Bo Arrived Safely at

He’s really here! Bo arrived at Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA) and is already exploring his new home.

Our hearts just about stopped when this magnificent elephant stepped out of his trailer. What a joy – 10,000 lbs of calm.
It’s hard to believe how much we’ve accomplished in a few short weeks to prepare for Bo’s arrival. We:
  • reinforced 2,000 feet of fencing for Bo’s initial seven-acre habitat
  • finished plumbing and installing Bo’s water trough
  • installed streaming video and security systems 
  • and, thanks to the generosity of Jimmy Boette, we sealed the pond in Bo's habitat to ensure that it retains water.

Reinforcing all 2,000 feet of fencing for Bo’s initial seven-acre habitat was a must-do job.
It’s serious fencing: six-inch thick-wall steel pipe, driven four feet into the ground, standing seven-foot-tall and connected with a three-inch steel top rail. Nothing but the best for Bo!

Sometimes you have to work fast and trust that the money will come. We had $50,000 in hand from a generous donor for the steel pipe. So we went ahead, assuming that it’s what you, our supporters, would want.
Now we have only about $60,000 left to raise to finish paying off the fence.
Once that’s done we can start reinforcing the fence for the 100 glorious acres of woods, pastures, streams and pastures that will be Bo’s permanent habitat.

You’ve been with us every step of the way. We can’t say it enough: We wouldn’t be watching Bo delight in his new habitat today if it weren’t for you!

Now Bo needs YOU. Please help us raise $60,000 for this first stage so we can get started on reinforced fencing for Bo’s full 100-acre habitat.

Can you help us do it?

We hope you know by now that all donations are welcome, regardless of their amount. If you can give $6, $60, $600 or $6,000, you will be part of a new chapter of the history of elephants in the United States.

As the saying goes, if you build it, they will come.

If you prefer, you can donate an item on Bo’s Habitat Wish List
Thank you for your generosity and continued support.
Together we are creating a new future for elephants in captivity.

Learn more about Bo and our next steps at elephantaidinternational.org/bos-home/.
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One World... One Elephant at a Time 
Elephant Aid International | elephantaidinternational.org