Blooms Among Thorns
Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
As we build the Kingdom of God in India, our ministry faces various challenges. One of these challenges is the purchase of course manuals. Many eager students seek to learn the Word of God, make disciples, and train others, but unfortunately, they cannot afford the manuals required to join discipleship classes. Please pray for the provision of funds for these less privileged students. Additionally, our teachers also face challenges as they passionately support their classes in whatever need they have. As part of their commitment to their classes, teachers will occasionally provide financial support to struggling students, including money for transportation. They also go the extra mile to ensure their students' safety in the hostile environment of India. We are indeed blooms among thorns.

May God bless you all,

North India Area Coordinator
Thank you so much for your prayers and support in furthering God's work in North India. By God's grace, we were able to hold a graduation ceremony this month where 13 students were able to graduate.
In North India, our Area Coordinator oversees several CCI teachers and classes. Three of these classes are new and just starting out. Will you support this work with a one-year commitment?
Pastor M teaching in a village to five students.
Pastor J teaching a new class in another village to five students.
Pastor A teaching a new class to five students.
Pastor J teaching a new class to five students.
"Hello, greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I currently attend training in a small village, which started with Pastor P. He had met me and shared about the CCI Bible training, and I said I would think about it. Again, the next week he mentioned it to me again, but I made excuses to join the class. One day I thought, I guess I can attend the class and see what it is all about. So, while I was in the class, I felt something different than other Bible studies. By the grace of God, I have been attending classes and enjoying learning the Word of God deeply. I thank God and for His servants in CCI, and all those who are equipping and training others. God bless you all!

- Pastor R
Prayer Requests & Praises
Please pray for the state of Punjab. Recently, 1,438 villages in 19 districts have been devastated by floods. Tragically, 41 lives have been lost, and more than 1,600 individuals have been forced to seek shelter in relief camps.

Please pray that scholarships can be provided to underprivileged students to purchase books. Many of the students in my ministry area struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis. If you feel led to help, please click HERE.

Our CCI North India Area Coordinator needs your support to continue expanding the ministry and doing God's work. Please prayerfully consider partnering with him through your prayers and financial support as he teaches God's Word and mentors disciples in God's power.
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