"Start Abstract Painting Today Part One - Objective Abstracts"

Welcome Back to Another BobBlast!

Staying with the series of assignments from my Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting Workshop, Day 4 is Abstract Painting! 

The way I approach painting... Abstract painting can be divided into two categories:

Objective and Non-Objective

Objective is about painting something and it may have a title. The title tends to support the image clearly. On the other hand, a Non-Objective work may carry no title, nor a resemblance to the painter's intentions.

For me, my abstract paintings are usually from stories and events I paint... because they are meaningful to me. I start with a huge desire to make a painting I want to see. I start with a concept and pull my titles from a Roget's Thesaurus. I title my paintings first and commit to it by writing the title on the back of each surface. The painting is finished when I feel it matches the title.

Next, I may journal for awhile until I become very clear about what I want the painting to convey. Only then do I start painting, choosing the color combination from my Goof Proof Color Wheel and deciding on a graphic design from my Composition Chart.

My demo for this video is telling a story - "Two Alone" 
This is my concept and the painting's title - 2 figures in a Vertical  Composition.

My color combination is:
Dominant - Green (I use many shades of green)
Focal Point - Purple-Red (beautiful magenta)
Spice Colors - Red-Yellow and Purple-Blue

And another thing... bigger brushes! Work quickly and keep it loose!

Next BobBlast will be about Non-Objective Abstract Painting - stay tuned!
Thank you for your interest, questions, comments and support!

To view more of my favorite art materials, go to my website and click on my "Studio Resource List" - you can download it as a PDF.

Thanks again for watching and telling your friends! All my BobBlasts are archived on my website and my YouTube Channel. We post new studio tips weekly that offer real content, substance and useful techniques that work for me. And they're free!  We appreciate your interest, questions, comments and support!

Here's a quick reminder about some upcoming workshops and dates. 
If interested, sign up now!

Featured Workshops :

Contemporary Abstract Figure Painting & Collage 
May 14-18, 2018 
Sedona Arts Center,  Sedona, AZ
Contact (888) 954-4442 or (928) 282-3809
Click  HERE for more info.

Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting
June 11-16, 2018
Dillman's Arts Workshop Retreat, Lac du Flambeau, WI 
Contact (715) 588-3143 or vacations@dillmans.com
Click HERE for more info.

Robert Burridge Studio Mentor Workshop
Come paint with Bob in his Studio in Arroyo Grande, CA
July 5-8, 2018
(includes individual mentor time, demonstrations and personal theme development)
3.5 days Workshop/Mentor Program, limited to 7 enrollees
Contact Kate@RobertBurridge.com for fees and details.
Click HERE for more info.

Robert Burridge 5-Day Instructional Studio Workshop
July 11-15, 2018
Bob's Arroyo Grande, CA Studio  (Wednesday-Sunday)
Contact  Kate@RobertBurridge.com for fees and details.
Click  HERE for more info. 

Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting
September 4-7, 2018
North Valley Art League, Redding, CA
Contact Carla Canter, (530) 247-7104
or canteringreader@gmail.com

View Bob's 2018 Workshop Schedule, click here. 
...Check out his 2018 Studio Workshops!  click here.

Hope you have enjoyed these short, weekly blasts! Sign up on my website and keep watching. There are lots of them! 

Click  HERE  to view  BobBlast Issue 196
"Start Abstract Painting Today Part One - Objective Abstracts."

Objective Abstracts

Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge

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