Welcome to the Spring Edition of FaithHopeandFiction.com

Bloom! Is there a more uplifting verb in all our shared language? I’m reminded of this every day when I run the trail near where I live. Just yesterday, apple blossoms burst into vibrant delicacy. Here is my inspiration as I sit at my desk to write my latest mystery novel. Let's all encourage those seeds of our next ideas to sprout, grow, and bloom!

To help put you in that creative frame of mind, please visit FaithHopeandFiction.com, where you’ll find stories, essays, and poems to entertain, inspire, and delight. The latest include: A Hero Calls by J.H. Jones, Shiny by Alan Caldwell, The Old Man, the Dog, and the Cornbread by Samantha Rae Garvey, Missing the Muse & Other Poems by Joseph Roque – and my latest short story, Old Growth, and my blog, The Blue Light of Dawn.

And please check out the latest in my Ohnita Harbor Mystery Series – including my new book, The Secrets of Still Waters Chasm, available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble and from your favorite independent bookstore.

To keep up with me and my writing journey, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/triciacrisafulli/

Wishing you a fruitful – and blooming – spring.

- Tricia


Thanks for being part of our Faith Hope & Fiction community. Spread the word—we’re an oasis on the web for quality original fiction, essays, art, and poetry. Our website is free, and always will be.

Yours, Patricia Crisafulli
Founder & Publisher
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Faith Hope & Fiction®
310 Busse Highway, #351
Park Ridge, IL 60068

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