Volume 04 | January 14, 2019
Board Notes
Welcome back! The first issue of Board Notes in 2019 recaps the January 14, 2019 regular meeting of the Board of Education for School District No.73 (Kamloops-Thompson). Expect your next issue of Board Notes after the January 28, 2019 meeting.
Connection to Land and Place
Three questions guided Four Directions Secondary School ’s inquiry, supported by an Inquiry and Innovation funding grant, during the 2017-2018 school year. Four Directions teachers  Jordan Smith Courtney Bruin  and  Courtney Markin , together with their students, provided an overview of the program’s success in exploring: How do food decisions affect our well-being in all areas of our lives? How can traditional methods of subsistence be preserved over time? What can we learn from Indigenous peoples to help us conserve and restore B.C. salmon? Read more.
Literacy in Kamloops
Fiona Clare LinK coordinator presented a cheque for $51,488 from Decoda Literacy Solutions Society. The organization matched local fundraising efforts to support literacy throughout the region. January is Family Literacy Month in Kamloops and Clare outlined the many events throughout the community to promote family literacy and to encourage all family members to Unplug and Play (January 26 to February 2). The 10 th Annual Heap the Honda Children’s Book Drive runs until January 26. Read about more literacy events.
BC Heritage Fairs Societ y
Mary Compone and Karl deBruijn recognized the school district for its long-standing support of Heritage Fairs provincially and nationally. Of the 13 regions in the province that participate in the program, SD73 remains the sole school district supporting this initiative while the others are supported through local museums. The delegation will return and present a formal request for support at an upcoming board meeting.
Kindergarten and Schools of Choice Registration
Neighbourhood and Schools of Choice throughout the district will be registering kindergarten students.
  • Schools of Choice registration begins January 28 and runs until February 1 at noon.
  •  Neighbourhood Schools registration begins February 11 and runs until February 15. Kindergarten Roundup Information Night will be February 28 at the Henry Grube Education Centre.
Out of Town Field Trips
Sa-Hali Secondary
Twenty-one grade 9 to 11 students from Sa-Hali Secondary will participate in an exchange with students from Berlage Lyceum School in Amsterdam. The Dutch students will be in Kamloops from April 8 to 12 with SD73 students visiting Amsterdam September 23 to 27. The purpose of the exchange with Berlage Lyceum, a UNESCO school, is to network internationally on issues pertaining to climate change, water use, sustainability and global citizenship.
NorKam Secondary (Update)
The trip to Wales for 12 Biology 12 students that was approved by the board in June 2018 and scheduled for June 2019 is being postponed. Once dates have been reset NorKam will seek re-approval from the board for the students to study marine biology and ecological field work at the Dale Fort Field Centre .  
David Thompson and Westsyde Elementary Schools
The Board approved the consultation process to redraw the David Thompson Elementary catchment area and to re-open Westsyde Elementary School in September 2019 as recommended in the Long-Range Facilities Plan. David Thompson is currently at 100 per cent capacity and is one of the smallest buildings in the district with 400 students. There are challenges in accommodating learning assistance space, interdisciplinary team meeting space and providing regular access to common areas including the library and gymnasium in the school. Next steps include meeting with the parent community on January 30, 2019 at 7 pm, and communicating impending changes to the current tenants of Westsyde Elementary. More info here.
Aboriginal Dinner and Canoe Projec t
Nearly 100 people checked on the progress of a dugout canoe being carved at the Brocklehurst Middle School during one the school’s two Aboriginal dinners it hosts each year. Principal Jake Schmidt reports that the canoe is nearing completion.