August 20, 2024

Breaking News!

AB 1983 passes the full Senate and now goes to the Governor for his signature!

Thank you, Senator Henry Stern, for presenting AB 1983 on the Senate floor!

Today, AB 1983, authored by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (D-San Diego) and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, passed the full Senate with a unanimous vote of 39-0. The bill will reinstate a voluntary tax check-off program that ran successfully for eight years and expired at the end of 2023. The program allows Californians to direct a portion of their state tax refund to a program that offers grants for low- and no-cost spay and neuter services.


The program will continue to be administered by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) in conjunction with the funds raised through the Pet Lover's Specialty License Plate program.


With so many Californians unable to afford veterinary care for their dogs and cats, and shelters across the state overflowing with animals due to over-breeding, and accidental and unwanted litters, this kind of program is needed now more than ever.

Once the bill is officially sent to Governor Newsom, we will send out instructions on how to urge him to sign the bill. Stay tuned!


Please call your Senator and urge them to "Vote YES on AB 3162!" 

AB 3162 is still awaiting to be voted on by the full Senate sometime in the next two weeks.


Click to Find Your Senator

Simply follow the link to your Senator's webpage and call the Capitol Office number, which is usually found on their homepage, and urge them to vote yes on AB 3162.

We've been working for the last eight months to get these bills passed. It has taken countless hours and resources to get it done.

If you’re able to contribute now to help us save and protect animals, we’d be most grateful. No amount is too small.


On behalf of SCIL and all the animals, thank you!

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation

Social Compassion in Legislation
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