BookTree Turns 10, Spanish, Book Ideas, Read-Aloud Tips, Recess  /  Sep 2015

BookTree Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Spanish Program Launch
This past spring marked ten years of serving the San Francisco Bay area! We are pleased to announce that BookTree is now available in Spanish, for children age one to ten! Like BookTree's English program, the Spanish program is built on high-quality developmentally-appropriate illustrated literature with no commercial content, and book sets balanced across a broad range of topics, art styles, and diverse cultures.

                                  - Kathy Balch, Founder
Book Spotlight: Cook-A-Doodle-Doo!

Family recipes, friendship, and humor are the perfect ingredients for this fabulous children's book. This BookTree family whipped together the strawberry shortcake. Cook-A-Doodle-Doo! is one of many
excellent works authored and illustrated by sisters
Six Tips for Reading With
Young Children
  1. Ask open-ended questions to encourage discussion and help your child focus on details. For example, look at the cover together and ask, "What do you think this story is about?" Point to pictures and talk about them. Comment on the story and relate it to your child's personal experiences: "Have you ever felt like..."
  2. Occasionally point to the words while reading. This will help your child see that there are spaces between words, that you read from the top of the page to the bottom, and that you read from left to right.
  3. Read expressively. Talk as the characters would talk, make sound effects, make expressions with your face and hands, and vary the pitch of your voice.
  4. Read slowly enough for your child to build mental pictures of what is heard.
  5. Encourage your child to tell the story to you. Pause before familiar words or sentences and let your child fill in the blanks.
  6. End the reading session if your child becomes restless or fussy. Avoid forcing a reluctant listener. The goal is to have fun!
Want more on reading aloud? BookTree's bible is  Jim Trelease's Read Aloud Handbook.
Featured Public Location: Recess!

In the Potrero Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, BookTree members can pick up and return book totes at Recess, a hub for social development and early learning where families can play, explore, and learn together.

Recess offers an expansive, modern play space for ages 0-4, a café with great coffee, developmentally-appropriate kids classes, pilates for grown-ups, parent workshops, birthday parties, and more!

Special Offer: Recess invites BookTree members to come in and check it out! Recess will waive the registration fee if you decide to become a Recess member. Just mention BookTree when you sign up. Offer expires 9/30/15.

BookTree | 415-469-9944 | |
BookTree serves over 200 locations in San Francisco, the peninsula from Sunnyvale north, Marin County,
and western Los Angeles County. Have an idea for a location we should serve? Email us!
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