March 2024

The Smart Border Coalition warmly welcomed Ambassador Alicia Kerber as its newest honorary board member during our recent board meeting. As the newly-appointed consul general of Mexico in San Diego, she had the opportunity to directly engage with our board, exchanging ideas and perspectives on the border and regional challenges and improvements. Additionally, our guest speaker was Mr. Sidney Aki, Director of Field Operations for U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

SBC Board members highlighted key areas of opportunity:

  • Implementing and expanding new and innovative border crossing alternatives.
  • Facilitating a flowing cultural exchange between San Diego and Tijuana.
  • Capitalizing on the rising flow of trade between the US and Mexico.
  • Creating a universal set of principles set by both sides of the border.
  • Creating a border environment that is welcoming and looks for the well being of our border crossing community.

CBP Director of Field Operations, shed light on key objectives that included:

  • Leveraging new technologies for safer and more expedited border crossings including the use of smartphones for anticipated arrival procedures at ports of entry.
  • Challenges CBP faces to hire new agents in the San Diego region
  • Improving border security and speeding up processing by utilizing Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technology to pre-screen vehicles from Mexico. This allows for thorough inspections and faster processing through enhanced security measures.

Border Wait Time Hybrid Tech Solution

Venu Sarakki introduced an innovative border wait times alternative

  • The approach can provide precise border wait times without infrastructure, covering all lane types including pedestrian and southbound approaches.
  • Uses latest GPS technology.
  • It offers route optimization based on port of entry (POE) crossing and wait times.
  • The hybrid solution is currently being implemented across four northern border ports of entry: Pacific Highway, Peace Arch, Lynden, and Sumas.

The SBC Board of Directors extends its gratitude to our member, John Alessio, Managing Partner at Procopio, for graciously hosting our board luncheon.

On February 28th, we collaborated with the OMCC to host our latest stakeholder working group meeting, which centered on the latest CARB regulations. Key presentations from SANDAG, CANACAR, CARB, and the State Government of Baja facilitated a comprehensive discussion, resulting in a highly productive and engaging session.

California Air Resources Board - Advanced Clean Fleets Presentation

  • The regulation sets aggressive goals for trucking fleets that operate and pass through California.
  • The hardest and most preliminary requirements only apply to High Priority Fleets. As 80% of fleets that cross the border are small, the initial requirements won’t apply to a majority of truckers and trucking firms from Mexico.
  • California state aid exists for trucking companies attempting to transition but it is unclear and unlikely that Mexican entities can benefit from this.

SANDAG white paper presentation

  • The critical role of local commercial ports as vital thoroughfares not only for trade between California and Mexico but also for Mexico and the entire United States.
  • The report indicates that the 1.4 million northbound trucks that crossed the region's three ports of entry in 2021 contributed $22.8 billion to California's economic output and $48.1 billion to the rest of the United States.
  • 87,000 jobs in California as well as an additional 180,000 for the rest of the states
  • Compliance with regulations for Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) is hindered by the high cost and inadequate local infrastructure, this includes charging stations and parking.
  • Freight routes could bypass California, resulting in economic losses.
  • Freight crossings are predominantly dominated by trucks, leading to a higher concentration of air pollution near the border

Baja California State Government & CANACAR presentation highlights

  • Saul de los Santos (State Government of BC) and Israel Delgado (Canacar) presented a report on the challenging situation for the Mexican trucking industry.
  • Difficulties with adequate financing for fleets and the access to power was a primary concern raised in the presentation.
  • Cali-Baja competitiveness is at risk.
  • Strong collaboration from public and private sectors is key.
  • De los Santos and Delgado emphasized the significance of achieving goals for a fair and sustainable transition to Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs).
  • $250 billion GDP for the Cali Baja Region with trucking aiding contributions of $44 billion to the California and $25 Billion to the Baja California economies.
  • $200 million in goods cross the California/Mexico border each day.

Listen to the Whose City Podcast with SBC Executive Director, Joaquin Luken

WHOSE CITY… is a podcast produced at the University of California, San Diego Design Lab. hosted and co-produced by Dr. Lawrence Herzog as he and his guests explore the latest urban and environmental planning & design issues facing 21st century cities. 

Click here to listen to episode 36 "New Challenges Crossing the Border"

San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Mission to D.C

April 14-17th

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