Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Classified Employees Recognized

The Board of Trustees recognized four Classified Professionals celebrating 15 years of employment at Napa Valley College and thanked them for the contributions they make to our educational community. As of June 30, 2024, more than 89 classified professionals have reached 15 years of regular service at the college.

  • Mayra Estrada, Administrative Assistant, Admissions & Records
  • Eva Mijares, Administrative Assistant, Health Occupations
  • Renee Coffin, Senior Administrative Assistant, Counseling
  • Brooke Jackson, Senior Administrative Assistant, Facilities Services

Respiratory Care Program

The Board of Trustees heard a presentation offered by Respiratory Care Program Coordinator Ricardo Guzman.

First Reading - Educational Master Plan

The Board heard a presentation by WestEd, the district's partner in developing the NVC Educational Master Plan (EMP), the major planning document of the college and includes goals and strategic directions for the next five years: 2024-2029. The goals outlined in the plan center around five main themes:
  • Enrollment Stabilization
  • Equitable Student Outcomes
  • Program Alignment with Regional Labor Market Goals
  • Infrastructure Improvements and Fiscal Sustainability
  • Culture and Climate

Board Hears Equity Definition

 The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee developed a document that defines the term, "equity," and situates it as a guiding principle at Napa Valley College. Dr. van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy presented an overview of the document, the process through which it was developed and circulated for input and endorsement, and next steps in operationalizing this concept of equity at Napa Valley College.

Board Approves Plan to Offer Naming Opportunities for Wine and Hospitality Education Center

The Board approved a request by the NVC Foundation to offer naming opportunities for a number of spaces and areas in the proposed Wine and Hospitality Training Center to recognize donors who make philanthropic gifts specifically for the construction of the project.

Board Approves Curriculum Changes

The Board approved changes to the curriculum.

Board Approves International Travel
The Board approved international travel for Dr. Powell.

Board Considers Board Polices

The board held a first reading of the following board policies, which it will consider for adoption at the May meeting:
  • BP 1100 - no changes are proposed
  • BP 3720 Computer and Network Use - no changes
  • BP 3710 Securing of Copyright - no changes
  • BP 3715 Intellectual Property- no changes
  • BP 3820 Gifts - no changes
Documents with proposed revisions:
  • BP 3250 Institutional Planning
  • BP 5020 Non-Resident Tuition
  • BP 5030 Fees
  • BP 6910 Housing
  • BP 7230 Classified Employees
  • AP 2721 Board of Trustee District Email Accounts

The Board also held a first reading for repealing the following two board policies which have a been replaced by administrative procedures:
BP 7115 Ethical Standards
BP 737 Fingerprinting

Board Hears Update on the Board Policy Manual

The Board was presented with review of the timeline and progress made in bringing the Board Policy Manual in legal compliance.

Agreements and Contracts Approved
The Board of Trustees approved agreements with:

NorthSTAR Homes: This MOU with NorthStar will provide NVC Psychiatric Technician students with clinical opportunities to assist adults with developmental disabilities.
Budget Update & Adjustment

Jim Reeves, Vice President of Business & Finance, provided an update on the Unrestricted General Fund 11 (operating fund) Revenues and Expenditures through March 31, 2024 and the Board approved budget adjustment.

Annual Report and Annual Fiscal Report Submissions to Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges

Each year, member institutions are required to submit an Annual Report and an Annual Fiscal Report to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). The Annual Report includes data on student enrollment and summarizes recent performance relative to institution-set standards defining academic quality. The Annual Fiscal Report includes data summarizing institutional finance, including revenues, expenditures, liabilities, cash position, audit findings, FTES, and the fund balance. Both reports contain data pertaining to the past three years.
Performance Reports: Core Indicators Report and Vision for Success Performance
Dr. Wornall presented two district performance reports. The Core Indicators Report is an institutional effectiveness report that is produced each year to monitor performance relative to local goals established by the Board of Trustees for accreditation purposes. It compares institution-level performance in the most recent academic year to institution-set standards, which define academic quality. 

The Vision for Success Performance Report is a similar annual report, which focuses on local goals associated with the Vision for Success of the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). It compares institution-level performance in the most recent academic year (for which Vision for Success data are reported on the CCCCO's Student Success Metrics website) to NVC's established Vision for Success goals. 
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 5/16/24