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May 20, 2023


AB 2640 Has Passed Assembly Appropriations and Needs Your Calls for Full Assembly Vote!

AB 2640 (Kalra) passed out of Assembly Appropriations (coming off the suspense file) on a vote of 11-0, with the four Republicans not voting.

AB 2640 will ensure that all students are notified in writing of their right to refuse to perform animal dissection and instead be assigned an alternative learning method, and made aware of any chemicals they will be exposed to if they choose to dissect an animal.

An estimated 10 million animals are needlessly killed every year for classroom dissection in the U.S., even though superior nonanimal alternatives are available. Currently, most students are not aware that they have a choice. We expect them to opt out in significant numbers once they know their legal rights.

The bill will be voted on by the full Assembly in the next two weeks.

Please call your Assemblymember today and say:

"I am your constituent and I'm urging you to vote YES on AB 2640!"


Step 1: Find your Assemblymember at the link above.

Step 2: Click on your Assemblymember to go to their website and find their Capitol Office phone number.

Step 3: Call and tell the person who answers or voicemail that you are a constituent and strongly support AB 2640.

Step 4: You can also send the same message through their "Contact Me" email form.

The Appropriations Committee Held

AB 2012 & 2133!

AB 2012 (Lee) and AB 2133 (Kalra) were both held by the Appropriations Committee, meaning they have reached the end of the road and are dead.

A brief description of each bill:

AB 2012 would have required the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to collect and make public intake and outcome data from all of the state's animal shelters.

AB 2133 would have allowed registered veterinary technicians (RVTs) to perform cat neuters under the direct supervision of a veterinarian.

It is extremely disappointing that these two bills are not moving forward. Both would have greatly contributed to efforts to solve the state's shelter overcrowding crisis. By showing where needs are greatest, AB 2012 would have allowed the state to allocate shelter funds more strategically, saving animal lives and taxpayer dollars. AB 2133 would have expanded capacity for spay and neuter surgeries in the state, helping to address pet overpopulation in a meaningful way.

CDPH put a cost estimate of $250,000 to implement AB 2012. This doomed the bill in a year with a budget deficit. CDPH officials claimed there is no connection between the number of animals entering and exiting shelters and public health. We find its stance short-sighted, and illogical, since it was responsible for gathering this data from 1995 to 2016, suggesting that this type of reporting is indeed within the CDPH’s purview.

AB 2133 was strongly opposed by the American Veterinary Medical Association, California Veterinary Medical Association, and the Veterinary Medical Board, all of which claimed that RVTs could not perform the procedure safely. We disagree. The bill made clear that RVTs had to receive special training to perform cat neuters, and could only work under the direct supervision of a California licensed vet. Moreover, the experienced RVTs we spoke to said cat neuters were less complex than the dental extractions they are currently allowed to perform.

The pet overpopulation problem is a math problem. We need more medical professionals to do more surgeries. If a third of the RVTs in the state opted to take the required training, this bill would have increased the number of professionals authorized to do cat neuters by roughly 2,600. The additional surgeries completed by RVTs could save an incalculable number of animal lives.

Updates on Other Animal or Environmental Bills

We are happy to report that SB 1459 (Nguyen) is moving forward, but without language which would have codified that TNR programs are automatically exempt from animal abandonment laws. The language amended out of the bill also included an overly broad definition of "community cat." 

My "Letter to the Editor" regarding our issues with the bill prior to the new amendment was published in the LA Times' Daily Pilot.

Good news on other bills we support!

The bills below are all moving forward:

SB 1233 (Wilk): This bill will request that California's two veterinary schools implement a high-quality certification program for high-volume spay and neuter.

SB 902/922 (Roth): These two bills expand punishments, including restricting firearm ownership, for those convicted of animal abuse.

AB 1889 (Friedman): This bill will encourage local jurisdictions to consider wildlife connectivity in urban developments.

AB 2196 (Connolly): This bill will support beaver restoration throughout the state.

AB 2216 (Haney): This bill will put modest protections in place restricting landlords from outright banning pets in their rental units.

AB 2552 (Friedman): This bill will ban certain anticoagulant rodenticides.

Working in the state legislature for the past 17 years has been very challenging. Each year we win some, and we lose some. This is the nature of the beast. While we are disappointed about losing two important bills, we are not deterred from reaching our goals this year and in the long run.

Getting good legislation passed, and fighting bills that are bad for animals, requires financial resources. We’re grateful for your donations of any amount.

On behalf of SCIL and all the animals, we thank you for your ongoing support!

Thank you so much,

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

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