World Perspective, Video, Xyza, Public Locations  /  Feb 2017

Children's Books:
A Lens into the World

In his recent book Thank You for Being Late, Pulitzer Prize winner and NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman writes:

The three largest forces on the planet--technology, globalization, and  climate change--are all accelerating at once.... When there is a change in the pace of change in so many realms at once, as we are now experiencing, it is easy to get overwhelmed by it all.
Children's books make it fun and easy to build an understanding of these crucial trends and spark some amazing conversations! Below are a few of our favorites for reading aloud with lower elementary schoolers.

- Kathy Balch, BookTree Founder

p.s. Please share our latest video with books, testimonials, vision, and more!
Book Spotlight: Technology, Environment, Globalization
Ada Byron Lovelace and the Thinking Machine

Biographical vignette by author Laurie Wallmark and Illustrator April Chu, about Ada Byron Lovelace, the talented daughter of the poet Lord Byron. Ada meets Charles Babbage, the inventor of the first computer, and becomes the first software engineer!
Global Warming

Children's science writer Seymour Simon draws us in with stunning nature photography. A clear presentation of climate change and the science behind it.
Ryan and Jimmy and the Well in Africa That Brought Them Together

A Canadian boy Ryan raises money to build a well in an African village. His act of good will leads to friendship with a Ugandan boy Jimmy. True story of service, adventure, and survival, by award-winning author  Herb Shoveller.
Xyza: News Bites for Young Readers

Xyza combs the world's news to create a news experience for families, classrooms, and kids.  Sign up  for their mailing list and receive a complimentary copy of the latest issue.
BookTree's SF Bay Area Public Locations

You know we serve schools and workplaces, but did you know that BookTree is available to the general public at these wonderful family-oriented shops and centers?

North Peninsula: Diddalidoo, Paper Caper, Junior Gym, My Gym,

BookTree serves over 200 locations in San Francisco, the peninsula from Sunnyvale north, Marin County,
and western Los Angeles County. Have an idea for a location we should serve? Email us!
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