Volunteers Needed This Saturday
Those Flowers Don't Plant Themselves : )

If you're like me, you enjoy the beautiful flowers planted in downtown. Yes, the City buys the plants, but the planting is done by volunteers : )

Please pitch in if you can.
That Small Hole Isn't so Small

When one of our aging sewer lines has a leak, the subsurface erosion manifests itself as a dimple in the road with a small hole.

Like an iceberg, what is below the surface is often times much greater. Upon closer inspection, the cavity below this hole was large enough for a small car to fit in. The supporting road asphalt was cantilevered!
In this case, the offending sewer line was made of concrete rather than terra-cotta. Sewerage creates methane gas. Methane gas dissolves concrete. Hence, each time a new cut was made into the old concrete pipe (to add a joint), the old pipe disintegrated ... resulting in the entire block having to be replaced at a cost of about $100,000.00.
Sidenote #1: We (the City) have been proactively repairing the sewer lines. First, smoke testing and video identify the breaks. Second, excavation and sewer point repairs. Third, a synthetic lining is inserted creating a like-new pipe.

Sidenote #2: If the sewer point repair (or water line or subsurface drainage repair) is not done, a hole will form in the street. We call this "New Orleans." On the other hand, when a repair is done, we are left with a patch in the street. In downtown Covington, every patch on Boston Street, Rutland, Gibson, etc. is the result of a sewer point repair. Some patches are smoother than others.

Sidenote #3: We (the City) do not have the money to repave all of the streets. However, I have instructed Public Works to identify the worst of the patches. Our hope this summer is to replace these rough spots with new, smoother patches. Boston Street aka LA State Hwy 21 will get a new surface thanks to the efforts of Senator Patrick McMath and Representative Mark Wright.

Sidenote #4: In the 2022 budget I hope to have dollars to repair patches outside of downtown. This year and next we will continue to repair sewer leaks in River Forest (terra-cotta). Next year I hope to budget smoke, video, point repair and lining in the Ozone. The broken sewer lines in the Ozone are a major source of water infiltration into our wastewater treatment plant during rains.

Sidenote #5: During a heavy rain and due to water infiltration, a major sewer lift station servicing downtown would run continuously for 22 hours. After the aforementioned repairs, it now runs for about 16 hours. This is good.
Where is Wendy Peffercorn?
Community Garden has Exploded
On March 17th
On May 23rd
Vegetables raised in the garden supplement meals given to homebound residents. To help with the garden, bring your gloves and your spirit to the corner of 30th Ave. and Jackson St. on Friday mornings at 9:00am. To help prepare and deliver meals, head to Mount Zion Pilgrim Church (same corner) on Wednesday mornings.
New Playground Equipment
Rev. Peter S. Atkins Park

Last Spring it was noted that we, the community, had gotten our money's worth out of the old playground equipment at Rev. Peter S. Atkins Park. I requested and the Council approved the purchase of some new equipment. Despite the rain and the slop, the new equipment is being installed.

Sidenote: $60,000! I was shocked at how much such a small playset cost. One driving factor is this and future equipment will have a concrete slab covered by a required shock-absorption pad.
The Return of Block Parties : )
Big Thanks to the Covington Business Association
A Cattle Pen on Gibson Street
Adjacent to Marsolan's Feed and Seed
Pictured are cattle waiting to board a train on Gibson Street in the early 20th century. The perspective is from today's Marsolan's Feed and Seed Store. At this time, the Presbyterian Church was located across from Marsolan's. Note the church window. The building was later moved to its current location on Jefferson Avenue and remodeled.

Thanks to Matt Hardey for the pic and Ron Barthet and Harvey Marsolan for their verifications. Below, the Sanborn map of 1915 shows both the church, the railroad tracks and the Southern Hotel.
Today's Perspective
Rooted in History, Focused on the Future
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