July 22, 2024

Board of Education Meeting - Thursday, July 18, 2024

Presentations to Board of Education

Communications - New District Website

Director of Communications and Public Relations, Heather Harman-Michael, presented the board a preview of the new district website, which will launch mid-August, before the start of school.

Administration Reports

Dr. Eric Wilken

Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Eric Wilken, mentioned to the board that WCCF is looking for sponsors for t-shirts. He also pitched the idea of a One Team One Willard Community Senior Luncheon in which the school district meets with senior-aged community members to build relationships.

Dr. Wilken provided an update on Senate Bill 727, and mentioned that we are still waiting on guidance from DESE regarding the AMI requirement. He also mentioned we are moving the August 15th board meeting to August 22nd to accommodate with building open houses.

Dr. Josh Ladd

Assistant Superintendent of Academics, Dr. Josh Ladd, provided the board with an update on the United Principals Conference. Seven of our district principals attended the conference in Nashville, which covered topics like positive culture, communication, telling the district story, and more!

Dr. Ladd also gave an update on the Wit & Wisdom curriculum which was recently adopted by the district. Over 150 teachers will have participated in the first round of training by the end of the month.

Cathy Shoup

Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Cathy Shoup, provided the board with an update on several projects, including the Intermediate North roof replacement and classroom repairs following the storms from a couple of weeks ago. She also provided an update on summer projects and bond projects. The district received bids for North Elementary and the Middle School, which were over budget. District administration is working with Paragon and RESmith to adjust the blueprints to get closer to the bond budget.

Strategic Planning

Dr. Wilken mentioned that we are kicking off year two of our Strategic Plan implementation. He showed our task force teams and mentioned that each team will be gathering to assess year one progress and put a plan in place to track towards year two goals and strategies.

Business Items

MSBA Policy Update

The board was presented two updated board policies which include:

  • EHBD Artificial Intelligence Use
  • JFCI:2 Student Alcohol and Drug Testing

MSBA spearheaded the policy updates and the Willard District formulated committees to recommend the adoption of both policies to the board. The board voted to approve policy EHBD and requested additional information regarding policy JFCI:2.

Tax Rate Hearing

The board voted to set the tax rate hearing for the August 22, 2024 school board meeting.


The board voted to approve the following surplus items:

  • Two buses
  • Nutrition Services equipment
  • Technology smart boards

Future Ballot Discussion

Dr. Wilken informed the board about the need to initiate discussions regarding the ballot for April 1, 2025. The district is considering a dual 'Yes' ballot initiative. The first 'Yes' pertains to a proposed no tax increase 22-cent levy transfer, which would generate $1.24 million. The second 'Yes' involves another bond issue, as outlined in the Facility Committee Report presented during last month's board meeting. Stay tuned for more information regarding a future ballot.

Current Bond Project Tour

The board wrapped up the meeting visiting bond project sites at the High School, Central and South Elementary.

New Hires

The Board of Education voted to approve the following hires at the July 18th meeting.

Brandon Ridder, Assistant Middle School Track Coach

Kevin Brown, Head Wrestling Coach at MS

Joshua Tingler, IT General Technician

Faith Edwards, Communications and Administrative Specialist

Autumn Ware, 2 hour Nutrition Services at MS

Kaylee Friend, School Resource Officer

Ashton Morris, Elementary Teacher at Central

Emily Reavis, SPED Paraprofessional at WIS-S

Please join us in welcoming the newest members of our team!

Board Meeting Recording

To view a recording of the July 18, 2024 Board of Education meeting, click here.

Upcoming Meetings

The next board meeting will be a Study Session held on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. Open session will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Training Room.

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