January 24, 2022
Contact Your State Representative
Today to Get Same-Day Registration in Bill
The Massachusetts House of Representatives has scheduled debate and a vote on the VOTES Act (S.2554) this Thursday, Jan. 27.

Please act right NOW to contact your State Representative and urge them to pass the VOTES Act in its entirety, including same-day voter registration. Be sure your Representative knows this is a priority for constituents. You can find your Rep’s contact information here; please call today, Monday, while the bill is being finalized.

We just saw Congress fail to support stronger voting laws and access to the ballot. You can do something to make sure that doesn’t happen in Massachusetts. Here’s a suggested script for a call or email:

I’m a member of the League of Women Voters of ________ and a constituent of Rep. ________.  Given the failure of the Congress to pass voting legislation, I strongly urge the Massachusetts legislature to immediately pass a strong voting reform bill. That bill must include same-day voter registration, which was part of the failed federal voting bill and is already used in 21 states. It is time for Massachusetts to offer same-day registration. I ask Rep. _______ to vote to pass the VOTES Act in its entirety, including same-day voter registration. Thank you.
(Your name and your street address)

Thank you for your action!
90 Canal Street, Suite 414, Boston, MA 02114 | 857-452-1715
 lwvma@lwvma.org | www.lwvma.org