Catholic Schools Week 2018 January 29 - February 2
Borgia celebrated Catholic Schools Week with pride, fun, and excitement! Many school clubs and organizations worked very hard to make this week one to remember.

Along with a variety of activities throughout the week, Student Council organized Spirit Days for each day of the week.

Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Dress Up Day (We celebrated with an all-school Mass in the morning.)
Wednesday - Brains vs. Brawns Day
Thursday - Double Denim Day/Root Beer Floats for all students, faculty and staff.
Friday - Class Color Day (seniors - black, juniors - white, sophomores - red, freshman - pink)

Our Faith & Action Club sponsored the Souper Bowl Soup Drive all week. The class with the most cans of soup donated received a dress down day to use later in the school year.

The Spirit Leaders Club sponsored the annual Senior vs. Staff basketball game assembly on Friday afternoon and also invited members of our Borgia family to serve at Harvest Table on Saturday.

In addition, many of our students went out to the local grade schools to participate in their Catholic School Week activities!
Mega Raffle Winners
Each year St. Francis Borgia Regional High School gives away $25,000 in prizes through our annual Borgia Mega Raffle. There are two $1,000 drawings each month, and an additional $1,000 drawing on October 10 to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis Borgia. In addition, the student who sells the winning ticket receive free lunches for one week.

December's Winners
December 1 - Mary (Laune) Horstmann '64
December 15 - Theresa Shipley '01 (sold by Sam Ascheman)

January's Winners
January 1 - Diane Schriewer (sold by Meredith Pettet)
January 15 - Brandy Hagedorn (sold by Kate Wunderlich)
A Knight on Broadway
Dinner Auction
Saturday, February 17, 2018
The SFBRHS annual dinner auction will be held February 17 with a theme of "A Knight on Broadway". We have many exciting items to auction.

The evening includes cocktails and dinner, a silent auction, oral auction and fantasy auction. A grand prize raffle of $10,000 also will be held. Tickets for the raffle are on sale now and a limited number will be sold. Other raffles include:
  • Pick of the Auction - $50 each
  • Tuition Raffle - $25 each

Each of the following for $20 each:
  • Big Cedar Lodge Raffle
  • Cardinal Game Dream Package
  • Ladies Bling Package (Coach purse set)

Tickets for the dinner auction are $100 per person. Tables of 10 are available.

For reservations, to donate an item or become a sponsor, or for more information, please call Sue Michels at 636-239-7871, ext 122 or email
Why I'm Thankful For My High School Education
(It wasn't all that bad).
When people ask me why I chose Borgia, I say it's simple. Borgia is unique and a school unlike any other. It's a family that you become a part of the minute you walk in and it lasts a lifetime. Borgia is a family that not only allows you to be whoever you want, but encourages you to express your individuality.
Zach Unnerstall '20
Being a part of the Borgia community is one of the biggest blessings in my life. Here you are able to be yourself and find friends who are accepting of you. You're able to find God in others and yourself. The staff gets to know you as a person and helps you to be the best version of yourself academically and as a person of faith. I am proud to call Borgia home.
Grace West '20
Let's face it: High school was a rough time for a lot of us. Weird hormones, long days, PE class, and ACT testing, but somehow we made it out alive. It is a pastime of mine to mock my high school experience. But the more I reflect on it, the more grateful I am for the experience that I had.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have heard a lot of those classic high school horror stories -- and it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies for me -- but it also wasn't completely unbearable. Let me set the scene here: Small town, private school...60 kids in my graduating class -- you get the picture. Pretty eh.

As I said before, though, it's fun to look back on high school and reflect on how easy it was compared to college, and how laid-back and stress-free it was. But for me, that wasn't the case. My private school education was tough, but it made me into the student I am today. The motivation I had back then (which is long gone by now) saved my grades from slipping, and my car from being taken away -- thanks Mom and Dad.

It wasn't until high school that I found my passion for writing. Granted, writing literary analyses of random books I barely read wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but it got me there. I guess I also never really realized how hard my teachers worked to help us students get the education we though we always wanted. It was so easy to slide under the radar, which, for the most part, I did, but realizing the amount of work and preparation that went into each class period is pretty astounding.

