Book Life, Barn Life, My Life!
Welcome to the bits and pieces of my life!

My Life

I’ll be honest, summer began with a struggle for me. My every afternoon ‘from the high school to the golf course’ car rider became a driver with his own wheels. I know I’ll miss those days. I already do. But I’m adjusting. Kinda.

Barn Life

Barn life is up every morning at 5:00 to feed by 6:00. It’s unloading feed and shavings from the back of my truck. Barn life is cleaning stalls every day. And it’s combing a tangled mane and cleaning feet even on days I don’t ride. Barn life is finding beauty where it lives. Barn life is my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Book Life

Callahan’s Corner (Click on Callahan's image to follow him on Facebook!)

I began writing historical romance two decades before the internet became a thing. Before that, there were books for research, and these were the ones I leaned upon!

What have I been writing

My favorite lines from Bellamy Book 2, Chapter 4…

She walked into her room without answering, dumped her duffle filled with boys clothing and tossed some of her own things in haphazardly. When she walked out, she found Jonah in her bathroom, opening and closing drawers.

“What the hell, Jonah?”

“I was going to help. We’re both tired and need something to eat. And drink.” She had a feeling he wasn’t talking about ice water or tea. “Where’s your makeup and stuff?”

She stared at him. “When have you ever seen me in makeup?”

He stared back. “You don’t wear makeup?”

She pushed him to one side and moved past without answering to grab her soap and lotion and shampoo. Tossing them into her duffle along with her toothpaste and brush, she walked back out.

© Susan Yawn Tanner

What have I been reading

Edits for Callahan in Action which is scheduled for release on August 8th! I can’t wait for you to see the book cover for that one!

Book Review

I reviewed Diamonds Aren’t Forever sometime back, but … since you now have an opportunity to grab it at a great price … my review bears repeating!

A priceless necklace, a heist, a damsel in distress. The story begins with all the key elements of an old-fashioned fairytale of a princess who needs a prince to rescue her. Think again! All she needs is a few friends who are as intrepid, savvy and determined as any hero of old. A few friends who just happen to be women and quite willing to do a little continent-jumping if that’s what it takes to catch their thief and retrieve the filched necklace. This one gets a five-star review from me for clever writing, intriguing characters, and the never-a-dull-moment plot! Do yourself a favor and enjoy the ride. I did!

I LOVE old (really old) movies. Diamonds Aren’t Forever reminded me a bit of the Alfred Hitchcock-directed classic To Catch A Thief which starred Cary Grant and Grace Kelly. Different plot, different era, different vibe but, oh my, there’s just something about a con man. And when the tables are turned, it’s ‘game on’!


I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely ready for some summer reading. What’s your favorite story so far?

I love a Kindle countdown, and here’s one for A Dangerous Inheritance June 11 – 17! Remember, the sooner you act, the greater the savings!

And another one of my personal favorites Kindle free days June 11 - 15! 

Don’t tell me, you went through all your summer reads in May! No worries. Reload that e-reader with these cozy mysteries June 15 – 30. (And great news … the Heist Ladies Diamonds Aren’t Forever is included!) 

And what could be better than a month-long sale on cozies that include critters? … getting them free of course!

Want to see all of my reviews? Follow me on BookBub!

See you in July,

Susan Y Tanner


Links to my books!

Historial Romance:

Storm Out of Texas

Winds Across Texas

Fire Across Texas

Highland Captive

Captive to a Dream

Exiled Heart

A Warm Southern Christmas

Bellamy Legacy Series:

A Dangerous Inheritance

Cat Callahan Mysteries:

Callahan and the Horses of Hope

Callahan Goes Rodeo 

Check out my website!