candidates Reception, 5:30pm
Event Program, 6:30pm

Radisson at the Port
8701 Astronaut Blvd, Cape Canaveral, 32920

Join us for an evening with our inspiring lineup of speakers
Nikki Fried, Florida Democratic Party Chair
Rep. Tom Keene, Florida House District 35
Pam Castellana , Brevard DEC Chair
Jennifer Jenkins, Brevard Public School Board Member
Dan McDow, West Melbourne City Council Member, Candidate for Congess
Sammie Brown Martin, Rockledge City Councilwoman

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please view our sponsorship menu here or contact Erina Colombo at for more information. 
Get Involved: Volunteer Opportunities
Events & Caucus Meetings
March District Events
Lots of opportunities to get involved in this critical election year.
Click links below for more info. New opportunities are always being added.
March BrevardDems Meetings
2024 will see elections in every corner of our county.  Whether you are a candidate or thinking about running in the future or are just generally interested please join us for our next training March 11, 7pm.

If you're interested in running for any municipal seat or would just like to get more information on the process, please contact Rachele Jolley, our Candidates and Campaigns chair at or at (321) 795-1584.

We often talk about our local elections is terms of council members, mayors, state reps, etc. However, constitutional offices like Clerk of Courts, Tax Collector, Supervisor of Elections, State's Attorney and Public Defender and others also play a vital role In local government, These officials impact justice, finances, and democratic processes. With a single-party stronghold on county government, the risk of corruption and unethical practices rises. If you are interested in finding out more, this is the meeting for you!

Running for these offices is a civic duty, offering citizens the chance to inject transparency, diversity, and ethical leadership into core local functions. The health of our governance relies on citizens actively participating
in these often-overlooked contests.
BrevardDems Monthly Meeting
Join us for the monthly meeting of the Brevard County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC). All Democrats are welcome!
If you'd like to get involved in the local Democratic Party, this is where to start! Register to attend.
March Caucus Meetings
Space Coast LGBTA Caucus
Please join us Tuesday, March 26, 6:30pm, 308 Forrest Ave, Cocoa, 32922 for our monthly LGBTA Democratic Caucus meeting. This is a big post legislative session review including a legislative update from the chapter Vice President, Bill McKay. There is much to cover with multiple pieces of legislation attacking the gay community. This is an important meeting. Please join us.
Save The Date - April 6
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell will be coming to Brevard County on April 6 at 1pm (location tbd) and 3pm with North Brevard Democrats Club. Stay tuned for details.

Former Rep. Mucarsel-Powell is challenging Sen, Rick Scott in 2024.

While her mother worked double shifts as a home healthcare provider, Debbie worked at a doughnut shop to help her family make ends meet. After working her way through high school and college, Debbie worked for Florida International University’s Colleges of Health and Medicine.While at FIU, Debbie helped lead a program to expand access to affordable healthcare to more Floridians.

Serving in Congress, Debbie fought to expand opportunity for every American. Debbie wrote the bill to expand seniors’ Medicare Advantage coverage, and she worked with Republicans to provide economic relief to families and small businesses, and secured $200 million for Everglades restoration. When Debbie was 24, she tragically lost her father to gun violence, and she has been a lifelong advocate for reducing crime and keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals
Deadline Approaching to Become a Delegate !
The Democratic National Convention is where key decisions are made. Delegates actively participate in the nomination of the party's candidate for the presidential election shaping these policies and advocating for the values they believe in.

To run for District-Level Delegate, candidates will file a statement of candidacy by March 25 at 12:00 PM. For more information on how to file to become a delegate, or to find the filing form, please visit the FDP website.

Presidential candidates have right of review for any candidates to appear on the Congressional District ballot, and completing a filing form is not a guarantee that you will appear on the ballot.
Get Involved: Join a Committee
The Brevard Democrats is a diverse group of motivated, talented people, and we could use your help on one of our committees. Please contact the committee chair you’re interested in if you’d like to contribute your time and effort.
Important Contact Info
Please click here for detailed contact information for the BrevardDems Headquarters, District Organizers, and Committee Chairs.
BrevardDems Volunteer Calendar
Please see your District Newsletter or contact your District/Precinct Organizer for more volunteer opportunities!
Stay tuned to & for updates!

BrevardDems Monthly Meeting

March 27, 2024

BrevardDems | 321.600.4855 | |
Paid for and approved by the Brevard Democratic Executive Committee.