In college, everyone talks about the size of their high school class, because for some reason, people like to think it says a lot about who they are as a person. Well, mine was small -- we've already established that. But if you ask me, having a small high school was pretty beneficial. I knew all of my teacher, and they knew me. "How's that paper coming along, Mariah?" teachers would ask when it was the spring of our senior year and we were required to submit a research paper. Or just a simple "How are you?" pretty much did the trick.

Now I realize that high school is a touchy subject for some, and not for others. I also realize that it probably wasn't "the time of your life," and if you think it's going to be, I'm sorry to let you down. My point being, looking back on my high school experience and education doesn't seem all that bad. That could either be because it's been a hot minute, or because I blocked it out of my memory, but either way, I am grateful for my high school education and the person it has made me today.

Lotts, Mariah. "Why I'm Thankful For My High School Education." The Odyssey Online. December 26, 2016. Accessed January 31, 2018.
Rev Kev Corner
All my life's a circle; Sunrise and sundown;
Moon rolls through the nighttime; 'Til the daybreak comes around.
All my life's a circle; But I can't tell you why;
Season's spinning round again; The years keep rollin' by.

-Circle by Harry Chapin

Is life a circle or a straight line? 

There is a perfection about a circle, it is complete. There is something beautiful and exquisite about it.  This is the way that we mark the seasons, this is the way we follow the year. But life as a circle can also be suffocating, can also be frustrating, we are just running around in circles. Yes, there is something pleasing about a circle, yet there is something stifling and repressive about it as well. We never seem to get anywhere.

That is why some people prefer the idea that life is like a line, we are moving forward, we are getting somewhere, we have a goal, there is progress. There is also something scary about it. A new year is uncharted territory, the undiscovered country. There are no road map, so guidelines, no easy play book to follow.

May I suggest a third way: a spiral. We have the comfort and reassurance of the circle, with the progress and direction a line.

The question I have at the turning of the year is simply this: are you spiraling up or are you spiraling down? If up, what are you planning to do to keep going the way that you are, because without reflecting on it, we stop, we fade, we perish. If you feel you are spiraling down, do you feel you can turn it around, stop the tail spin that is your life and move in a new direction?

Many people joke about New Year’s resolutions. Nevertheless, I think this is a great time to make some changes about your life. If not now, then when? The trouble is how do you keep them? Three quick, easy suggestions.

Make your resolution hard, but achievable. Challenge yourself, but don’t overdo it. Your resolution should be neither incredibly simple nor impossible.

Tell someone about your resolution. Most resolutions are abysmal failures because we do not share them with others who will call us into account. Let your spouse, your parent, a child or a friend help you to continue on in your upward spiral. A little help goes a long way.

Finally. spend some time each day in quiet and solitude. In other words, pray. Without some contemplation in our lives, without stopping each day and reevaluating our spirals, we can get lost and forget. This is easier said than done, I know, especially for those of you who are parents. That is why you absolutely need to burn it into your schedule. I do my daily office on the elliptical at the Y.

I hope and pray that 2018 takes you to a higher place in your life. God Bless.
Mass N More
Every Sunday evening at 6 p.m. a student-led Mass is held in the chapel at SFBRHS. This weekly Mass is celebrated and led by one of our deanery priests. Come join us in this cozy setting, and give glory to God with other members of the Borgia Family.
Sports Schedule
 Click on the logo to the right to view all upcoming sports schedules. If you would like notifications on games, please click on the logo at the right and sign up under "notify me". You will receive game time changes, cancellations and game reminders if you are signed up .
Alumni Prayers
In thanksgiving for the sacrifices and contributions offered by those before us on our behalf, we at St. Francis Borgia Regional High School offer our afternoon prayer for different members of our alumni each day.
Classes in the 2000s
Help us find our "lost" alumni! We live in a world of motion. Because of moves, marriages, and other changes, Borgia has lost track of some of our alumni over the years.

View the list of lost alumni (by clicking the logo above) and if your name is on the list, please update your information; or if you know an alum on the list, please let them know we are looking for them!
Recently married? New baby or job?
Let us know what's going on in your life so we can share
it with your classmates in this newsletter!
Send information and photos to
St. Francis Borgia Regional High School 

1000 Borgia Drive, Washington, MO 63090
P: 636-239-7871 
F: 636-239-1198