For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Gideon Aronoff
Executive Director
Rabbi Robert Slosberg, Outgoing Chairman of Masorti Foundation, Honored for Years of Exceptional Service & Leadership
Rabbi Robert Slosberg
New York, NY, February 14, 2019 -

At a celebratory evening in New York City on February 10, 2019, the Board of Directors of the national Masorti Foundation honored outgoing Chairman, Rabbi Robert B. Slosberg of Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Masorti Foundation supports the Masorti Movement in Israel whose goals are the furthering of an egalitarian, democratic and welcoming Judaism consistent with Jewish tradition and values.
Rabbi Slosberg ably led the Masorti Foundation and provided inspiring leadership and wise guidance to the Board since his term began in 2015.

Rabbi Slosberg did not take on this added responsibility at Masorti lightly, as he already had a calendar filled with commitments as rabbi of Adath Jeshurun for 38 years. Rabbi Slosberg derives particular pride in leading the congregation in Tikkun Olam projects, to repair the world through acts of kindness. In recent years, his synagogue has reunited two refugee families where the wife and daughters were trapped in Sudan. He spearheaded the task of raising funds to bring the families to Louisville, and continued offering support after they arrived. He was so pleased that some of the children were able to attend the AJ Preschool, which is part of his synagogue.

Other Social Action projects that are important to him include supporting Gilda's Club, and providing meals, blankets, socks, and hats to the homeless in his community which he personally delivers. He has also collaborated with members of the African-American community, Muslim community, LGBTQ community, and local churches to help fight discrimination and lend support.

A fervent supporter of the State of Israel, Rabbi Slosberg has led over 30 missions to Israel, including several with the Masorti Foundation, and has served on several national organizations benefiting the State of Israel.
In appreciation for his important contributions to the Foundation, he was honored with a festive dinner, and presented with a gift of a silver Tzedakah box by Executive Director Gideon Aronoff. During his tenure, Rabbi Slosberg has helped oversee the growth of a vibrant Movement to 80 Kehillot today.

In a speech delivered by Rabbi Slosberg, he stated: " Helping to build an Israel where traditional Judaism thrives in an inclusive, egalitarian, and, welcoming environment has been central to my life. I'm proud of the work of the Masorti Movement and Foundation, and I'm honored to continue to serve on the board as a director."
Gift for R slosberg
Gideon Aronoff,
Rabbi Slosberg
Heidi Schneider, Rabbi Slosberg
Present at the dinner was the incoming Chair of the Masorti Foundation, Heidi Schneider, who stated: " Rabbi Slosberg is a hard act to follow but I'm inspired by his example and will strive to continue the work of building an Israel that can be a home for all Jews."

Says Executive Director Gideon Aronoff, " We're fortunate to have the leadership of an exceptional , active and highly committed board of directors. With Heidi now at the helm and with Bob's ongoing participation and guidance, Masorti is on a path to achieve all of its goals."
About Rabbi Robert Slosberg
Rabbi Robert B. Slosberg has served as a spiritual leader of Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Louisville, Kentucky since his rabbinic ordination in 1981. A cum laude graduate of Columbia University, Rabbi Slosberg also earned a BA, MA, Rabbinic Ordination, and an honorary Doctor of Divinity from The Jewish Theological Seminary. He is involved in a wide variety of local and national organizations and is a founding member of the Louisville AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) Council and has instituted innovative services and programs to involve all ages in congregational life.
About The Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel
The Masorti Foundation supports the Masorti Movement in Israel whose goals are the furthering of an egalitarian, democratic and welcoming Judaism consistent with Jewish tradition and values.
The Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel
475 Riverside Drive | 212-870-2216 ||